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My Sharur needs work!

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I FINALLY finished my awesome Gen 2 Legendary Hammer and I absolutely love it. Very pretty effects during the day. Badass ones at night. But, like some of the Gen 1's before it, it feels like it's missing a few things. The footfalls are really cool but I think they could stand to be a little larger and brighter. Maybe make the coral spike up a teensy bit more and make it a bit more luminescent. And a wider print too!

I know everyone and their mother wants trailing effects on their legendaries, but I think Sharur could definitely use some. Maybe something water-based would fit into it's theme. Similar to Juggernaut's mercury slinging but different enough to make it not seem like a knock-off.

And maybe give it a bit of a stronger glow at night too. Something to really make the coral and bones stand out. The whole hammer gets darker at night which is awesome but also hides some of the cool details.


Im sure it wont be at the top of anyone's list, given Path of Fire's proximity. But maybe put it somewhere on there? :)

In any case im still pretty stoked to have it. Keep up the great work, Anet.


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Congratulations on making Sharur! I always liked it too but I find that this legendary is more lore driven than visually driven, of course compared to other flashy legendaries. There are a handful of legendaries that could use some *updating* to bring it on par with others, Sharur being one of them. Nonetheless, enjoy you're new shiny weapon and, I, like others, really hope from another legendary revamp soon!

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  • 3 years later...

> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> Sharur was the first legendary I made and kept. I like the weapon very much as is.

> I would be very unhappy to see it changed in the ways you are asking for.


Agree the suggested changed in the OP are a bit much, but making the teal aura persistent or part of the weapon trail when swung would be nice.

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