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How do I get 100 LI and KP for every boss in order to raid?


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> @Godfather.9058 said:

> > @Henry.5713 said:

> > > @meeflak.9714 said:

> > > > @Tarasicodissa.7084 said:

> > > > @OP: About 20 people come to this forum every day and ask the same thing. Why not make a group with them? ;)

> > >

> > > And I've offered to bring so many people into my training runs. Not one response ever....

> >

> > That's because many are not interested in training runs with other inexperienced players. They want to be brought along in the fast and easy groups for the fast and easy rewards. The OP even stated that he "sneaked" into a run with a high requirement which shows how little he respects others but still asks them to carry him and uses every opportunity to call them elitists.


> If you read that part on how I sneaked in a raid requiring about 100 li you read on how miserably it failed. With half the raid rage quitting almost instantly after a fail. People who would prefer to afk search for groups instead of playing the game.


> And I cleared 4 bosses in a training raid in about 2 and a half hours.


> You must have missed those parts. Not only some comms in pugs are extremely idiotic and set up huge requirements to join they also have no idea what to do.


And you must have missed the (pretty logical) explanation @Cyninja.2954 already gave you. But let me give you a TL;DR answer to your original question: "Easy. You raid". You don't sneak up on supposedly experienced runs, you be honest and join training runs so you get the needed explanations and some actual experience. Nobody is obliged to carry your complaining lower back around. Some people offer to do it, for free, and you're still not happy? Honestly, with this attitude I wouldn't bother doing anything for you.

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> @Godfather.9058 said:


> Wrong on so many levels. Lots of idiots hosting 100 li+ raids. I got into ONE raid that required 100 li for sabetha. Sneaked in while others were joining at the same time and he forgot to ask me in particular for li. Yes, the leader was that idiotic.


> We wiped once and half the raid left. 20 minutes spent until we got replacements. Wiped 2-3 more times and half the raid left. 20 more minutes spent in lfg. Wiped once and the end. Even the leader left. This doesn't seem exactly fast to me.


> On the other hand, I found a training raid on Crossroads Inn and cleared 4 bosses in about 2 and a half hours.


Have you considered the possibility of you being biased and jumping to all the wrong conclusions because of that?


You seem to have learned from that experience that 100+ li people aren't better at raids than some new guys doing training and all the li requirements are just stupid.


I read your description of that incident and get a completely different thing: The commander lfg'd for a certain experience level but failed to even check people (after all that's how you got to stay), possibly because he had no clue himself (to quote you: "Yes, the leader was idiotic"). So you wiped and half the guys left... which is no wonder as people with experience can easily spot ones who don't know what to do. They realized this group wasn't what it was supposed to be and looked somewhere else. The question is: Why did you stay? And i'm pretty sure i know the answer... Those leavers who have the experience and can show it could join another group within a minute and were probably done before your group was even full again. Those who were just lucky they could sneak into an "experienced group" and hadn't enough clue to tell whose fault it was they wiped stayed. And then they wondered while it happened again with new people...


Let me tell you a secret: Whether people stay in a group after a wipe (or mutiple ones) or just leave nearly instantly completely depends on the kind of wipe. Experienced players can tell if a) it's just bad luck, rng etc. b) someone failed a mechanic they should know or c) multiple people are obviously not as experienced as they claimed to be. In the first case, you just continue and kill the boss eventually, in the second one you replace the failing person. Yours seemed (at least from the description you have given us) a clear "c" case, which explains people leaving all the time and constantly failing with new guys (who then also left). That's something you would have realized, if you really had the experience and not just tried to sneak into some exp group to get carried.


Btw... If there's one set of persons to be blamed primarily for ridiculous high li requirements in raid lfg, it's people trying to sneak into groups with higher experience than their own to get some easy rewards.


There are many experienced players out there willing to teach others if they get asked. But not that many who like to be lied to ;-)

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> @Godfather.9058 said:

> > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > > @Godfather.9058 said:

> > > I can't join any public raid. In order to raid I must already have 100 LI which means 100 bosses killed. Most groups also require me to have killed the boss before killing him by linking the KP.

