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For the love of the six, stop with the flashing effects


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I've suggested repeatedly as have others to please limit the effects of flashing or strobing lights in this game. It's a migraine trigger for me and an epilepsy trigger for others.


Well, in the PoF instance in Glint's lair, the final phase of the Facet is nothing but constant flashing effects. I got so confused and sick that I just stayed in the center and brute forced the thing instead of trying to grab the shield to break it's CC bar. Thanks for allowing a safe spot to auto attack and wait it out but my gosh, why? You could have just as easily created that minefield without flashing lights. It's nice none of your developers have vision or neuro issues but it stinks for those that do.


Then, I was on a bounty hunt in the highlands and there was a bounty that did NOTHING but constantly flash lights. It was so bad, I had to not look at the screen and randomly press buttons hoping I was hitting it. Again, why? Another effect that could have easily been done without blinding, flashing lights. Others who are not disabled even complained, the flashing was slowing down their game and hurting their eyes.


Since Hearts and Minds, this seems to be a big thing with Anet - strobing lights, blinding lights, moving filters you can't see around, etc. with no option to disable or minimize. Please, stop. There are better ways to do these effects and artificial difficulty without constantly painful flashing or nausea inflicting filters. It's not fun. It's not revolutionary.


If there's no plans to stop, can we at least get an option to disable? No amount of Git Gud is going to fix a neurological issue.

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I sympathize OP. I really do.


It's not just player effects though. It's mob effects and, for me in particular, environmental effects. I've given up playing on PoF maps at all because of blowing sand, fog, low clouds with epilepsy inducing flashing purple lightning etc. Also, the damn mount camera is ridiculous. Even with the "fix" of no roll camera check box it still bobs the camera around when you mount and un-mount. Instantly sick.


Oh and now being unable to mount due to sim sickness is affecting other game zone like Silverwastes where is you don't run around on your mount you won't tag a thing. Plus, there is a new mode in Halloween for mounts. I would really love to use this game feature that I paid for, but I just can't.

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> @Ubi.4136 said:

> We have been asking for the ability to "turn off other players effects" for 5 years. They don't care that the game is a seizure-inducing light show. That feature has been in every game I have played since 2001, except GW.


Fun fact: Ultima Online (one of the first MMOs; now celebrating its 20th anniversary) had a particle effects slider because even in a 2d isometric game, the devs realized you need to see what your enemy is doing in order to properly react to it - and it didn't require twitch play like GW2...

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There are still bosses in the game which I have fought many times, and cannot tell you what they look like. I have to laugh whenever an ANet rep responds to a question about better UI with something like, "One of the design goals for GW2 was to have the players watch what's going on on the screen, not watch the UI." If you want us to watch what's going on, how about letting us see it when there's more than 2 players attacking something.

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> @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

> There are still bosses in the game which I have fought many times, and cannot tell you what they look like. I have to laugh whenever an ANet rep responds to a question about better UI with something like, "One of the design goals for GW2 was to have the players watch what's going on on the screen, not watch the UI." If you want us to watch what's going on, how about letting us see it when there's more than 2 players attacking something.


Please... The effects in this game are quite mild. Have you tried D3?

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I was looking forward to the Halloween content, since I haven't seen it before. The clocktower in particular, had heard that it was challenging. And I usually love tough jps.


Turns out that it's the only jumping puzzle in the game that might be impossible for me. Because of the constantly flickering lights and twirling bright green haze. Got a headache after just a couple of minutes of that, nothing in graphics options seem to help at all.

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I don't have a problem with the flashes medically, but I do have to say that the first time I've seen it (especially in PoF with the "Unstable Magic" legendaries) it was kind of funny/cute.

After that though, it was more of an "enough is enough" that I couldn't see what I was doing. The only good part mostly was I'm 90% of a ranged person than anything, but being away from everyone keeps me away from heals and boons and also would make it harder to be revived if anything happen so when the person leading say "Stack" I'm kind of having to and now it's a game of mash 1 2 3 4 5 with the occasional F-keys (depending on class of course) and 7 8 9 0 (once again depending on class).

I can't use my healing skill because whenever I get hit to get down, it's almost instant as I... can't see... past the lights of the gods or whatever the hell it is that's coming out of those enemies.

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The amount of screen noise in game is huge. A few years ago it was starting to be tackled but that got stomped on as people complained about the lack of shinny. The best solution would be to allow players to choose what effect they see either their own, their group, their squad, friendlies and all and such so that players can adjust as needed. But that is a regular complaint in voice, "I couldn't see it with all that's going on. What rings? What's the tell? Where is the target? What adds?". A single animation is awesome, a group of them is just a mess.

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> The amount of screen noise in game is huge. A few years ago it was starting to be tackled but that got stomped on as people complained about the lack of shinny. The best solution would be to allow players to choose what effect they see either their own, their group, their squad, friendlies and all and such so that players can adjust as needed. But that is a regular complaint in voice, "I couldn't see it with all that's going on. What rings? What's the tell? Where is the target? What adds?". A single animation is awesome, a group of them is just a mess.


Actually, it was stomped on because Anet nerfed the wrong noise. Gotta love those elemental egg-shell shields, right? >.> And they still haven't reverted the magic shields; apparently, it must be that nasty visual noise! It couldn't be all the other, larger, brighter, flasher effects! Nope! [/sarcasm] Ever since the NPE, I feel like the devs are listening and reading less and less or have a listening/reading comprehension issue.


