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What do you want for third expansion? - [Merged]

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> @"ParadoX.3124" said:

> Mouse cursor customization


THIS, 1000x this.

The amount of times you lose your mouse cursor in the disaster that is skill visualization clutter is beyond countable in this game. And since the cursor colour blends in with the ground/backround it just goes missing.


Another QoL thing would be skill bar layout. In the GW1 you could have your bar horizontal (like this one) or customize the size so it stacks on top of each other.

Having another option to skill bar layout would be amazing.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> We're not allowed to discuss the third expansion.

> I had a topic before, that was removed without any mention of why, so I can only imagine that whatever I speculated must've been right...

> (why else would they remove a topic about the third expansion we know almost nothing about yet, right?)


> (too bad, I never got to read the several comments on the topic, since they removed it the same day)


Thats a tease, what was it about xD


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Brand new weapon types (like fist weapons for the punchy and the kicky.)

Direct X 12 support.

Tons more customization options. Primarily hair styles. A lot of the male sylvari hairstyles I'd like to see on their females at least...


A new race, though I really don't know which one would be most appropriate. I don't want something that feels like a variant on an existing race.



New one: For 1h weapons to fill all 5 slots when wielded alone. Not exactly new weapon types, but still a few new skill/build options. Alternatively, and potentially less work, instead of leaving the final two slots blank, make them generic "unarmed" abilities?


I'm not really clever enough to conceive any actual new features for a new expansion though. All of the above is mostly just "more" of what we already have.

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> @"Hitomi Shadowleaf.5629" said:

> 1. A downvote button on the forums.

> 2. A new playable race like Largos or Tengu

> 3. Direct X12 Support

> 4. More customization with hairstyles

> 5. More story line for the Gods / Celestials

> 6. More weapon choices options for classes like Theif & Rev with very small weapon pools that arent tied to Elite specs




Not even mentioning engineer as the class with the most limited weapon pool, lmao.

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> @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > @"Hitomi Shadowleaf.5629" said:

> > 1. A downvote button on the forums.

> > 2. A new playable race like Largos or Tengu

> > 3. Direct X12 Support

> > 4. More customization with hairstyles

> > 5. More story line for the Gods / Celestials

> > 6. More weapon choices options for classes like Theif & Rev with very small weapon pools that arent tied to Elite specs

> >

> >


> Not even mentioning engineer as the class with the most limited weapon pool, lmao.


The word like means similar too, im sorry I didnt make an exhaustive list. But sure Engi too

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Hey guys ! (and girls)


I've been back to Guild wars 1 with the 15th birthday celebration. And I have to say it was (and still is) so great to play that game again and especially my paragon with the new elite skill and all these new weapons.


I wanted to have a discussion about the viability of paragon in guild wars 2 as a stand alone class. I know some (a lot) of ppl would say that it should be better as an elite spec instead.

The argue would be that even in GW1 , paragon was a bit limited as a self class and rely a lot on the secondary profession to be effective.


Basically it was more a Paragon + warrior thing or nothing or even paragon + assassin for the dagger spam or even dervish.


However it feels so great to be a heavy class with buff to all party , effects all around and throwing heavy spear at people.


What trait does paragon needs to be a stand alone class? and what weapon ? above all ... what skills?


# Trait lines

* Command : based on shouts and offensive buffs

* Motivation : based on chant of course and especially cleansing/ healing and boons ofc.

* Leadership : the all in one trait line . Basically something that would probably be mandatory : adding synergy to the entire class depending on the class mechanics.

* Spear mastery (or weapon mastery in general) : pretty obvious that it would improve weapon efficiency and self dmg dealing.

The last one was a bit tricky to imagine. I wanted to based my idea on the musical aspect of the class but then I wonder ... then what? I don't know really if you have ideas?

* Elite = Bard : heavy buffs and a specific defensive weapon. (not thinking about it yet tbh)


# Weapons

1. **Main hand**

* Javelin (Spear) : basically a new weapon but the traditionnal paragon style applying some dmg at 600 or 900 range.

* Sword : some swift hits that can deal a bunch . Maybe conditions?

* Axe : heavy hitting strikes + vulnerability

* Dagger : there cause the new 15th birthday weapon for Paragon is dagger and its always by pair in gw1. disruptive strikes and dazed.

2. **Off hand**

* Shield : synergized with buffs the class provide , basically AOE block and reflect.

* dagger : there for the LULz playing double dagger

3. Two Handed

*Melee Staff : basically a two hand spear playstyle similar to lancer.


