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How satisfied are you with Scourge?


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From a PvP stand point:



- It has depth. On paper.

- F2-F5 can be used while disabled.

- It adds mild support, I guess. If you don't look too seriously.



- Extremely polarized: you melt things in close range and get melted from afar. No middle grounds.

- Still no mobility (Sand Swell is bad: uncreative, has cast time, 900 range, doesn't work vertically most of the time).

- Even less stability. Yes, it was possible, so they did it. Amazing. Just amazing.

- I don't like that Minor traits are more effective with Sand Savant than without. Smells like bad design to me.

- Still no scalable/active defense.

- Guess what boon we give to party members if we decide to go "support" ? Yes, it's Might. Very refreshing/innovative/needed.


Sand Savant should be base line. No ammo system for shades. In PvP you have to take it if you want to cover a point, hit fast moving targets and get 15% damage reduction fast. You don't want to waste time, micro managing tiny shades, as it takes 1 second to cast each: an eternity in "power creeped to death" PvP. That would add build diversity. Something ANet was trying to sell a long time ago.


And no, the insane condi bombing / boon rip is not a good point. It's not healthy.


I expect a hard nerf without any fix to the glaring flaws of this spec.


Give me a decent Power Reaper and I will shut up for a while.

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>Sand Savant should be base line. No ammo system for shades. In PvP you have to take it if you want to cover a point, hit fast moving targets and get 15% damage reduction fast. You don't want to waste time, micro managing tiny shades, as it takes 1 second to cast each: an eternity in "power creeped to death" PvP. That would add build diversity. Something ANet was trying to sell a long time ago.


I actually agree entirely. The three shades are a neat idea, but just cause too many issues.

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The playstyle is boring. I hate saying it, but Condition Reaper had a more fun playstyle to me, and I hated the Ice Field reliance. I switched to Firebrand, and am loving it. I am keeping Necro as my second main character still, but switched first mains.


I hate how Necro is forced into camping Scepter again for PvE. The Scepter on Necro is one of the most boring weapons in the game to me. The Torch is at least new and sort of fun, but Offhands are always eh.


What bugs me the most is the Shade mechanic. It was a great idea that was poorly implemented. It plays clunky, and in PvE you never really have the Life Force generation to do much other than F5. In PvP and WvW Scourge is probably more fun though.


Scourge feels like a waiting game to me. It's damage is great, but it comes in slow clunky bursts. I hate that I ended up disliking it, but to me DPS is not everything. If the playstyle is not fun to me, I'll play something else. Firebrand plays very smooth, and I feel like I'm doing more, it's the same for Dragonhunter.


Guardian was my first character on my account, so I've always loved them. I'm so happy it has a great Condition build finally. The fact Guardian has a great Power build too is great to me as well. Guardian overall has changed so much since I stopped playing it 2 years ago almost. It feels like a new class. Also Guardian has gotten a lot of core Trait changes, where Necro has not. This is something that Necro needs badly.


Scourge feels like a shallow high DPS spec to me that offers near nothing to the group in PvE. I was hyped for Barrier, but it's so meh. Maybe they'll buff it, etc. It also suffers greatly on a fight with a target that moves a lot. I feel like Necro has the same type of limiting factors with Scourge that it did with Reaper. It's hard to maintain a constant flow of DPS on a non stationary enemy. It's already shown.


Also with the Shade fix, we will do less. I was hoping this was just fixed in PvP, and in WvW, but it was fixed in PvE too.


I hope others are having fun with Scourge. It's great if you like it. I just didn't.



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There's so much i wanted to say, but everyone above me just said it. Two biggest crimes of scourge:


**boring** - no matter what build it's always about shade spam, and super boring scepter is a must. Extremely little variety with utilities in practice.

**kills reaper and core necro** - almost everywhere reaper and core can't compete with scourge, so the less powerful (but way more fun) specs don't get a shot.

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Can we remove necromancer class from the game? It's the worst class, with not a single working elite. What's the point of playing a class that nobody want, that is kicked from raids and fractals. This class and elites completely miss their purpose. Power reaper is bad, scourge support is useless. Barrier is kitten. Dps is non existent.


Without this class devs will get more time to polish other classes. I am not joking. I agree to delete class of my 5yo main from the game completely.

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> @Dragoth.7153 said:

> Can we remove necromancer class from the game? It's the worst class, with not a single working elite. What's the point of playing a class that nobody want, that is kicked from raids and fractals. This class and elites completely miss their purpose. Power reaper is bad, scourge support is useless. Barrier is kitten. Dps is non existent.


> Without this class devs will get more time to polish other classes. I am not joking. I agree to delete class of my 5yo main from the game completely.


Only if I get refunded for every dollar I've spent in the Gem Store.

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Not been able to play after the nerf, but I liked that we became a bit of a resource management class with the shades. I just wish they were actually useful for team support because unless you invest in healing power, that barrier output is piss poor along with how long it lasts.


EDIT: 10/24 - would like to change to very dissatisfied. No reason to have a scourge other than PvP and WvW. And WvW I don’t like Zerging, PvP for me has always been boring or frustrating as hell.

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Dissatisfied for the simple reason that scourge was once again a spec designed for WvW. Everything in it was aimed at WvW and if there is a gamemode where the necromancer didn't need help it was WvW. The necromancer's community asked for 5 years straight to gain some sort of usefullness in PvE end game and yet anet still focused on mechanisms that are not usefull in this gamemode. The scourge was already a huge source of disappointment for me from the very moment they showed it.

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