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the market is ruined...


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> @titje.2745 said:

> > @Vash.2386 said:

> > Just wondering, did you by chance undercut someone by a copper just to sell your legendary? See how that works? Just sell for the guaranteed asking price instead of being so greedy and undercutting someone else with the higher sell price.


> no i am the first one. so no undercut

> btw ppl told me to list items instead of gave them away instantly. ppl who bid want an expensive item cheap. and if i gave it away for the 2200 gold the fee is also 15% stuped because it’s not listed it goes through the tp right to the buyer.


> but i think it’s enough. no one understand my opinion.



True, I think your post came more across about not having something sold on the TP but your final line about the fact that the gems to gold conversion is bad right now was the bigger issue. But if that was the case that again is a up and down market situation and right now a lot more people are cashing gems into gold and therefore there is less value in that conversion. Usually we will get the reverse once more items become available in the gem store during the holidays and people will go the other way to convert gold to gems which is the time if you have gems it would be to trade to gold. So in the end its about the long haul versus short one you need to watch for else they will get you. I can't say whether or not Anet does/does not adjust gold to gems but its generally believed on the forums that they do not so I would assume the worse and believe its direct in & out demand traffic driving it and work with that concept. But trends can be seen on third party sites like gw2spidey.com if you want to get data to form your own opinions if your already not using it.


Good selling to you!

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> @titje.2745 said:

> > @Obtena.7952 said:

> > > @titje.2745 said:

> > > > @Danikat.8537 said:

> > > > Making a legendary to sell for a profit is a **huge** gamble at any time. Doubly so when an expansion is coming out because there's so many changes at once the market, for everything, is in chaos.

> > > >

> > > > I'm not sure selling a legendary is a good way for a 'poor' player to make money because it's such a gamble - you could make a lot of money but you could also lose a lot of money and if you don't have a lot to begin with that will hurt. Also, my understanding is it's a long-term "investment", unless you're so rich that you can afford to lose the cost of the listing fees flipping legendaries.

> > > >

> > > > I'm not an expert by any means but I think you'd be much better off going for lots of small sales rather than one big one. I managed to make almost 20g yesterday doing the Auric Basin meta event and actually paying attention to which items to sell, which to salvage and then sell and which materials to refine or craft before selling. 20g in a day is almost unheard of for me (and when I have done it it's by selling materials I saved up over months), but I really wanted a Jackal mount ASAP and had spent all my available gold on mini raptors.

> > >

> > > this is the first xpack for me that i play when its released, i started playing gw2 again in march 2016 and then i bought hot. i didnt expect this, guildys made a greatsword legendary and sold in within 3 days. i had 550 gold made something that sold for 62 gold each (excl fees) x4 and the rest i sold t6 mats of laurels. and later i needed them myself but i had near 500 laurels. i didnt know that a legendary is a gamble.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > > _maybe drop the price for the gems for real money_

> > > >

> > > > You’re asking ANet to take a decrease in their profits, which affects the people they can hire, can pay, the amount of content that comes out, just so you can buy the skins you want?

> > > >

> > > > Why not do the content that pays well instead like high level fractals and be sure to do your daily each day for 2 gold in a few minutes.

> > >

> > > yes :D i dont do fractals i only make money with crafting and selling mats or loot i get. i only do simple skill less events :)

> > >

> > > > @Zaron.1987 said:

> > > > Lol another thread to the existing 1000 th q.q threads about gimme moar gold for my stuff.

> > >

> > > ofc, we bought an xpack, isn't that already enough money giving to anet? we buy an xpack and our market got broken so we have to spend even more money?

> > > i mostly try to buy skins for gold to gems and sometimes i buy gems if i have no other option like infinite unbound gathering tools. was 600+ gold that i didnt have.

> > >

> > > but i think i am the only one who thinks like this. i think am not mmo player enough to understand...

> >

> > Sorry but you gambled ... big money earning potential ... with a big risk. Your guild friends did something you didn't ... they sold at the right time. You're selling at a time where there is LOTS of new things for people to spend their gold on ... and NOT spend their gold on your stuff. This has nothing to do with a ruined market ... it has everything to do with not understanding that market.