# Class mechanic

I was thinking of a 2 choices of element the paragon could use on F skills F1 would be the choice between fire or lighting. Such as revenant legend.


Basically 2 or 3 skills that could enhance self or allied effects or skills.

* **Fire** : based on burning ofc but also defensive buffs. Explanation : a lot of paragon mechanics rely on burning enemies on attacks or reduce dmg from burning foes. That could be cool to increase burn application or set a ring of fire such as the guardian one for dmg mitigation.

* **Lightning** : base on the skill spear of lightning. Enhance weapon skills to gain armor penetration and dealing bunch of dmg . A lighnting AOE on F skill and another one passive applying vulne or a daze every 10 sec.



Thanks for reading my novel ahaha

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Personally I dont think anet should add any more classes to the game. Paragon would fit well as a support spec for warrior.

Adding more classes requires ALOT more work than a spec, as each new class needs core skills + 3 elites developing. I also wouldn't want to see a half baked class with one 1 elite spec.


I also wouldnt want to see a new weapon added. Especially if it would only be available for paragon class/spec. Anet has had 7 years to add a massive variety of skins to the existing weapons and any new one would never be able to compare in terms of customization. I dont want to feel I have to use the ugly stepchild wep with its 10 skins because I want to play the new spec/class.


I do like the idea of having f skills give unique buffs to allies and I would like to see a supportive based spec for warrior based around buffs though.

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Adding a new profession or a new race is a guarantee of being buried in technical debt. The elite specializations is a good workaround to technical debt. It adds new gameplay and takes advantage of existing assets. It also ensures that characters can continue to grow without the need of creating new ones.


Adding a paragon as a new profession will force more backend maintenance and future development costs that can exceed current workforce capacity. Essentially, the to-do list just keeps adding up without the labor to check them off.

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I thought that Dragonhunter pulled a lot of Paragon's visuals. There's a burning spear on F1, a big shield on F3, and the angelic wings from chants appears on F2. And there's all of the supportive shouts on Guardian. Might make it hard to justify taking the slot from some other idea.

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> @"Stormcrow.7513" said:

> Imbagon was fun in GW1. I really enjoyed that class alot. I doubt there will be a paragon in any for in GW2 as other posters have alluded too but one can hope.


yeah I loved IMbagon especially that It can deal quite some dmg as well as buffing allies so it's amazing. Unfortunately the new elite gives a lot to the party but sacrifice all your dmg potential and requieres allies to stick to you. Yeah I still hope even tho I know we missed the occasion to get paragon in path of fire ... sadly. but As you said on can hope.


> @"hatsamu.4327" said:

> I thought that Dragonhunter pulled a lot of Paragon's visuals. There's a burning spear on F1, a big shield on F3, and the angelic wings from chants appears on F2. And there's all of the supportive shouts on Guardian. Might make it hard to justify taking the slot from some other idea.


it's true that guard and maybe warrior (spellbreaker) can have similarities . but in it base mechanics it's very different . It gives the same things but not the same way.

ANd yeah ofc ... gw 1 and gw 2 are not the same game ... they just share the same lore.

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A story that isn't laughable in comparison to FFXIV's Heavensward & Shadowbringers- GW2 story has never been great & more "generic good-guy teams up with other generic blend of good-guys" I just want a good story. Something I can get immersed into. Lore heavy, impactful & meaningful choices & NPCs with whom help drive the story in such a way, you actually are excited for what will happen next. I've never experienced that with Gw2- not even when Aurene "died" because you could see it coming & knew she would reincarnate or come back. It felt like a poor shock factor.

-- Aside from the sad development of WvW & lack of care for the WvW players- the lackluster story is also why I left GW2. I've slowly been wanting to come back, but I know nothing has changed.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Halandir.3609" said:

> > I'm always mildly surprised by the responses to anyone asking something like "Can we have some kind of fishing in this game?"

> > The veterans seem to shoot EVERYTHING down immediately because its (not to their, extremely specific, liking and therefore) extremely hard to implement or draws resources away from some imagined content that 2.4% of the games population enjoys.

> > GW2 is an older game. Guess what: Doing whatever they have been doing for 8 years will NOT attract new players. Selling expac3 to 75-85% of the remaining pop may seem fine but how realistic do you think expac4 is then?

> >

> > IMO. GW2 desperately needs random/rare/exciting loot: Hey, random/stupid/simple fishing would work!

> > As for: "But fishing is horribly/mind-numbingly simple/stupid!" - Yeah, follow your own advice from nn threads: Just don't do it!

