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Remove duoq for platinum games


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Why do you give good players a artifical advantage over people not queueing with a other person in games where the top players are supposedly fighting in. Why am i losing the same rating fighting players who could be on voice and had the chance to tailor their comp beforehand and fighting a group of randoms. Your leaderboard means kitten all and you shouldnt have titles as rewards when majority of the top leaderboard players are there because of duoq.


Make seperate queues or remove the duoq in its entirety, no shit balance ever will be as a big of factor then premades fighting randoms.


If someone want to play with their friends they can do it in tournaments where everyone have thew chance to tailor their own team.


Stop appealing to the minority.... devs.

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> @"Tyga.7056" said:

> It's pretty simple. You could do the same, but you don't and that's the reason you're mad about it.


Because i dont need to give myself an advantage to advance the leaderboard, i prefer fair and balanced matches but you and others dont care about that. Anything to win games to think you are actually good, but in reality you are just average like everyone else.

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> @"Revolution.5409" said:

> It is not Anet's fault if you don't have anyone to play in a duo.


They can turn off duoq whenever they want to, seperate queues existed you now.


Those were the days. Fair and balanced matchups.


But premades cried because their queues were to long. And all competetive devs only care about the vocal minority of streamer and not the health of the gamemode.



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> @"Trump.6983" said:

> Why do you give good players a artifical advantage over people not queueing

because this is mmo game


> Make seperate queues or remove the duoq in its entirety, no kitten balance

?? why you think what someone want balance? If you call "balance" some skill trait changes - this is ok, but please not try find any equality in that skill.


> If someone want to play with their friends they can do it in tournaments where everyone have thew chance to tailor their own team.

they can do this and on tournament also. On duo they also can and must dominate ! And this is great. This is one of best part of mmo games.




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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> Imagine everyone in the game would actually duoq and since team size is 5 players u wouldnt ever find any game. Makes sense, right? :joy:


worst is when you get a game and you are the only solo with 1 in the enemy team and 4 premades in each team, like kitten off i dont wanna play with either of you

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"Trump.6983" said:

> > Why do you give good players a artifical advantage over people not queueing

> because this is mmo game


> > Make seperate queues or remove the duoq in its entirety, no kitten balance

> ?? why you think what someone want balance? If you call "balance" some skill trait changes - this is ok, but please not try find any equality in that skill.


> > If someone want to play with their friends they can do it in tournaments where everyone have thew chance to tailor their own team.

> they can do this and on tournament also. On duo they also can and must dominate ! And this is great. This is one of best part of mmo games.





you can play with your friends in tournaments


seperated queues makes the most sense, 5 man and solo, but they wont do that because majority of players prefer and want to see soloq. So since that wont happen just remove duoq and let everyone soloq. And if u wanna play with your ebsties u may do so in tounaments or in unranked.

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> @"Trump.6983" said:

> you can play with your friends in tournaments

yes, we can. Also we only 3, so 2 other random always not press yes after few loses, But this is another story, So we still can't find trustes members on our team. We also do some pve content, play on wvw, do some meta. And also some people can play duo on ranked. And this is good.


> seperated queues makes the most sense, 5 man and solo, but they wont do that because majority of players prefer and want to see soloq.

So they do choose play solo. Ok, no problem. We not close access for spvp for solo players. If they have trouble with some due - this is nice. They should LOSE. And this is ok. Duo wins ? great. One on mmo target done.



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> @"Liza.2758" said:

> This is only NA issue.


> in EU it's not really a issue. There are too many good players and high plat players to play with. There is no guarantee win even if they are god of pvp duo.




sure its doable, but there is no reason it should remain either way.


You cant argue it doesnt give an substantial advantage, voice coms, tailor the class comp, corrupts the matchmaking.


There is no reason why duoq should be in a majorly soloq rated leaderboard or get matched with players who soloq. Other games have seperate queues because of this, if population is an issue soloq should be standardized because its a majority not penatilized.

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> @"Exedore.6320" said:

> Yes, let's punish players for being good!


> The platinum solo queue restriction was removed because it was stupid.


> People who want solo queue only are the minority.


Queueing with someone fighting solo players doesnt make you good.


Adopting to 4 other random players and winning the match makes u a good player.

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> @"Exedore.6320" said:

> People who want solo queue only are the minority.

There is no matter are this is only 10 members, or 51% population .. They should accept that they a losers, or try play better. This is only give some charge of life !

Also get currently idea .. during runked pvp make 2 weeks event, then in queue can join 3 members .. Ou, it is great idea !!


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> @"Trump.6983" said:

> makes u a good player.

no one worry is this is good player or bad. This is mmo, where winner can commucate, not have reaction, but be clever, use proper build, find best teammate, may be pay gold for boost and etc. This is true spirit of game, and if someone not ready for that - this is also great.



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We had solo queue only in the core era. It ran in parallel with a separate team (1-5) player queue.


Solo queue was initially popular, but quickly died. It died because it was based on luck, filled with toxic players, and half the team only cared about winning 1v1s.


Team queue prospered because it encouraged teamwork to win, supported playing team-based specs, and allowed friends to play together in reasonably close matches. Rank in team queue was respected, unlike solo queue rank - even if that rank was obtained from playing as a full team.


Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.

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We've already done this. I'm going to keep it real: Either keep duo queue or fully remove it. No inbetween stuff. I can see both sides. For 2v2, duo queue is mandatory. For 5v5... A strong duo queue is more often than not going to win, unless their teammates are hot flaming garbage

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> @"mrauls.6519" said:

>A strong duo queue is more often than not going to win, unless their teammates are hot flaming garbage

Strong players are going to win, unless their teammates are comparatively bad. This is a problem of low pool size at the extremes of the population - not a product of the players queuing together. It's also a product of skill curve where performance increases substantially over a small rating difference at the very top. That is, skill and rating are not a linear correlation - they simply both increase.


Strong players were still in top when 1600+ was restricted to solo queue.


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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"Trump.6983" said:

> > Adopting to 4 other random players and winning the match makes u a good player.


> I think you mean "adapting" but "adopting" fits ironically.

> Why should a good player be forced to carry 4 potentially bad players?


Adapting or adopting at the end of the day we're all just herding cats in PvP.

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