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Frequent disconnect and strange Tracert log: Router, ISP or Anet to blame?

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Since summer 2018 my ISP is German Telekom (had no issues with my previous ISP). Since I'm with them, I have frequent and totally random disconnects. I gave up competitive play and raiding because of this. And it feels that it's getting worse. I was in contact with Anet support already (did all their connectivity tests they suggested from the help page), I was in contact with Telekom support...but they couldn't track down the error and everyone is blaming the other. I've given them notice already that I will change ISP as soon as possible (which is only possible in August...).


I just tried another tracert/tracerout to track a packet on an IP network from source (my PC) to destination (IP from map that I got by typing /ip in game). [How does this log look to you?](https://imgur.com/Ou7wkb9) To me it looks as if the packet reaches Anet servers quite fast, but there's an issue withing Anet's own network, where my packet won't get through (timed out). It also won't reach its final destination. I always get the message in-game that "The game client is currently unable to gain access to the log-in server at this time".


Anyone familiar with this and can help me interpret what's going on here? Has this anything to do with my router, my ISP or is this on Anet's side? I've tried Wi-Fi & LAN, router and PC firmware is all up-to-date, I tried opening ports on my router, there's no antivirus nor a firewall anymore on my PC. It's always the same - disconnects, disconnects, disconnects.


50 gold for the one who helps me solving my almost two year old problem. Thanks!

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Looks very similar to the trace routes I've had to do for Arenanet looking into a disconnection issue during story instances. One thing I find interesting is that you're connecting to the EU Amazon AWS servers in Germany however the connection is routed from your location (Germany) to America (IP - according to multiple IP location websites this is Amazon's network in Seattle, Washington, USA) and then back to Germany. I've pointed this out to Arenanet as it's the same thing I get trying to play from the UK on EU world - seems a bit silly having the traffic routed half way around the globe to be routed all the way back around again, and any packet loss along that route will cause disconnections (further testing on mine indicated major packet loss between an IP address in the UK for Amazon's systems and the next hop which was the IP address in America for Amazon). It looks to me like Amazon's network may be having the issue so technically not Arenanet or yourself, but as Arenanet host their servers with Amazon, it really needs to be Arenanet looking into it with Amazon support as most ISP's won't be able to.

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> @"morty.4019" said:

> (IP - according to multiple IP location websites this is Amazon's network in Seattle, Washington, USA)


Real world locations are only an estimation and will default to the location of the owner - Seattle is Amazon HQ. If it was actually going from EU to US, you would see a sudden spike in the response time. Also, most of Amazon will ignore pings, which will show up as 100% packet loss.

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turn ur graphics ssettings all the way down frame rate everything. i cant state enough how i mean every setting. even stuff that seems unrelated, trust me the sound settings down. ur bass pc is overwhelming gw2. also turn off avast. itll work. from there u can crank stuff back on one by one over time till u know which thing precisely was causing the problems. thanks for the moneys


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