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Posts posted by Alatar.7364

  1. > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

    > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

    > > > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > > > > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

    > > > > > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > > > > > > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

    > > > > > > > what kind of balance is that?

    > > > > > > > like mesmers skills get interrupted if someone goes behind you or from your sides making you waste the skill and get killed, then you have other classes that can teleport behind walls and auto turn to atk?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Because of theme and functionality of skills.

    > > > > > > Imagine if Warrior, who's every single skill is a nuke-level dmg, could teleport.

    > > > > > > Then you have Thief who can teleport but its weapon dmg is a stupid joke compared to Warrior _(of course unless you go full Backstab build in which case you have one chance to land it, if you dont you hit 200 dagger AAs for next 20 seconds)_

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > The game attempts _(attempted)_ to make ratios between stuff like DMG/Mobility, etc. etc. even though we all know it failed miserably in many instances, however in some it's working. So in case it crossed your mind, the fact that some can teleport behind walls doesn't mean everyone should nor the fact that some cant doesn't mean noone should. It's just about the numbers and number of effects caused by single skills.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > none should teleport behind walls, thiefs can use it to avoid hits making them invunerable for a long time, then i don't think warriors should leap behind walls too(they don't), i think they need to remove the auto turn for any class, this just make unbalance it's for all or for no one.

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Thief invulnerable for long time? What? If Thief is hiding behind wall then the enemy is not being attacked by Thief so this goes both ways. Also what autoturn?

    > > >

    > > > sword 2, he just teleport to you, atk you 3~5 times, then teleport back to the wall before you even react because it's instant, if you react fast he will just teleport and your skill will be obstructed then you wasted all your skills cooldowns, sometimes you just lose the target and the skill gets interrupted.

    > > >

    > > > and just to make clear IM NOT ASKING TO REMOVE TELEPORTS, but everyskill should have a line of sight, if the thief want to teleport he should teleport in a valid path, im ok with the return going back to a wall if the thief walked there... but the strike hit should not

    > >

    > > .........

    > > Sword 2 alone has 0.25 to 0.50 sec after cast and you are telling me eating next 5 attacks out of which there is none that has channel/cast shorter than 0.5 sec equals "an instant". Standing without action, eating dmg for almost 3 second = instant event which should disallow ports from behind walls?


    > sword 2 imobilize you so you can't turn around and react fast, so yeah he have free hits behind a wall, the surprise factor shoud come from stealth not from abusing a bad game design, also no one will react in 0,5s, then if he have quickness you going to eat all these atks


    What you are saying is impossible to happen if your enemy has at least quarter of brain, I have ton of experience as Thief and ton at fighting it including S2 and I can safely say what you describe is a fantasy. Even in the impossible nonexistent scenario that you would not have at least one condi clense, or some CC, or block, or blind or port or aegis even in that scenario the Immob lasts 1 sec, so you still stood for almost 2 seconds and did nothing. S/D thief doesn't use/have quickness and no it is perfectly easy to react in 0.5 sec. I do it daily, people do it daily to me. For example Arcing Slice is 0.5 sec and its generally considered both interuptable or avoidable.

  2. > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

    > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

    > > > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > > > > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

    > > > > > what kind of balance is that?

    > > > > > like mesmers skills get interrupted if someone goes behind you or from your sides making you waste the skill and get killed, then you have other classes that can teleport behind walls and auto turn to atk?

    > > > >

    > > > > Because of theme and functionality of skills.

    > > > > Imagine if Warrior, who's every single skill is a nuke-level dmg, could teleport.

    > > > > Then you have Thief who can teleport but its weapon dmg is a stupid joke compared to Warrior _(of course unless you go full Backstab build in which case you have one chance to land it, if you dont you hit 200 dagger AAs for next 20 seconds)_

    > > > >

    > > > > The game attempts _(attempted)_ to make ratios between stuff like DMG/Mobility, etc. etc. even though we all know it failed miserably in many instances, however in some it's working. So in case it crossed your mind, the fact that some can teleport behind walls doesn't mean everyone should nor the fact that some cant doesn't mean noone should. It's just about the numbers and number of effects caused by single skills.

    > > >

    > > > none should teleport behind walls, thiefs can use it to avoid hits making them invunerable for a long time, then i don't think warriors should leap behind walls too(they don't), i think they need to remove the auto turn for any class, this just make unbalance it's for all or for no one.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Thief invulnerable for long time? What? If Thief is hiding behind wall then the enemy is not being attacked by Thief so this goes both ways. Also what autoturn?