> >


> i am not a nerd. just a casual player. i put it in tp just when finished it. legendarys are new for me so i can’t know. i play more then only guildwars 2. and guildys put it in tp before xpack yes. don’t have to explain.


So it's the first time you've ever tried selling legendary, but you already decided that it's "different than it was" and that "xpac (somehow) ruined the market" ;D

Do I really need to comment on that? Epic.



Also you don't have to "be a nerd" to use your brain.

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> @titje.2745 said:

> > @Vash.2386 said:

> > Just wondering, did you by chance undercut someone by a copper just to sell your legendary? See how that works? Just sell for the guaranteed asking price instead of being so greedy and undercutting someone else with the higher sell price.


> **no i am the first one. so no undercut**

> btw ppl told me to list items instead of gave them away instantly. ppl who bid want an expensive item cheap. and if i gave it away for the 2200 gold the fee is also 15% stuped because it’s not listed it goes through the tp right to the buyer.


> but i think it’s enough. no one understand my opinion.



Are you saying yours was the only Legendary listed. There were no others at all? I think there were others. When you listed your Legendary you matched the price of top one there? Because if you didn’t match it you undercut him. (By the way, that guy undercut the one under him so if you matched it you were backing up an undercutter).

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> @ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

> I would like a little advice here actually. I'm hanging onto my T6 mats etc in the hopes that prices will go back again. But will this really happen before the end of the year? Should I just accept the new prices and sell?


Depends on your patience. I expect the prices to rise when LW4 starts, as that will drop a new legendary.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @titje.2745 said:

> > > @Vash.2386 said:

> > > Just wondering, did you by chance undercut someone by a copper just to sell your legendary? See how that works? Just sell for the guaranteed asking price instead of being so greedy and undercutting someone else with the higher sell price.

> >

> > **no i am the first one. so no undercut**

> > btw ppl told me to list items instead of gave them away instantly. ppl who bid want an expensive item cheap. and if i gave it away for the 2200 gold the fee is also 15% stuped because it’s not listed it goes through the tp right to the buyer.

> >

> > but i think it’s enough. no one understand my opinion.

> >


> Are you saying yours was the only Legendary listed. There were no others at all?


Yup, that's what he's saying and he's clearly lying, which only makes this threat more stupid.

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You took a risk, selling at a bad time, but that's on you. :) The market is fine, T6 mats are lower for obvious reasons, more people and more things to buy. Gold earning is fine nothing has changed there as you still can earn the same GPH as normall through all the farming methods, mid tier mats are still selling nicely and in fact you could have made 100s even thousands if you planned ahead and prebought stuff new players/xpac players would want to buy.

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I've made 2 Legendaries to use up mats and sell, both times i checked the price history for the last year or so and figured out what i would be selling it for first and stuck it on the TP for that amount. Took a week or 2 but they both sold for what i was wanting. The prices go up and down on legendaries but the trend is fairly predictable.


The market is not ruined, you could easily have held off selling until the prices had recovered a bit

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> @ScottBroChill.3254 said:

> I never found it worth it to craft and sell to make money. The profit margin seems so small that it just isn't worth it.


The profit margin on crafting a 1st ed. legendary for sale is actually very good.


This is especially so if it's perhaps your first legendary and you have accumulated a lot of coins, clovers and other materials through your prior playtime that you haven't found a reason to use yet. I think, even including the cost of buying the precursor I needed, that my first legendary made me more than 2000g profit (net of all costs).

It took me a long, long time to get to the point where I could finally afford the precursor, the listing and sales tax at my planned sales price, and the other few bits and bobs I needed (like 100g on icy runestones). But once it sold, I felt that overnight I had become 'rich' :)


I immediately placed a buy order for my next precursor, and soon I had made and sold my 2nd legendary from the proceeds of the first. My profit margin on that was a bit smaller, cos I also had to invest in more coins and clovers, but even so I think I made maybe 1900g profit from that sale.


My third one was almost entirely a buy-to-make situation, as I'd run out of coins and clovers and most of the other mats. As a guideline for the profitability of legendary crafting-for-sale, however, it's the best benchmark... and I think my profit, after all costs, was ~1500g.


