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Game Patch Notes: Dissapointed

Harry Foud.1935

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> @"Harry Foud.1935" said:

> > @Frostball.9108 said:

> > > @"Harry Foud.1935" said:

> > > > @LUST.7241 said:

> > > > This isn't the balance patch. All they did was fix bugs and remove the PvE Rock Gazelle from PvP.

> > >

> > > Ok. Where are the Mirage bug fixes?

> >

> > It was a hotfix to something that needed to be hotfixed, not a bug fix patch.


> So not being able to use a whole spec weapon does not need a hotfix?


Well its not about what needs a hotfix, its about what bugs had been fixed and tested for this update. I'm sure they would love to have all the bugs fixed for this update but it's just not possible. So they fix what they can when they can and hope to get to the rest as soon as possible.

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> @"Harry Foud.1935" said:

> > @Frostball.9108 said:

> > > @"Harry Foud.1935" said:

> > > > @LUST.7241 said:

> > > > This isn't the balance patch. All they did was fix bugs and remove the PvE Rock Gazelle from PvP.

> > >

> > > Ok. Where are the Mirage bug fixes?

> >

> > It was a hotfix to something that needed to be hotfixed, not a bug fix patch.


> So not being able to use a whole spec weapon does not need a hotfix?


Im sorry but i dont think ive heard of what youre talking of.

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> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > @Frostball.9108 said:

> > The actual balance patch is on its way, this was just a hotfix to a bug rather than a balance change.


> Then where are all the bug fixes that Soulbeast needs? This was a lazy hotfix patch and could have and SHOULD have been done weeks ago.


If they were lazy this fix wouldve been with the balance patch instead of right now. Stop complaining about the hotfix and complain about the amount of time its taking for them to release the balance patch. This is not the balance patch.

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> @Frostball.9108 said:

> > @"Harry Foud.1935" said:

> > > @Frostball.9108 said:

> > > > @"Harry Foud.1935" said:

> > > > > @LUST.7241 said:

> > > > > This isn't the balance patch. All they did was fix bugs and remove the PvE Rock Gazelle from PvP.

> > > >

> > > > Ok. Where are the Mirage bug fixes?

> > >

> > > It was a hotfix to something that needed to be hotfixed, not a bug fix patch.

> >

> > So not being able to use a whole spec weapon does not need a hotfix?


> Im sorry but i dont think ive heard of what youre talking of.


This is what i'm talking about:

Axe 2: doesn't always spawn a clone especially if the target is not immobile. It seems to suffer from some huge desync or skill queuing issue that presents itself as forcing large delays before the skill activates. Using the skill often feels like you're playing with 250ms ping, and it's really odd and problematic. It results in getting hit by attacks due to the animation lock, using it twice due to skill queuing, and just generally feeling completely awful.

Axe 3: low range after the shadowstep, breaks Mirage's target also and is rng targeting other enemies than the one u want. Best it will land your dmg as intended , worst it will lead to a team wipe in raid . In pvp , the long cast time or animation is also the problem . In pvp a skill which is supposed to give mesmer mobility and a way to avoid being targeted , it makes him a huge pink fly in mid air. And it will still fail to hit the intended target. Also sometimes it moves you to places that cause camera issues, unable to move from invsible walls etc. Using it outside of 550 range + will most likely result in a shadowstep further Away from ur Target, then dashing back to ur starting location, effectively doing nothing.

Axe anbush: Doesn't work if you dont look face to face with the enemy even if you have targeted him. Axe ambush on clones does not trigger axe trait, usual clone attacks do trigger axe trait.

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> @Azel.4786 said:

> > @shadowpass.4236 said:

> > By this point, I _expect_ to be disappointed.

> >

> > Yet somehow they still manage to do it. I set the bar lower and lower each time.


> That moment when you discover that rock bottom has a basement.


This was the most perfect comment I've ever read in my life. I love you. I love what you wrote. You improved my mood by saying that and made me laugh irl. Good job. +1 mate. :)

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> @"Harry Foud.1935" said:

> > @ZhouX.8742 said:

> > > @"Harry Foud.1935" said:

> > > Does anet cares at all? You have 9 classes Anet. 9. And what did we saw today? Bug fixes in 3 of them. Sure, thank you about finally fixing Scourge and Gazelle.

> > > But what about Spellbreaker? OK let's forget how broken Spellbreaker is (4 wars meta from now).

> > > What about Mirage? Mirages can't use a whole weapon cause of bugs. They can't pick some traits cause even their own traits counter each other or they just don't do what they are suppose to do. I mean, I just don't understand. You released an expansion with a class that can't use the weapon you gave them.

> > > What about Renegade who does nothing?

> > > Good Job at fixing 1 pet tho. Good Job Arenanet! But yeah HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

> > wvw

> > "finally fixing scourge"

> >

> > Kappa


> At least they did the bugs..


Scourge was stealth nerfed in PvP and WvW. Shade duration cut in half, Shades no longer pulse when Desert Shroud does.

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>_Rock Gazelle—Kick_: Strikes from this skill have been increased from 2 to 5. Damage per strike has been reduced by 53%. Vulnerability per strike has been changed from 3 stacks for 6 seconds to 1 stack for 8 seconds.

