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"gg" function in WvW? What is your opinion?


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Resign (=instant death) should only work in downstate and only in wvw (not in pvp for obvious reasons!).



- /resign to avoid fights - bad!

- /resign to troll people - bad!

- /resign to avoid getting trolled (ballista throwing, jumping etc. on player in downstate, so the player has either to wait 20s or to relog to be able to continue playing) - good!

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> Resign (=instant death) should only work in downstate and only in wvw (not in pvp for obvious reasons!).


> Reasons:

> - /resign to avoid fights - bad!

> - /resign to troll people - bad!

> - /resign to avoid getting trolled (ballista throwing, jumping etc. on player in downstate, so the player has either to wait 20s or to relog to be able to continue playing) - good!


Actually decent idea, with one exception of potentially being able to deny people that could tag you otherwise.

Just removing downstate altogether would probably be better :mrgreen:

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> @"AllNightPlayer.1286" said:

> Please, first PvP and then we talk about WvW.


I would go further in pvp and allow a forfeit that the entire team has to ok to implement. When you are down one player and can't even get out of spawn or are so outmatched there is no winning, it is a waste of time to have to keep going on, and running into the slaughter. Especially when you see one or more of your team sitting at spawn.

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Just saying, an auto-death doesn't stop siege throwing and corpse jumping.


Would rather see /stuck work by killing the player with a 1 hour cooldown.


Got stuck in enemy SMC recently by getting clipped into a wall by a pull and couldn't leave because the NPC archer attacked me and the keep didn't flip. Other players couldn't hit me and I couldn't hit them or move. Queue was like 70 people and I had to leave the map.


That's the only real advantage I see.

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I can see some value in it, but there would have to be mechanics to prevent abuse. First, it should provide enemies who tagged you with kill credit, WXP, loot, and war score, just as logging out currently does. I would also add an effect on the player that prevents capture point contribution for a short period of time. This will prevent that player from constantly running back from spawn to keep contesting a structure.

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> @"Shining One.1635" said:

> I can see some value in it, but there would have to be mechanics to prevent abuse. First, it should provide enemies who tagged you with kill credit, WXP, loot, and war score, just as logging out currently does. I would also add an effect on the player that prevents capture point contribution for a short period of time. This will prevent that player from constantly running back from spawn to keep contesting a structure.


I entirely agree with the first point, but I'm not sure how it could be abused for capture point prevention? Running back from spawn is not an especially quick endeveour and gg'ing in those situations will save players at most a few seconds (the time they spend in downstate, which _itself_ prevents capture point contribution). Definitely agreed with treating it like an alt+f4 so far as bags, loot and points are concerned.


~ Kovu

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"Mauzi.5892" said:

> > > @"Junkpile.7439" said:

> > > GG could end whole match. That would be good.

> >

> > I can see all scared little kittens that missed their teleport because they got dismounted or put infight otherwise "gg" so they don't have to fight.

> > Classes have WAY too much mobility already. This just adds another layer to "escaping" a fight when everything else failed.


> I don't care either way, but I'm not sure why you're trying to pretend that a player that runs, tries to tp away and would literally rather "use /gg after being pulled off the mount than actually participate in a fight" would give you any kind of meaningful pvp experience. If someone would try to '/gg', it already means he would give no resistance whatsoever, at which point... It makes no difference unless someone wants to feed their ego by holding 1 to kill someone unwilling to fight back.


> That said, I still don't see why anyone would need to /gg in wvw.


You serious? I see players that would have died run away all the time, because they overestimated their abilities. And NO, running away is NOT kiting. If you play a full glass fotm tryhard build and fail to deliver than you should die. Running away to prevent your death is just sad. and has nothing to do with skill.

And the ones "boosting their ego" are exactly these kind of people who would use "gg" in that case. They'd rather "gg" than die to an enemy in a fight they messed up or went into over their head. NOT the other way around. And unwilling to fight back? What the kitten are you doing in WvW then?! Too many wannabe gankerinos around that can't fight and rely on their mobility to carry them.


Remove mobility skills as an escape (on most classes, not all) and let them just be gap-closer, extend the time to drop combat and remove waypointing away.

THEN I wanna see all of you mega skill0rz fight. I can hear you crying already :D


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> @"Mauzi.5892" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > @"Mauzi.5892" said:

> > > > @"Junkpile.7439" said:

> > > > GG could end whole match. That would be good.

> > >

> > > I can see all scared little kittens that missed their teleport because they got dismounted or put infight otherwise "gg" so they don't have to fight.

> > > Classes have WAY too much mobility already. This just adds another layer to "escaping" a fight when everything else failed.

> >

> > I don't care either way, but I'm not sure why you're trying to pretend that a player that runs, tries to tp away and would literally rather "use /gg after being pulled off the mount than actually participate in a fight" would give you any kind of meaningful pvp experience. If someone would try to '/gg', it already means he would give no resistance whatsoever, at which point... It makes no difference unless someone wants to feed their ego by holding 1 to kill someone unwilling to fight back.

> >

> > That said, I still don't see why anyone would need to /gg in wvw.