    > sword 2, he just teleport to you, atk you 3~5 times, then teleport back to the wall before you even react because it's instant, if you react fast he will just teleport and your skill will be obstructed then you wasted all your skills cooldowns, sometimes you just lose the target and the skill gets interrupted.


    > and just to make clear IM NOT ASKING TO REMOVE TELEPORTS, but everyskill should have a line of sight, if the thief want to teleport he should teleport in a valid path, im ok with the return going back to a wall if the thief walked there... but the strike hit should not



    Sword 2 alone has 0.25 to 0.50 sec after cast and you are telling me eating next 5 attacks out of which there is none that has channel/cast shorter than 0.5 sec equals "an instant". Standing without action, eating dmg for almost 3 second = instant event which should disallow ports from behind walls?

  3. > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

    > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

    > > > what kind of balance is that?

    > > > like mesmers skills get interrupted if someone goes behind you or from your sides making you waste the skill and get killed, then you have other classes that can teleport behind walls and auto turn to atk?

    > >

    > > Because of theme and functionality of skills.

    > > Imagine if Warrior, who's every single skill is a nuke-level dmg, could teleport.

    > > Then you have Thief who can teleport but its weapon dmg is a stupid joke compared to Warrior _(of course unless you go full Backstab build in which case you have one chance to land it, if you dont you hit 200 dagger AAs for next 20 seconds)_

    > >

    > > The game attempts _(attempted)_ to make ratios between stuff like DMG/Mobility, etc. etc. even though we all know it failed miserably in many instances, however in some it's working. So in case it crossed your mind, the fact that some can teleport behind walls doesn't mean everyone should nor the fact that some cant doesn't mean noone should. It's just about the numbers and number of effects caused by single skills.


    > none should teleport behind walls, thiefs can use it to avoid hits making them invunerable for a long time, then i don't think warriors should leap behind walls too(they don't), i think they need to remove the auto turn for any class, this just make unbalance it's for all or for no one.



    Thief invulnerable for long time? What? If Thief is hiding behind wall then the enemy is not being attacked by Thief so this goes both ways. Also what autoturn?

  4. > @"Neil.3825" said:

    > You made a point for thief but are Revs and Guardians's "weapon dmg a stupid joke compared to Warrior" ?


    Warrior has much higher dmg than both of them, Warrior has worse _(but still very good)_ burst-dmg skills _(actually it has the best burst in game on Rampage)_, but its sustained dmg is outputting a lot more than Rev or Guard, that's why Warrior is the duelist while neither Rev nor Guard are with Warrior winning vs both of them, which is why I am saying it doesn't make sense to have all use teleport or none. Not to mention the much better survivability than Rev or Guard and even much better mobility in case of Guard.

  5. > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

    > Please Anet.


    > D/P is a build I have always been fond of for years, and all I really want is for it to be brought back into viability. 900 range on swipe would do it. Please bring back the fun skillful build that is D/P so thief isn't a spam 2 button class.


    Core D/P is actually viable in very same way old DrD D/P was, without loss of dmg or mobility compared to DrD.

    _(technically speaking in regard to build x build comparison, you have to keep in mind that Meta is also different and as such range of Swipe doesn't play a role in match environment, what plays a role is the number of instances/scenarios in which D/P can land its burst or do stealth decap which is not as affected by the build itself but rather by enemy builds, eg: invuls, block spam, blind spam, long reveals, etc. In short: Yes, Swipe makes it more difficult, but it doesn't make any difference what range you attack from when your target is randomly farting negating effects, making Swipe 900 would not change D/P viability in current Meta)_

  6. > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

    > what kind of balance is that?

    > like mesmers skills get interrupted if someone goes behind you or from your sides making you waste the skill and get killed, then you have other classes that can teleport behind walls and auto turn to atk?


    Because of theme and functionality of skills.

    Imagine if Warrior, who's every single skill is a nuke-level dmg, could teleport.

