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Worst season so far


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To be honest I feel like this is the perfect time for a new pvp mode perhaps? I say this because some conquest maps (like Khylo) have really been hit by this. More often than not fights on midnodes are just a messy sh*tfest. The nodes are quite small and are just being spammed with a ton of aoe making it nearly impossible for the average player to dodge certain important abilities. What would be so wrong with a larger map (think bloodstone fen size?) and have multiple different objectives (NOT conquest circles) and perhaps even allowing mounts on it. I know this all sounds very vague and to be honest I haven't exactly come up with a perfect idea yet but just ANY other game mode with a LARGE map with MORE players, I think would be very much appreciated by quite a number of players who enjoy PvP, but hate being forced into conquest very single day. I know we've gotten stronghold with HoT and it's not very popular, but I think that's mostly because certain feedback was ignored & tbh I don't think the pvp devs are very much in touch with what the players prefer. Sorry about sh*t grammar. Thanks for reading!

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I give season 1 a pass since it was the first run. Mistakes were bound to happen.


This season has been the worst by far purely because of the new elite specs being shoved in mid season and because of Anet refusing to balance before season end. If the way this season was handled didn't tell the players "fuck off and play something else where your time is not wasted by devs flipping the table mid game", nothing will.

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I still consider release HoT (which seemed to last for months before actual fixes) and the immortal DH's, instagibbing ranger pets, 100 to 0 revenants, anything chrono or scrapper to be _considerably_ worse than what we have right now.


Even present day DH I consider it to be a spec with a flawed design.



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