> > Some claim: "But fishing requires resources..." Sure. So did "adventures" - To be blunt: Who sells this game to their friends because of "Wooo - Adventures!"... Right! - Fishing would be like ONE minigame/adventure that friends could actually relate to...

> > If all else fails: Grab resources from encapsulated content, enjoyed by a very small percentage of veteranplayers that pay most of their "gems" with ingame gold. (And please: Stop the "all Gems are sold for IRL currency" story: Gold/cash conversion never ran out of gems or gold: Anet actually have the ability to print pixels :-))

> >

> >


> Please don't clump all veterans in as a single group. Believe it or not, "vets" have differing tastes. I for one am supportive of fishing


Yeah, don't clump us vets together lol.

I'd absolutely love fishing.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> * Guild stuff, such as guild vs guild, alliance battles, a TON of new guild halls and waaaaaay more bennefits to being in a guild. If you don't want to be in one because its not for you then fine, dont. But those of us who do should be given bennefits for playing in that manner; Its an mmo-rpg and guilds themselves should have a much larger role to play then they currently do.

> * More character customization in the creation window, more options to play with. (Straight back charr, Mordrem looking sylvari, Canthan looking humans, Maybe tech infused asuran? And Norn being able to toggle on and off their beast form. Maybe make it so in combat the norn turn into their true nature? Make them unique dang-it.)

> * Cool E-specs, the last batch were bleh.

> * More fractals, strikes and visions of the past. The visions could be events we've never seen before such as the fall of Abaddon or balth, the point where joko became a lich and maybe even glints death.

> * WvW overhaul and Tons of love pumped into the mode, who has been neglected for a long time and deserves way more attention than it currently gets.

> * PvP overhaul, much in the same vein as WvW.

> * Better looking armor, a lot of what we have is kind of ugly (Male norn player here, most of it is kinda meh.)

> * Fixes to classes who need them. (Rev needs at least a few more core weapons, Engineer could use some E-skills to round out their kit and so on.)

> * New and COOLER ranger pets(Way more than we got in HoT or PoF, I mean come on some of the resources are already there. Wargs, raptors, bats and so on.)

> * The expansion of older maps and the remake of them. (Id love to see Kessex hills be flooded from the White mantle attack, plus it would make the world feel alive.)

> * If possible a new playable race would be nice. Not in the least bit 100% sure it will happen, probably never will but this is a new team so who knows?

> * Same with a new class, Id love to see one make its way into the game as it breeds hype and is something Id look forward too immensely.

> * Make races mean something, or at least have better cosmetics and reasons to play as other races. The fact they don't and haven't is dumb to me

> * Please don't shirk on the lore, when a Sylvari is in the Echovald forest I want to know if they feel connected too it, I want to know what urgoz has in connection to them if anything.

> * Can we get the deep-sea dragon to at least have a name, and maybe be hinted at? Like Id love to know more about it.

> * How about to go along with Bubbles some largos lore?

> * Underwater content, and the overhaul for it because I LOVE underwater content.. (It just needs some flushing out.)

> * Make guild halls a place where we can log out. Like in guild wars 1, so we don't have to use city hubs and so on. Infact make it so crafting tables and so on are there as well, maybe put a gate for strikes/visions/raids/dungeons you name it there? Make it a Hub. So ontop of any benefits it gives you it ALSO gives you a hub you can customize and call your own which is as close to player housing as Im sure we could and would ever get.. (You can sell guild halls, furniture and so on within the gem-store.. ESO has proven its a good market..)

> * How about a new profession too? Like Ruin-seeker or archaeology where you go around and do what the priory does, and you find cool things from the past in various maps around the world. It would give lore, goodies AND be a fun way to add collections that aren't complete BS.

> * More norn anything, norn need love both cosmetically and lore wise... would be interesting to squeeze them in as it seems the saga is gonna be all charr stuff.


All of this. So much. But sadly, the only thing we will get is another chair skin.

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I'm generally not that picky as long as it's good. I mainly only want 3 things:


Permanent gizmo items and summons. I really liked the idea of having customizable summons like the turret thing they tried in season 4 but sadly it has fallen short thanks to some IMO unnecessary restrictions / requirements.


Seeker stats for PvE, plain and simple.


Them giving weapons fitting sounds and animations and with that I mean they should overhaul all weapons in the game if needed. We still have energy crystals shooting regular bullets... Also, profession themed weapons should get the sound and animation of the profession in question e.g. Phantasm weapons using Mesmer animations and the Cursed Flintlock using deadeye rifle animations.

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