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The current state of connections or lack there of.

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As per the title I have been unable to remain connected for any period of time for the past few days and the past week or so has been horrible.

I have experience in networking and understand the pressures local, city and datacenter networks have come under of late, I just would like to know if you have said anything about the current state of the problems with clients and pings and what you are doing or intending to do to rectify it? Some transparency in this area would be greatly appreciated.

I'm in Perth Western Australia and come to accept pings in the 400-600's depending when playing however 4000+ and now being met with error 42 lost connection to log server window spam has made the game unplayable.


Could we get an update please, it's kind of needed based on conversations and posts I've had and seen around.



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Good point and I agree wholeheartedly and nope I didn't do that, kinda lazy on my behalf but I should do that not only for my own info but supports as well. Many services are stressed but this from my end is the only one that is critically boned ha. Shal get onto that now.

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Sorj: My residence is in Perth too. Given the extent of the lag issues and the login server popups experienced by a significant portion of those outside the US mainland. Should you visit wvw discussion you will find a seriously large number of the same complaints. I requested the NBN look into whether it was a backbone problem. The simple answer is no and further... it is the Amazon cloud bottleneck for which is causing the interrupts in RTT due to their priority settings. The server system is allegedly overwhelmed with computations on such things as boons and CC thus effecting the RTT. Outside the US mainland this becomes a significant problem. An excellent explanation can be found in wvw discussions by a knowledgeable person or be it persons. The PingPlotter will take you to the Amazon bottleneck (choke) there will be a further backholes in that array wherein you will not receive a response but will provide the end /ISP. You are looking for drops on your first few hops (means ISP or Backbone) if the drops are at the bottleneck only.. that is an Amazon/Anet problem for which only they can correct. My opinion is a mix of bottleneck congestion due to purchased capacity and Anet not factoring in the degree of time used calculate the cc and boons in their balance update (however this is an unqualified opinion). So not our garbage NBN for which we should burn at the stake

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Burn it! Yep it seems that indeed it was as I was right in my internal assumption and discovery that all is relatively fine (for our nbn) and it's out of our control. So I hope we hear something soon, would like to play GW2 again and get back to making my first legendary.

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