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Posts posted by Swagger.1459

  1. > @"Marissa.4796" said:

    > Hey!

    > Making a Charr ranger, and looking for ideas about her last name.


    > She's Flame Legion under Efram Greetsglory - she's a neice of his who was supposed to be a elementalist, but can't summon fire magic for the life of her - so she got a torch, a flame trap, and a flame Wyvrn instead. Hey, fire's fire, right?


    > Any ideas?


    Marissa Flameglory

  2. > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

    > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > “I don't see too many out there.”

    > >

    > > Bc they are subpar. Roll with damage builds.


    > Enlightening. All this time spent in WvW and I never knew that. Thanks for the valuable feedback


    you are very welcome for that enlightening and valuable feedback.

  3. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > T2 leg weapons and leg trinkets require MC.

    > from dayli login we get 260 per year. So it easy do 1 leg trinket per year, and MC till be more than you need. ..


    > > Mystic Clovers are very time consuming to obtain

    > ?? don't think so. This is can be some problem only if player don't play wvw or pvp, and don.t run drizzlewood meta each day. For fractal players also +2 clover eash day mostly for FREE.


    > > Legendary Armory will come. Demand for items will increase.

    > who knows? And again - if not craft T2 weapons - per dayli login player earn more, than can spend for trinkets ..

    > I don't know no one player who play gw2 not have already 3 leg sets and some trinkets ..


    > > MC cost will go up from demand and if methods to get MC don’t change.

    > If mcoin need only for clover and t2 weapons don't see any reason to up price more.


    > > Don’t underestimate the power of Legendary Armory.

    > don't try find tie between m-clover and m-coin. After some range there is no any poin spend gold for m-clover, you get it without any TP manipulation from reward tracks.



    I already said it takes time, and all you are doing is reinforcing that... You supporting my argument.


    Just an example of what you are saying. No, I'm not going to go into the specifics of exact numbers... "from dayli login we get 260 per year." Per YEAR... 1 per YEAR. A YEAR...


    And most of the PVE player base does not wvw or spvp.


    "meta each day"... grind each day for a few.


    As stated. Lots of TIME to do it without the use of MC for MClovers. Period.


    It is MADATORY to use MC for T2 leg and leg trinks. PLUS MClovers.


    "don't try find tie between m-clover and m-coin.". They are intertwined already.


    What do you think Leg Armory no big deal??? Yeah...



  4. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > "What does that gain them apart from a lot of Mystic Coins?"

    > > It gains them a lot of extra loot when legendary account gear goes live. There are very limited sources of mystic coins, yet a lot of uses for those mystic coins.

    > As for my vision it looks like fake? At first not not needed for each leg. It needed ONLY for leg weapons from T2 tiers ONLY


    > > "The Mystic Clovers needed for first generation legendary weapons and legendary backpacks require approximately 231 Mystic Coins to craft.

    > no. It is require approximately 0 Mystic Coins to craft.


    > > Second generation weapons and legendary trinkets require approximately 481.

    > only 250. Also keep eye that the T2 leg is Account bound, so Do some magic business it not have way. Make for myself only mode and any speculation is blocked by realization.


    > > The Mystic Clovers needed for a set of legendary armor requires approximately 273 Mystic Coins to craft."

    > also it a little bit FAKE. It not need any MCoins to craft. Have many legendary sets and no one require MCoins


    > All that notes exist on in point of view if person try forge Mystic Clovers from Mystic Coins. It is very strange idea.




    T2 leg weapons and leg trinkets require MC.


    Mystic Clovers are very time consuming to obtain.


    Legendary Armory will come. Demand for items will increase. MC cost will go up from demand and if methods to get MC don’t change.


    Don’t underestimate the power of Legendary Armory.



  5. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > I doubt it will have much of an impact. People who want to buy can put an order up for 1.8001 gold to get MCs before the 1.8 gold buyer. If they do want them faster, more people can do the daily Ley Line Anomaly event and get an additional 30 coins a month on top of their 20 from login bonus and the ones from Mystic Coin dailies. In general, higher prices encourage others to farm the event or sell the ones in their stash which bring the supply back up.

    > >

    > > Until it is a whole new ball game for mats when the legendary gear changes drop.


    > Until...


    > Which is sometime in the unknown and speculative future and doesn’t really relate to the current prices and supply.