> @Vash.2386 said:

> Just wondering, did you by chance undercut someone by a copper just to sell your legendary? See how that works? Just sell for the guaranteed asking price instead of being so greedy and undercutting someone else with the higher sell price.


Selling a very high value item for just the highest buy-order price is a guaranteed way to pretty much destroy your profit (and hard work). Sure, you might still make _some_ profit but, if you have the **patience**, it's much better to list it at a reasonable sell price (what's reasonable? well that's very much a personal choice, influenced eventually by your experience of that particular market over time, and balancing your sense of risk/reward).


The only time you might reasonably be accused of 'greed' is if you place a sell order at a price that _never_ sells. That could just as easily be called foolishness. Otherwise, it's purely about maximising your ROI (be that time, money and probably both). If you price it high, it might take a long time to sell, but when it does eventually sell then i) you've seen the ROI you wanted, and ii) you've also fulfilled another person's desire for the item ... so everyone's happy :)


@titje.2745 ... just be **patient** mate.

Assuming you didn't price your item unrealistically (based on pre-PoF market prices) then hopefully the markets will swing back at some point, and you can finally make your sale. Your situation sucks, I know, but you can expect some odd fluctuations at the moment (PoF launch, Halloween, soon Wintersday, and then New Year), so this is likely to be a wonky season. Give it to Jan, Feb, March - probably things will have settled down a bit by then, and hopefully returned to pre-PoF prices.


And the blunt truth is, as others have alluded, that prices can go down as well as up; as a speculator (which you are) you have to accept that you _might_ lose out. Simple as that. No one's really going to offer you any sympathy, since all you were trying to do was make more money. People won't like it when you do, and they'll crow when you don't, especially if you brag or whine respectively. So really, just suck it up, and in case you missed it the last two times .... **patience** is your best friend here :)


Good luck!




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Free markets are unpredictable. You had the option of filling a buy order for guaranteed gold and chose not to take it. This is not Anet's problem. It is yours. Anet never intended crafting to be all that profitable, which is why all new legendaries and all ascended items are account bound.


You chose to make a risky financial decision, and you got burned. That's what happens sometimes when you decide to play markets.

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> @TwoGhosts.6790 said:

> > @ScottBroChill.3254 said:

> > I never found it worth it to craft and sell to make money. The profit margin seems so small that it just isn't worth it.


> The profit margin on crafting a 1st ed. legendary for sale is actually very good.


> This is especially so if it's perhaps your first legendary and you have accumulated a lot of coins, clovers and other materials through your prior playtime that you haven't found a reason to use yet. I think, even including the cost of buying the precursor I needed, that my first legendary made me more than 2000g profit (net of all costs).

> It took me a long, long time to get to the point where I could finally afford the precursor, the listing and sales tax at my planned sales price, and the other few bits and bobs I needed (like 100g on icy runestones). But once it sold, I felt that overnight I had become 'rich' :)


> I immediately placed a buy order for my next precursor, and soon I had made and sold my 2nd legendary from the proceeds of the first. My profit margin on that was a bit smaller, cos I also had to invest in more coins and clovers, but even so I think I made maybe 1900g profit from that sale.


> My third one was almost entirely a buy-to-make situation, as I'd run out of coins and clovers and most of the other mats. As a guideline for the profitability of legendary crafting-for-sale, however, it's the best benchmark... and I think my profit, after all costs, was ~1500g.


> > @Vash.2386 said:

> > Just wondering, did you by chance undercut someone by a copper just to sell your legendary? See how that works? Just sell for the guaranteed asking price instead of being so greedy and undercutting someone else with the higher sell price.


> Selling a very high value item for just the highest buy-order price is a guaranteed way to pretty much destroy your profit (and hard work). Sure, you might still make _some_ profit but, if you have the **patience**, it's much better to list it at a reasonable sell price (what's reasonable? well that's very much a personal choice, influenced eventually by your experience of that particular market over time, and balancing your sense of risk/reward).


> The only time you might reasonably be accused of 'greed' is if you place a sell order at a price that _never_ sells. That could just as easily be called foolishness. Otherwise, it's purely about maximising your ROI (be that time, money and probably both). If you price it high, it might take a long time to sell, but when it does eventually sell then i) you've seen the ROI you wanted, and ii) you've also fulfilled another person's desire for the item ... so everyone's happy :)


> @titje.2745 ... just be **patient** mate.

