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Simpe Question about GW2 Multi-Threading

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Hey everyone,

Since game doesnt like and not using multi-threading, is it better turning off Threading Optimziation(Allowing applications to take advantage of multiple Cpus.) from Nvidia Control Pannel? If you have Nvidia card you can read the description of Threading Optimization. It basicly saying this should be turned off if you are using old applications.


I just wonder your thoughts.

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The game does 100% use more than one thread, the idea the game is not multi threaded is not correct. This comes about because the rendering thread is single threaded, some threads can not be parallelized, or cost significant overhead to implement. By forcing a game like GW2 to run on a single thread would hurt performance, as all of the other work being done on other threads would then be forced to run on the same thread as the already limited rendering thread.


Now, some special cases might exist, where you have a thermally limited CPU that is 4+ cores with HT, turning off HT in some cases will allow the physical cores to clock higher and can result in better FPS.


Threading Optimization however does have some games it is buggy on, which is why you will see some people online turning this off for given games, however I have never heard of any issues with GW2.

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The limitation on this game is the dx9 portion, not the game itself overall. Some things are inherently singlethreaded if they rely on something else to finish first.


Threaded optimization works fine in GW2 for Nvidia GPUs, basically it uses commandlists to multithread the rendering.

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