> > >

> > > You are full ascended. We need your class/spec. You have already killed this boss with a guild. gtfo nub or lnk mi 100li

> > >

> > > Sad to see the same toxic elitist cancerous community as in WOW pre-Cataclysm in GW2. This used to me a more relaxed MMO and the elitist c.... avoided it. I even saw an elitist c requesting 50li for ESCORT.

> > >

> > > How do I raid?

> >

> > Let's clear some things up:

> >

> > - most groups that require a certain amount of experience want to finish the raid as fast and safe as possible. None of the members in this group will be on your level and will have more experience. Why should they have to take you along?

> >

> > - **there are training runs for people who are new to raids.** This is were new players can and should join to get experience and begin collecting LI

> >

> > - full ascended gear means nothing for raids. Someone with full rares or exotics will be of fare more value than someone who has 0 experience on a boss, even worse on bosses that have 1-fail wipe mechanics.

> >

> > - there are raids guilds who are actively recruiting and willing to take new players as backup for their squad and will take you through some of the early process

> >

> > All I see here is an inexprienced raider complaining he is not getting a free ride through content he has 0 experience with to get loot (no, youtube videos and guides are not a replacement for experience, though they are a good place to start). Yes, getting into raiding takes time and there are breakpoints like 50-100-200 LI.

> >

> > Think of it this way: If a group is requiring 200 LI that means the members have been raiding at least 15 weeks (almost 4 months) or rather more realistically 20-25 weeks for pugs (5-7 months) or more and bring this amount of experience. Why should they take an inexperienced raider along on a non training run? This has nothing to do with elitism.


> Wrong on so many levels. Lots of idiots hosting 100 li+ raids. I got into ONE raid that required 100 li for sabetha. Sneaked in while others were joining at the same time and he forgot to ask me in particular for li. Yes, the leader was that idiotic.


> We wiped once and half the raid left. 20 minutes spent until we got replacements. Wiped 2-3 more times and half the raid left. 20 more minutes spent in lfg. Wiped once and the end. Even the leader left. This doesn't seem exactly fast to me.


> On the other hand, I found a training raid on Crossroads Inn and cleared 4 bosses in about 2 and a half hours.


> And how do I have 0 experience? Killed several bosses at least once and reached 14 li. You sound like a hardcore toxic cancerous elitist c who doesn't belong in the GW2 community who spends 2 hours searching for a perfect group instead of playing the game. Go on a private WOW server and act like this if you want to.


Well of course, iirc crossroads inn takes people in full ascendant gear + meta build only so of course they don't get real noobs as it's more about training gw2 vets. It's not really training, it's more boss practice. Don't confuse training runs with veteran practice runs.

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I am part of a GW2 Raid Training discord (link is on reddit and old forums, server name is GW2 Raid Training). We often OFTEN bring really new people into raids and show them the ropes and allow use of this discord for finding like skilled raiders! Just yesterday we took a few people who've never killed gorseval (w1b2), AND someone who's NEVER seen gorseval, and got them the kill in 2 pulls. Even with no updraft (needs high dps)!


I highly encourage all people who are looking to break into raiding to look us up! We on average have about 5-7 groups going at once during NA prime time, and 2-3 running at SEA prime time! =D Come raid with us!


WE DO NOT REQUIRE KP OR LI FOR OUR GROUPS!!!!! All we ask is at least exotic, something CLOSE to meta (doesn't have to be exact), and the willingness to put forth the effort Raids demand!