> Assuming you didn't price your item unrealistically (based on pre-PoF market prices) then hopefully the markets will swing back at some point, and you can finally make your sale. Your situation sucks, I know, but you can expect some odd fluctuations at the moment (PoF launch, Halloween, soon Wintersday, and then New Year), so this is likely to be a wonky season. Give it to Jan, Feb, March - probably things will have settled down a bit by then, and hopefully returned to pre-PoF prices.


> And the blunt truth is, as others have alluded, that prices can go down as well as up; as a speculator (which you are) you have to accept that you _might_ lose out. Simple as that. No one's really going to offer you any sympathy, since all you were trying to do was make more money. People won't like it when you do, and they'll crow when you don't, especially if you brag or whine respectively. So really, just suck it up, and in case you missed it the last two times .... **patience** is your best friend here :)


> Good luck!

> ~TG



THANKs!!! you are the only one who answer positive to me. i will make another legendary. the pre’s prices are low now so i go check which one i go craft. if i have enough gold. this time i needed the gold so sold it to highest buyer. next time i will wait.


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Learn to use it. The usual profit on legendarys is around 400-700g for the account bound (Gift of Exploration or Maguuma, Obsidian Shards, Spirit Shards, etc.) materials plus whatever bargain/profit you could make on the precursors and T6 materials.


Funny enough, that's usually exactly the difference between buy and sell orders (unless the market moves). Who would have guessed....

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> @Cyninja.2954 said:

> https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator


> Learn to use it. The usual profit on legendarys is around 400-700g for the account bound (Gift of Exploration or Maguuma, Obsidian Shards, Spirit Shards, etc.) materials plus whatever bargain/profit you could make on the precursors and T6 materials.


> Funny enough, that's usually exactly the difference between buy and sell orders (unless the market moves). Who would have guessed....


i made the legendary because i got leaf of kudzu from the forge. for more profit. i don’t want to craft the pre first. if i had to. i didn’t start it. and if so. i had choose bifrost or a greatsword.


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The market is not ruined, it's just called "competition", a big part of (the) market, except it's from behind the Iron Curtain (in 1989, as far as I remember, 85% of a consumer basket was subsidized in the GDR so everyone was fake-happy with the situation).


What I love about GW2 is that I can pump in €uros to buy nifty stuff that does not grant me any real advantage directly. I think I had that discussion yesterday. I can spawn gold whenever I want by purchasing gems and convert them, and thus basically damaging the financial ecosystem a bit on the way, but I am still not richer than others by any means. I have to get active for all the other currencies, for example, I had to farm a lot for my (Jerry) Springer. Not the gold. The trading contracts...


The gold is probably the most "flimsy" (hey, I am not a native tongue, you get the point) currency, and you basically put a lot of hope on that horse. That's the risk behind.

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> @dchsknight.3042 said:

> Op.... it is called capitalism. Deal with it.

More like deflation phase. Almost everything becomes cheaper and people are hoarding their gold instead of spending it, since it becomes more valuable. John Smith is missing and now noone seems makes sure there is at least a small gold inflation.

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> @titje.2745 said:

> > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator

> >

> > Learn to use it. The usual profit on legendarys is around 400-700g for the account bound (Gift of Exploration or Maguuma, Obsidian Shards, Spirit Shards, etc.) materials plus whatever bargain/profit you could make on the precursors and T6 materials.

> >

> > Funny enough, that's usually exactly the difference between buy and sell orders (unless the market moves). Who would have guessed....


> i made the legendary because i got leaf of kudzu from the forge. for more profit. i don’t want to craft the pre first. if i had to. i didn’t start it. and if so. i had choose bifrost or a greatsword.



Spending a ton of time, effort, and materials "for more profit" isn't a good business decision, unless you do the research first. Just because a precursor dropped from the forge doesn't mean that it's worth it to convert it to a legendary. In many cases, you'd be better of selling the precursor and investing the gold in something else, depending on how you value materials in your bank, how you price things when you list or offer to buy, etc.

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