    > My personal opinion is that trying to control the price/supply of this item, like this person is allegedly doing, is spitting in the wind. This isn’t a real item with a finite supply but a virtual item which is manufactured out of thin air everyday and the supply on the market can fluctuate greatly from people selling their stash (of which ANet has already said there are large numbers sitting in banks) and increased numbers of people doing the Ley Line event. I do that one each day and it has hordes of people already at every time, sometimes multiple maps worth. Like any item where the supply is flexible, increased prices cause more to appear on the trading post and prices to drop.


    > imo, anyone who attempts to control prices on this item with a large buy order and then hoarding will find out his attempt will be a blip on the market and then nothing... as the coins continue to flow in.


    Correct, until.


    I, personally, do not underestimate the effect on mats given that the Legendary Armory will be the single biggest QoL gearing feature this game has had. And with limited/low acquisition rates of Mystic Coins, it's easy to see why any "high roller" wouldn't hedge their bets on Mystic Coins in preparation. And it's unlikely that the devs will add in a bunch of new ways to get Mystic Coins, so those bets are probably safer to make, especially if someone has that type of gold to play around with.

  6. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > I doubt it will have much of an impact. People who want to buy can put an order up for 1.8001 gold to get MCs before the 1.8 gold buyer. If they do want them faster, more people can do the daily Ley Line Anomaly event and get an additional 30 coins a month on top of their 20 from login bonus and the ones from Mystic Coin dailies. In general, higher prices encourage others to farm the event or sell the ones in their stash which bring the supply back up.


    Until it is a whole new ball game for mats when the legendary gear changes drop.

  7. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > A lot of people do match the current price rather than going above it.


    > According to [GW2 Spidy](https://www.gw2spidy.com/item/19976) earlier today there were buy orders above that price, and before that the price for both sell and buy orders was lower. Also I've been watching the price and volume of buy orders while writing this post and the number of buy orders at 1.8g is dropping steadily, so they are selling. To me it looks like 1.8g is about the limit of what most buyers are willing to pay, at least for now. The price has previously been lower than that and has never been much higher so it's reasonable to expect it will drop again and all the buy orders at 1.8g will be met sooner or later. Why pay more than you need to, unless you really need it right now (and if you need it right now why not use the buy instantly option?)


    > But also lets flip the question on it's head: Why would 1 person devote all the gold it's possible to have on 3 accounts to placing buy orders on Mystic Coins at the current market rate? What does that gain them apart from a lot of Mystic Coins?


    "What does that gain them apart from a lot of Mystic Coins?"


    It gains them a lot of extra loot when legendary account gear goes live. There are very limited sources of mystic coins, yet a lot of uses for those mystic coins.




    "The Mystic Clovers needed for first generation legendary weapons and legendary backpacks require approximately 231 Mystic Coins to craft.


    Second generation weapons and legendary trinkets require approximately 481.


    The Mystic Clovers needed for a set of legendary armor requires approximately 273 Mystic Coins to craft."



    Edit- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Login_rewards


    "A full cycle will yield the following total rewards:


    20 Mystic Coins"


    And choosing one of the end chest rewards gives you...


    "7 Mystic Clovers"


    And Mystic Clovers are time consuming to obtain as well, that is if you don't go the Mystic Forge route which requires Mystic Coins...




    ...People are banking on the fact that Anet will not add in more options to obtain Mystic Coins.

  8. > @"JUN YANG.4328" said:

    > base on the new trailer. anet given multiple "looks" "colour" of Tengu. i think it will be big chance, Tengu is the next useable races on EOD. and share the outfit/ layout with charr.



    Nah. They showed Dwarves first. It’s gonna be Dwarf 100% because we need a shorter race option. We already have 2 large races, 2 medium races, and there is only 1 small race currently.


    Dwarf is where it’s at, so forgot about tengu stuff. And we definitely don’t need them unsanitary bird-thing-creatures poopin’ all over the place either.

  9. > @"Antigravity.4083" said:

    > Ya, I think this would be absolutely great.


    > I don't really post here often at all but I've been playing for around 4 years with the boyfriend & co. I really love the game now after a kinda slow start, and I owe this to his patience and his sister's patience with my loud, entertaining protests at every little oddity... many of which I find endearing at this point.


    > One subject however is still a running joke between us all - and that is the play through of the personal story: I don't want to dice my words or waste time so I'll say "it has not aged well". Compare it to the excellent words I hear about the Icebrood Saga - for the first time I'm really excited to play story driven content in this game. Also, there are serious technical issues in some of the instances... I've managed to kick myself behind map assets twice now, once by just swimming through a wall in [Abaddon's temple](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Temple_of_the_Forgotten_God), and this is terrifying to me so I mention it specifically.