> You serious? I see players that would have died run away all the time, because they overestimated their abilities. And NO, running away is NOT kiting. If you play a full glass fotm tryhard build and fail to deliver than you should die. Running away to prevent your death is just sad. and has nothing to do with skill.

> And the ones "boosting their ego" are exactly these kind of people who would use "gg" in that case. They'd rather "gg" than die to an enemy in a fight they messed up or went into over their head. NOT the other way around. And unwilling to fight back? What the kitten are you doing in WvW then?! Too many wannabe gankerinos around that can't fight and rely on their mobility to carry them.


> Remove mobility skills as an escape (on most classes, not all) and let them just be gap-closer, extend the time to drop combat and remove waypointing away.

> THEN I wanna see all of you mega skill0rz fight. I can hear you crying already :D



Im game to disengage makes people either die or reset health if get in combat with the same person in a minute..


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> @"Mauzi.5892" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > @"Mauzi.5892" said:

> > > > @"Junkpile.7439" said:

> > > > GG could end whole match. That would be good.

> > >

> > > I can see all scared little kittens that missed their teleport because they got dismounted or put infight otherwise "gg" so they don't have to fight.

> > > Classes have WAY too much mobility already. This just adds another layer to "escaping" a fight when everything else failed.

> >

> > I don't care either way, but I'm not sure why you're trying to pretend that a player that runs, tries to tp away and would literally rather "use /gg after being pulled off the mount than actually participate in a fight" would give you any kind of meaningful pvp experience. If someone would try to '/gg', it already means he would give no resistance whatsoever, at which point... It makes no difference unless someone wants to feed their ego by holding 1 to kill someone unwilling to fight back.

> >

> > That said, I still don't see why anyone would need to /gg in wvw.


> You serious? I see players that would have died run away all the time, because they overestimated their abilities. And NO, running away is NOT kiting. If you play a full glass fotm tryhard build and fail to deliver than you should die. Running away to prevent your death is just sad. and has nothing to do with skill.

> And the ones "boosting their ego" are exactly these kind of people who would use "gg" in that case. They'd rather "gg" than die to an enemy in a fight they messed up or went into over their head. NOT the other way around. And unwilling to fight back? What the kitten are you doing in WvW then?! Too many wannabe gankerinos around that can't fight and rely on their mobility to carry them.


What are you even responding to? Because it sure isn't anything I wrote in my post. Did you lose some context over there? You were talking about people not wanting to fight "missing their tp because they got dismounted", now you're trying to spin it against overall mobility. Pick a lane.


> Remove mobility skills as an escape (on most classes, not all) and let them just be gap-closer, extend the time to drop combat and remove waypointing away.

> THEN I wanna see all of you mega skill0rz fight. I can hear you crying already :D


And then there's this. What are you even talking about, what exactly are you responding to? Because it's not anything from my post.


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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"Mauzi.5892" said:

> > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > > @"Mauzi.5892" said:

> > > > > @"Junkpile.7439" said:

> > > > > GG could end whole match. That would be good.

> > > >

> > > > I can see all scared little kittens that missed their teleport because they got dismounted or put infight otherwise "gg" so they don't have to fight.

> > > > Classes have WAY too much mobility already. This just adds another layer to "escaping" a fight when everything else failed.

> > >

> > > I don't care either way, but I'm not sure why you're trying to pretend that a player that runs, tries to tp away and would literally rather "use /gg after being pulled off the mount than actually participate in a fight" would give you any kind of meaningful pvp experience. If someone would try to '/gg', it already means he would give no resistance whatsoever, at which point... It makes no difference unless someone wants to feed their ego by holding 1 to kill someone unwilling to fight back.

> > >

> > > That said, I still don't see why anyone would need to /gg in wvw.

> >

> > You serious? I see players that would have died run away all the time, because they overestimated their abilities. And NO, running away is NOT kiting. If you play a full glass fotm tryhard build and fail to deliver than you should die. Running away to prevent your death is just sad. and has nothing to do with skill.

> > And the ones "boosting their ego" are exactly these kind of people who would use "gg" in that case. They'd rather "gg" than die to an enemy in a fight they messed up or went into over their head. NOT the other way around. And unwilling to fight back? What the kitten are you doing in WvW then?! Too many wannabe gankerinos around that can't fight and rely on their mobility to carry them.


> What are you even responding to? Because it sure isn't anything I wrote in my post. Did you lose some context over there? You were talking about people not wanting to fight "missing their tp because they got dismounted", now you're trying to spin it against overall mobility. Pick a lane.


> > Remove mobility skills as an escape (on most classes, not all) and let them just be gap-closer, extend the time to drop combat and remove waypointing away.

> > THEN I wanna see all of you mega skill0rz fight. I can hear you crying already :D


> And then there's this. What are you even talking about, what exactly are you responding to? Because it's not anything from my post.



no point talking to you, since you can't come up with arguments but only try to spin things on me. I was talking about the same thing I mentioned before and commented on your post. You seem not to understand what I'm saying and apparently didn't understand the original post I made, so end of discussion from my side.



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