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Visual Noise: Differentiating between Friend and Foe AOE rings/effects

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In large fights the biggest problem for me is that I can't tell the difference between big AOE/spell effects from my enemies and those of friendlies. I would prefer to see all the bad things my enemies are doing so I can avoid them but many times the spells of other friendly units look just like the bad stuff. With some NPC's the game represents their cast areas as big yellow/beige zones on the ground but that's not consistently done.


Is there a way to differentiate between friendly effects and foe effects? Or a way to turn off all friendly effects?


Checking Effects LOD either effects both equally (not helpful) or makes no discernible difference to me.

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Theres usually a thin red ring around the aoes of enemies as well as the orange ground mark, not much else tho.


Other mmos solve this issue but not having so many aoe skills for the players in general and the ones they have usually are a tick of dmg and not persistent, but you cant just take all the aoe skills from players in gw2.


What ff14 does is it allows you to hide the effects from other player skills so you only see the animations of the players but not the effect or the aoe itself. Gw2 being an mmo and inherently having to stay relevant and evolve to keep up really needs to get in on this.


I hope the expansion bring with it a system like that of ff14 with the adition of also hiding legendary weapon effects or at least gives us a standard weapon models which will replace the overly glowy legendaries and gemstore skins (also trinkets and infusions while at it). Not only will it make combat clearer and therefor more accessible to ppl like you, but also potentially improve performance.

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