    > For perspective: I myself am not a good judge of these things. I'm pretty impatient first of all, and I tend to be highly critical of timings, cut scenes, general flow and awkwardness that might otherwise be overlooked. My boyfriend is eons ahead in patience and sees the flowers really, but he is not a fan of the PS instances at all, and especially of Trahearn - despite his fine voice acting. In fact, my boyfriend detests Trahearn and I have all the jokes about it. My boyfriend's sister is a published novelist (steam punk, mystery & magic) and uses terms like "Head Cannon" that I have trouble contemplating. She remains silent on the subject, but occasionally emits groans when I whine about them joining me in my attempts re: the personal story.


    > I'm trying at the moment to play through everything start to finish because it soothes my neurotic ENFP mind and I keep thinking that a new player just introduced to the game might get a certain impression about the current content when struggling through this ancient content ...and so here I'm pitching a hugely expensive remaster :D Also, I understand the content is the result of a lot of hard work by a lot of good people, and I know that spirit continues at Anet, and that's why I'm even talking about this. I think it would be a great thing to see this stuff reworked to again become a prominent component of the game as it is today.


    "here I'm pitching a hugely expensive remaster :D Also, I understand the content is the result of a lot of hard work by a lot of good people, and I know that spirit continues at Anet, and that's why I'm even talking about this. I think it would be a great thing to see this stuff reworked to again become a prominent component of the game as it is today."


    That's correct. Hugely expensive and time consuming. And so much so, that development in other areas of the game would suffer as a result.


    What we need is new content and the devs to fix up stuff that's vital to the game, not pour tons of money and time into something that already works well.

  10. @"Animism.7530"


    “Being able to play the game for free in a limited capacity isn't even related to what we're discussing.”


    Box fee.


    No monthly sub.


    0 items on the gem store that provide a power advantage over other players.


    Players can buy anything off the gem store for $0.


    Yeah... real “unethical”.

  11. @"Animism.7530"


    Still didn't answer these...


    "Think it would be good for you to gain a better understanding of “pay to win”... And if you think you do understand already, then I want you to explain, in detail, what are the cash only items offered on the gemstore that provide a statistical advantage over another player? What items give players a statistical advantage over other players in wvw, spvp, open world pve, raids, and fractals... that are only available to folks that fork over real money?


    You, like the op, accused Anet of being “predatory”... So I want you to explain to the community exactly how a game that doesn’t charge a monthly sub and allows players to exchange gold for gems to get anything off the gemstore for $0 “predatory”?"



  12. > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

    > So basicly he's pretty much the guy responsible for balance, but he has to work on higher priority projects 99% of the time. I'd say PvP will die if this is the amount of investment it gets, but one could argue it already did.


    PvP died in the first couple years. It's just a zombie now that should have been put down when ESL canned GW2 in 2015. Waste of resources to keep feeding it so it can just lumber on.

  13. > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

    > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > Nothing in those BL chest have ever provided a competitive advantage, aka “pay to win”, over other players. And if EU wants to go crazy with blanket regulations then game companies will just region block certain sales and call it a day.

    > I think ANet will think of something other than blocking a region with a greater population than the USA.


    I would think again...




    "FAQ: This Item is Not Available for Purchase in your Region

    In some regions, certain items may be disabled or unavailable to purchase by users. If this is the case, you may receive the following error when viewing some items in the Gem Store:


    This item is not available for purchase in your region.


    The most common reason you'll see this message is when an item cannot be sold due to local or regional laws. In most cases, these laws are targeted at items with random elements that can be purchased with real money.


    Please note that some items are only offered at specific times during the year. For more information about how and when you can obtain any given item, please visit the official Guild Wars 2 wiki.


    Current Restrictions

    Here are the territories currently impacted by local or regional gaming laws:



  14. > @"Zok.4956" said:

    > Hi,


    > as you may remember, there are several countries in Europe, that rule against illegal gambling in computer games. In Belgium EA had to remove to option to pay for lootboxes with real money in FIFA in 2019.


    > In the Netherlands the goverment regulator for gambling (Ksa) ruled in the past that the Lootboxes of EA FIFA are in fact illegal gambling (EA needs a license for this kind of gambling). EA did not agree with that decision and went to court against it.