    Then you have Thief who can teleport but its weapon dmg is a stupid joke compared to Warrior _(of course unless you go full Backstab build in which case you have one chance to land it, if you dont you hit 200 dagger AAs for next 20 seconds)_


    The game attempts _(attempted)_ to make ratios between stuff like DMG/Mobility, etc. etc. even though we all know it failed miserably in many instances, however in some it's working. So in case it crossed your mind, the fact that some can teleport behind walls doesn't mean everyone should nor the fact that some cant doesn't mean noone should. It's just about the numbers and number of effects caused by single skills.

  7. > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > @"Kageseigi.2150" said:

    > > The more I look at other professions and their skills/mechanics, the more jealous I get. Not just because they are strong, but because they thematically fit the Thief much, much better!

    > >


    > Yeah don't do that, else you'll find Revenant and how the dual-swords Unrelenting Assault fits perfectly with the Thief and the single-sword Precision Strike and Deathstrike. However, I'm not jealous, I'm peeved.




    Swear to God like a week ago I was about to make post exactly about those Revs sword skills and how they should have been on Thief along with Rev Staff 3 but then I scraped it cuz theres no point anymore.

  8. > @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

    > Yeah, so many leavers/afkers/bots/quitters compared to previous seasons.



    This statement appears every single season though. While the begining of this Season was definitely one of the worst I ever had the indignity of experiencing, it is still most likely not any more plagued than the Season or two before.


  9. > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

    > The best thing I do on my Ele is exactly this to thieves, and then they rage at me, because I am "running from the fight", but when thieves do it, they are "resetting CDs". Like, really dude?


    I find it impossible to believe that **A)** there is any instance Ele needs to run away from Thief and **B.)** Any thief would rage at anyone that they are running away.

  10. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > Anyone else notice this when they are being marked or making the mark?


    > That sound is a pretty critical tell, especially when they dont run mug (SA DE).


    Ye, but that goes for multiple skills, especially regarding stealth + quickness, I quite often get shot at by DJ with no tell or sound **before** DE goes to stealth. I know DE had quickness, went to stealth and fired DJ, but my client is just not picking it up, same for CnD + Backstab when under quickness, by the time my screen sees CnD its actually Backstab.

  11. Condi S/D is **nowhere near** shit, neither is Power S/D.

    The others such as D/P or DE are not as easy to pick up an a bit more difficult to have an impact with, but viable nontheless, especially DE is actually pretty f****** ca**** if played with a bit of brain even to a degree when it becomes more impactful than Power S/D.

  12. > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > The spammable nature of thief skills allows players to stack the poison triggered from panic strike, and there are 3 weapon skills thief has that can immobilize you.

    > >

    > > Body shot, spotter's shot, and infiltrators strike.

    > >

    > > The reason sword 2 is problematic, and not the traits panic strike or the other two weapons, is that sword 2 does not require line of sight.

    > >

    > > You port in, steal, and then dodge, striking them with lotus daggers.

    > >

    > > During that duration of immobile, you hit them with all of that and they can't dodge.

    > >

    > > Body shot is slow and easily dodged, kited, and los.

    > >

    > > Spotter's shot can not be used with lotus training.

    > >

    > > Sword 2 keeps its efficacy while other configurations are being damaged and lowered in power.

    > >

    > > If you want to keep the design of the traits, and thief without that much work, simply REMOVE the immobile from sword 2.

    > >

    > > Replace it with chill or cripple.

    > >

    > > The build will fade into oblivion and other manageable condi thieves can play on without you having to recalculate how to make them work without deleting them.

    > >

    > > It really is that simple.

    > >

    > > Please remove the immobile off sword 2.

    > >

    > > INB4 Power thieves say but but I need that to do damage....no you don't, and chill and cripple will work just fine. Maybe start asking for sword buffs else where.


    > Ok, run condi s/d with out panic strike and let's see how effective it is.


    Or run Condi S/D without S#2 and see how effective it is?

    The Argument is the same for both ideas, only one of them also happens to nerf multiple builds/options/weaponsets and the other only the targeted one with a very negligible impact in the Power S/D.

  13. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > snips


    > the fact that sword 2 isn't a problem on power should tell you all you need to know.


    I explained in my post why S#2 is not a problem on Power Builds and why that also means that nerfing Panic Strike would nerf everything and not the only build that's exploiting with it.


    Its simple, you nerf Panic Strike = you nerf multiple builds and likely prevent future ones from exiting.

    You change Immob on S#2 you nerf only Condi S/D. Power S/X would benefit the same if not more actually, from chill or what I'd like more, slow.

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