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Possible legendary armor exchange?

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3 years ago i completed the Legendary Heavy Raid armor set for my Warrior. I took a long break from the game and when i came back to the game i no longer had any interest in playing warrior anymore or heavy sets all together. Now my raid armor i made is not in use anymore and it would be swell if i could swap it to another set so i could get some use for it. I don't want or need the skin for the other sets, i am totally fine with exchanging my heavy for light and losing the heavy skins and not even getting the light skins but getting basic ascended skins like how it works when you re-roll ascended pieces in the forge. Its not about finding a cheap way to unlock all the skins for free. I know that i can raid again or wvw but that's not really my point. i understand its my problem but i think if it was done right could be a nice system in case you ever decide to re-roll and don't have an abundance of legendary armor you could swap it to another armor set if you decided. just an idea. cheers

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Sorry to say but I think you are up the proverbial creek without a paddle. I don't think there will be an option for this in the future either. Especially after ANET introducing the Legendary Amory that lets all your characters have access to all your Legendary items on your account. You may have to bite the bullet and go after another set. But look at it this way if you make two more sets you will be completely done.


I guess you could contact support and see if they could do an account roll back, if that is even a thing, to the day before you created the armor.

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> @"TheMightyNewb.6789" said:

> 3 years ago i completed the Legendary Heavy Raid armor set for my Warrior. I took a long break from the game and when i came back to the game i no longer had any interest in playing warrior anymore or heavy sets all together. Now my raid armor i made is not in use anymore and it would be swell if i could swap it to another set so i could get some use for it. I don't want or need the skin for the other sets, i am totally fine with exchanging my heavy for light and losing the heavy skins and not even getting the light skins but getting basic ascended skins like how it works when you re-roll ascended pieces in the forge. Its not about finding a cheap way to unlock all the skins for free. I know that i can raid again or wvw but that's not really my point. i understand its my problem but i think if it was done right could be a nice system in case you ever decide to re-roll and don't have an abundance of legendary armor you could swap it to another armor set if you decided. just an idea. cheers


You can also earn Legendary armor via conquest or WvW if you don't want to raid again....

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