    > Now a dutch court in Den Haag ruled (SGR 20/3038 and SGR 20/3905) in October 2020, that those lootboxes are in fact illegal gambling and EA has to remove them within three weeks or EA has to pay a penalty of 500000 Euro PER WEEK.


    > Whats interesting about this for GW2: The court explained their decision why it is gambling with the fact, that those Lootboxes can be bought with real money. It is still gambling, if there are *also* other ways to buy lootboxes (i.e. in-game currency) without paying real money. It also does not matter if the items are Pay-to-win or just cosmetic.


    > From my understanding, the lootboxes in GW2, the Black-Lion boxes, seem to match the courts criteria of illegal gambling. You can buy Black-Lion boxes with GEMs that you can buy with real money.


    > The courts ruling is legally not final. EA still could appeal to the ruling and involve a higher court.


    > I am wondering, if the lootboxes/gambling in GW2 will be changed in time, or if Anet/NCsoft waits until the last moment with this change and hopes, that higher courts will decide differently, or that GW2 is too small as a game and they can duck-and-cover for a long time until then, because tempting minors to gamble is a too good revenue stream for the company.


    > P.S. Not every gambling is illegal. But to be allowed to provide gambling and online gambling in a lot of european countries, you have to apply for a gambling license. This gambling license does usually include, that you must not allow minors to gamble and that you must follow the other rules for the online gambling license.



    Are you implying that Black Lion Chest items fall under these these types of categories?


    “Star cards were essential to improving the abilities of users’ characters in online multi-player mode. By stashing star cards inside of loot boxes, users had to pay for random multiplayer advantages.”


    “Loot boxes in and of themselves are not necessarily controversial. Trading cash for in-game advantages (often essential), however, is murky territory.“



    “Back in 2017, EA sparked a huge online controversy with loot boxes in "Star Wars: Battlefront II." Iconic characters like Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker were exclusively available through loot boxes upon the game's release, causing outrage among passionate "Star Wars" fans.”



    “In EA's soccer game, "FIFA 19," players can purchase loot boxes in the form of randomized player cards. The cards are used to build a team of star players in a competitive mode called "FIFA Ultimate Team," but the best players are hard to find. In fact, some of the rarest cards in FIFA 19 show up in less than 1% of packs.”



    Yeah, you can buy Black Lion Keys with money. Players can also exchange their game gold to get Black Lion Keys for free.


    Nothing in those BL chest have ever provided a competitive advantage, aka “pay to win”, over other players. And if EU wants to go crazy with blanket regulations then game companies will just region block certain sales and call it a day.

  15. @"guardian of fortuide.1724"


    “Have a Agony Resistance esc. system that locks raid wings based on resistance levels”


    - Players should be able to play whatever content they want.


    “Have a INGAME clear and concise path to Ascended gear with details” and “elusive ascended gear”...


    - Crafting gears in GW2 is a lot smoother than many games I’ve played. Ascended gear isn’t “elusive” either and wikis for all games exist for reasons. There are tons of methods to get Ascended gear, whether it be crafting, purchasable, rewards... so the game can’t realistically hold players hands through that in a practical way. Use the wiki.


    “Possible some kind of true group finder system that automatically detects Gear score and will show you what wings you can queue for similar to WoWs.”


    - We don’t have or need a “Gear score”.


    “Remove all kp tokens”


    - KP tokens serve as currency. That’s not gonna happen.


    “Add an inspect future to other players so if people want to form there own groups they still can do that and do gear checks.”


    - This was debated from the beginning and most don’t want it. It’s not here and it’s not necessary.


    ...Raid development as we know it is basically done because of the low population. Strike missions are new thing, and fractals will continue on.






    Edit- Form your own casual guild to run content.


    Edit 2- The Steam release has been postponed.

  16. > @"Animism.7530" said:

    > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > @"Animism.7530"

    > >

    > > So it’s “immoral” for Anet to generate revenue with cosmetics and convenience items while they don’t charge a monthly sub and provide players with path to getting everything free off the gemstore?

    > >

    > > Think this game runs on free? Think the devs are just volunteers? Think development is free?


    > Did I say that specifically? Please re-read my previous comments as the answer of where I start drawing a line is there, I promise you.


    That’s exactly what you are complaining about here.

  17. @"Animism.7530"


    So it’s “immoral” for Anet to generate revenue with cosmetics and convenience items while they don’t charge a monthly sub and provide players with path to getting everything free off the gemstore?


    Think this game runs on free? Think the devs are just volunteers? Think development is free?

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