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Elite Speculation: Siren


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Hey guys! I just thought I would share an elite specialization for the Mesmer that I thought would be fun/cool to have in the game: the skirmishing Siren!


I have not made a trait line. This is just more of a showcase so the community can see it and discuss about this elite spec, along with other speculations I have already posted. Any feedback you may have is appreciated. Thanks!


Overview: In the forests when they were once stone, the Kurzick people had a select people to sing songs to awaken spirits around them to create juggernauts and act as defenders of the woods. While these Tree singers may not be around anymore, the mesmers that descended from them kept the tradition alive in the form of Sirens. These intriguing mesmers harness shouts to empower allies and beguile foes whilst they fire from their shortbows, evading foes while also inflicting conditions on them as well. Through their voices and their arrows, they make mirror images of themselves to sing their songs to enemies and allies alike as they stay at a distance to shout to allies standing by them or rushing past.


Weapon: short bow

1. Shard of discontent: Fire a shot that makes your opponent vulnerable.

2. Compulsory shade: spin backwards and fire arrows around you, evading attacks while also damaging foes and generating clones.

3. Duplicative Retreat: Fire a shot as you evade backwards and create a clone in the process.

4. Rain of terror: shot a single arrow toward targeted area. The arrow will explode over targeted area and create a brief but strong hail of shards down into the area, bleeding enemies in the area.

5. Seeds of chaos: fire a volley of arrows in a square shaped area, leaving numerous small specs (six per side of the square) in an arrangement. -> Full bloom: unleash the specs as they shoot all enemies within the square (either fire one per side at a time or one side at a time fires like the revenant shortbow 3 skill) causes bleeding and torment.



Mechanic: their shatter skills operate similar to the scourge in that shatter skills are in fact illusions that sing specific songs that serve different purposes. The illusions stay active until they are defeated in battle.

- F1 damages enemies and heals allies in pulses

- F2 confuses and slows enemies while allies receive quickness and alacrity.

- F3 Stuns enemies and applies might and vigor to allies.


Utility: a series of support shouts that help with allies and generate clones.

- There’s nothing to fear: healing shout that grants damage reduction to allies for five seconds, healing each second and when that protection ends, they are healed for double the base amount.

- Find their weakness: support shout in which enemies affected gain weakness and allies deal increased damage to weakened enemies.

- They know nothing: support shout in which enemies affected are dazed, and you generate a clone as you and allies turn invisible.

- Form up and advance: support shout that grants quickness and swiftness to allies.

- Never fight alone: shout, allies near you gain five stacks of might, fury, and quickness and additional stacks based on the number of additional allies nearby.

- For those who’ve fallen!: Elite shout that instills fear, torment, and confusion in enemies for five seconds but regeneration, might, fury, swiftness and quickness in allies for ten seconds. Generate clones based on enemies affected (max three or five depending on traits).



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