>_Rock Gazelle—Charge_: The damage from this skill has been reduced by 48%. Fixed a tooltip issue where the daze duration was showing 1 second rather than the actual 2 seconds. Fixed a tooltip issue where the number of targets affected by the skill was 5 instead of 3.


Adieu , one shot gazelle. You and season Hate is not going to be missed.



>_Manifest Sand Shade_: Fixed a bug that allowed strikes from this skill to hit from multiple sand shades on the same target.

>_Desert Shroud_: Fixed a bug that was preventing this skill from processing Manifest Sand Shade upon casting.


So the " intended" way was to have sand shades cover a huge footprint, but do much lower, steady damage ? imagine that! Now that sand shades are gonna be hitting much less, i wonder if it means the condi application ( which was triggered by shades) will go down the same.

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But we have very ugly skins to buy on the cash shop so yay to that.


Clearly ANET has completely abandonned any content that is not related to fractals or living story world now. Since the split in teams they do manage to release a lot more pve content (that still has 0 challenge to it aside from raids that very few playres play, so super clever move really) at the cost of everything else in the game dying slowly and surely.


But that means more money for the devs because they can sell PvE related items and even merch, yay!


What's next ? Lootboxes based gameplay ? At this point I can't think of any other way to make the game even worse.

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> @Kraitan.8476 said:

> Yeah this is definetely how you kill your pvp scene. I've played over 7000 games in 5k hours because the combat is fun but pvp hasn't been fun for ages and every ''major quarterly balance patch'' so far has been pretty disappointing in my opinion. Guess I should quit the game at some point anyway, might as well now.


Im stunned how some of you oldies playing since 2012 still able to even enjoy pvp,honestly.This meta is getting worse with each xpack and with each "balance" patch they roll out.The skillfloor since 2012 has dropped massively,the last time i truly enjoyed playing pvp was either pre hot or right after hot.


Theyre even unable to bring in a fix band aid for now to the named "op" classes untill a proper balance patch rolls out...Saying proper makes me laugh tbh because i know theyre gonna "balance" it the wrong way.

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I dont get it . They nerfed Sb ,Scourge and this pet . Its a good step .




Tail Spin: While using Beastmode, this ability now has a new animation.

Rock Gazelle: Fixed a bug in which this pet hit downed enemies multiple times with its Charge attack.




Manifest Sand Shade (WvW and PvP only): The spawn duration of sand shades has been reduced from 20 seconds to 10 seconds.

Nefarious Favor (WvW and PvP only): The recharge time of this ability has been increased from 5 seconds to 8 seconds.




Full Counter: Fixed a bug in which this ability gained the damage bonus from Revenge Counter twice. The base damage of this ability has been reduced by 12.5% in PvP and WvW only.

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> Necromancer:


> Manifest Sand Shade (WvW and PvP only): The spawn duration of sand shades has been reduced from 20 seconds to 10 seconds.

> Nefarious Favor (WvW and PvP only): The recharge time of this ability has been increased from 5 seconds to 8 seconds.



Why wont you add the part where they killed Scourge?


"Dhuumfire no longer pulses on each tick of Desert Shroud, once on cast only (All modes)"


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> @Sombrero.9204 said:

> But we have very ugly skins to buy on the cash shop so yay to that.


> Clearly ANET has completely abandonned any content that is not related to fractals or living story world now. Since the split in teams they do manage to release a lot more pve content (that still has 0 challenge to it aside from raids that very few playres play, so super clever move really) at the cost of everything else in the game dying slowly and surely.


> But that means more money for the devs because they can sell PvE related items and even merch, yay!


> What's next ? Lootboxes based gameplay ? At this point I can't think of any other way to make the game even worse.


As someone who has learned. There are now better things to do. Then to be upset over such a lackluster at best title, that the devs. don't fully support. One simply just can't play one game, in order to get decent PvP, RvR, and or PvE action. You have to invest in two or three that specialize each of those areas separately.


Not to mention boy does GW2 has some of the most, non competitive community in all of gaming. I mean go play other supported PvP and RvR titles and you'll see exactly what I mean. GW2's community has to be babied and showered with free effortless rewards. Top tier GW2 PvPers could not even hold a candle, to that of a mid tier player in a actual competitive PvE, PvP, or RvR title.(Yes there are MMOs out that has intense PvE leaderboard competition.)


Then you have a dev team who defend violators, who trolls the PvP and WvW modes. But don't you dare go trolling the RPers at Divinity's Reach, because if you do be prepared for a massive suspension from the game. I had 4 or 5 friends in the past who no longer plays this game, find that out the hard way.


2nd rate game is a 2nd rate game. Love it for the free and effortless rewards. Or just move on.

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> @Rawrakai.2908 said:

> Hilarious how people think this bug fix impacts Scourge. Sand Servant is the only GM anyone takes.


False. I don't take it. I actually take Demonic Lore. Having the 3 shades gives me more coverage and Demonic Lore gives me more overall damage.


Just saying not everyone takes it so please don't assume :)

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