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I helped a friend get into raiding this week, all pugging, got him 4 raid kills. VG, gorse, escort, trio. Hoping to show him w4 soon. How did we do it? Well for vg and gorse I made my own group, put up an lfg (didn't have LI/kp/gear check reqs, just asking for druid/dps/etc). I distorted greens for vg, ran the torch for spirit run, tanked gorse. Unfortunately I could tell from the group that they were not the most experienced, and didn't have the dps for no updraft. So I swapped to dps warrior. I didn't want to kick anyone, but no one else had chrono. So we only brought 1 chrono. For escort and trio, we joined pugs, also no LI pings, in fact the lfg didn't even say, 'exp' in the listing.


Pretty much the same as when I was pugging regularly when I started raiding a year ago. You don't have to join high LI groups, you can just join any group, and often get kills.

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I have minimal interest in raiding (I'm curious to experience a run but I doubt it'll hook me), I'm just unhappy about the wasted XP in HoT maps. I wish Anet would create a toggle to turn off a mastery line that hasn't been started. I realize 1 spirit shard is a pittance, but I hate seeing the XP rewards after a kill and know that it means absolutely jack.


Please, Anet, you know that many players aren't doing raids. Why is this a required mastery line I have to trudge thru to get my XP back?

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> @Hock.6740 said:

> Worst thing in LI req for not-long-ago-started-raiding is you actually can do only few bosses. Mostly it is vg/escort, and rarely MO. Others (including Trio oO) often reqs 75+li.

> So you have LI- getting speed around 3-5 at week.

> it is half-year for just trying top bosses!




Here you go, enjoy your 5-year raider pass.

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> @Hock.6740 said:

> Worst thing in LI req for not-long-ago-started-raiding is you actually can do only few bosses. Mostly it is vg/escort, and rarely MO. Others (including Trio oO) often reqs 75+li.

> So you have LI- getting speed around 3-5 at week.

> it is half-year for just trying top bosses!


Well if you join a good group and do well, know your build, know your role, know the mechanics, you are funny on voice chat or whatever else, they might invite you again or even let you follow them after VG. Who knew that being social and helpful can open up doors.

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This is how I got i to raiding: i watched all the boss guides 2 or 3 times on youtube until i got a good idea what to do. Then i used this site http://jsfiddle.net/bpyxmbax/

Where you type in the amount of Li you want to pretend in the right side and it generates the chat link for you.

I must say i consider myself a fairly good player and I catch up on tactics really quick so if you do like me i would advise you to commit enough to understand every encounter you wanna do before going.

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I should start and take anyone that never raided before, as I never raided before and we should all just learn it as we go and stumble around blindly as that is what many new/casual players want to do; just do it and get it over with, success for fail! I'll be the answer for that. Its what I intended to do with my own guild anyways do stuff our way without stress and being toxic requiring stupid things like meaningless currencies, AP, or meta builds. This is not a troll comment as I said many times in the old forums that I always wanted to make a guild where the player is respected and not forced to play in any way they think makes them uncomfortable. I already been very helpful to many a new player learn GW 2 and how do to things, navigate menus etc, and they love me for it and I never stress any builds or metas or tell them how to play like so many on here do. So what if we fail a raid over and over? We will have fun learning organically and in a way that doesn't cause toxicity among our own members.

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Many seem to think that "Training raid" is supposed to be about learning the basics of a raid encounter and once you got a few kills it means you are done and should move up in the world. I understand the confusion, but training raids is more than just training. It is also the way guilds recruits, fill new/old raid groups, and assess player ability to be part of static groups. It 25% training, 25% audition, 25% recruitment, and 25% for fun. Go into them with the mindset of finding players you can regularly do raid content with and you will likely end up with a group in a rather short time.


I find that pugging is for those who can't dedicate time for a regular group, and a such it is much harder to both join and get good result than in a static group.

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I really can't endorse any solution that suggests lying about how many LI you have. Do yourself and everyone else you raid with a serious favor and just look for a training guild. I just browsed the [Looking for Guild](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/looking-for-guild) forum and saw at least a half-dozen guilds who do raids and are willing to train people who are willing to put in effort. Find these guilds, and join their training runs. You will get better faster, you will have more fun, and you will not be judged for how little / much you've killed arbitrary bosses.

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