I, personally, haven't seen a ton of screen noise unless I'm fighting Maw ("Does anyone know what this boss looks like?"), but then again, I have a potato computer, so I tend not to see the spectacular effects. The screenshot I quoted shocked me... hence the four "..." in that post.

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> @Feanor.2358 said:

> > @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

> > There are still bosses in the game which I have fought many times, and cannot tell you what they look like. I have to laugh whenever an ANet rep responds to a question about better UI with something like, "One of the design goals for GW2 was to have the players watch what's going on on the screen, not watch the UI." If you want us to watch what's going on, how about letting us see it when there's more than 2 players attacking something.


> Please... The effects in this game are quite mild. Have you tried D3?


If that's Diablo 3, no I have not. Other than GW2 I've only tried Guild Wars, Tabula Rasa, Last Chaos, WoW, Diablo 2, Torchlight, Rappelz, ToR, AoC, TSW, ESO, RoM, Tera, Rift, NWO, LotRO, Skyforge. Aion, CoX and Wildstar. While GW2 is superior to a lot of those games in one way or another, I never had trouble seeing a boss in any of them.


The effects in GW2 may seem mild to you. That may be due to your being exposed to games where they are more intense. Maybe the difference in perspective is due to differences in visual acuity and light-change tolerance among people. I've seen pieces of a lot of GW2 bosses. I've seen an arm here, a leg there. The bigger the model, the more of it I may have seen.


@ Yuyuske:


In Options, on the first tab there is a check box for Show Player Names. Having that unchecked helps a bit with the visual clutter.

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> @AegisRunestone.8672 said:

> > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > The amount of screen noise in game is huge. A few years ago it was starting to be tackled but that got stomped on as people complained about the lack of shinny. The best solution would be to allow players to choose what effect they see either their own, their group, their squad, friendlies and all and such so that players can adjust as needed. But that is a regular complaint in voice, "I couldn't see it with all that's going on. What rings? What's the tell? Where is the target? What adds?". A single animation is awesome, a group of them is just a mess.


> Actually, it was stomped on because Anet nerfed the wrong noise. Gotta love those elemental egg-shell shields, right? >.> And they still haven't reverted the magic shields; apparently, it must be that nasty visual noise! It couldn't be all the other, larger, brighter, flasher effects! Nope! [/sarcasm] Ever since the NPE, I feel like the devs are listening and reading less and less or have a listening/reading comprehension issue.


> I, personally, haven't seen a ton of screen noise unless I'm fighting Maw ("Does anyone know what this boss looks like?"), but then again, I have a potato computer, so I tend not to see the spectacular effects. The screenshot I quoted shocked me... hence the four "..." in that post.


Key here is give players a choice. I run guild wars on a number of laptops of various strengths that have run on low settings and others at max. Aka your results will vary on how much flash you might get and/or want. I think most would agree the game is a joy to watch and single animations are quite nice but when they all stack on each other it becomes more apparent that some way to limit them in large group situations would be a boon to have, especially it its adjustable to ones owns needs/wants. I have seen other MMO's do this with some success which is where I state the ideas to choose what level to show the effects on, and I think it would be a good fit here to allow people choice in how the effects are viewed and to allow them as much or little shine as they wish. Good hunting!

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> @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

> > @Feanor.2358 said:

> > > @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

> > > There are still bosses in the game which I have fought many times, and cannot tell you what they look like. I have to laugh whenever an ANet rep responds to a question about better UI with something like, "One of the design goals for GW2 was to have the players watch what's going on on the screen, not watch the UI." If you want us to watch what's going on, how about letting us see it when there's more than 2 players attacking something.

> >

> > Please... The effects in this game are quite mild. Have you tried D3?


> If that's Diablo 3, no I have not. Other than GW2 I've only tried Guild Wars, Tabula Rasa, Last Chaos, WoW, Diablo 2, Torchlight, Rappelz, ToR, AoC, TSW, ESO, RoM, Tera, Rift, NWO, LotRO, Skyforge. Aion, CoX and Wildstar. While GW2 is superior to a lot of those games in one way or another, I never had trouble seeing a boss in any of them.


> The effects in GW2 may seem mild to you. That may be due to your being exposed to games where they are more intense. Maybe the difference in perspective is due to differences in visual acuity and light-change tolerance among people. I've seen pieces of a lot of GW2 bosses. I've seen an arm here, a leg there. The bigger the model, the more of it I may have seen.


> @ Yuyuske:


> In Options, on the first tab there is a check box for Show Player Names. Having that unchecked helps a bit with the visual clutter.


In diablo it´s kind of a mess, even more than it is in gw2.

In high rifts you better have sunglasses on, otherwise you´ll not be able to see what´s really going on , on the screen.

For example, spinning lasers that can kill you in a few seconds, some enemies leave a explosive bomb upon death that looks like a small vulcano and much more.

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> @Aerlen.5326 said:

> I've suggested repeatedly as have others to please limit the effects of flashing or strobing lights in this game. It's a migraine trigger for me and an epilepsy trigger for others.


> Well, in the PoF instance in Glint's lair, the final phase of the Facet is nothing but constant flashing effects. I got so confused and sick that I just stayed in the center and brute forced the thing instead of trying to grab the shield to break it's CC bar. Thanks for allowing a safe spot to auto attack and wait it out but my gosh, why? You could have just as easily created that minefield without flashing lights. It's nice none of your developers have vision or neuro issues but it stinks for those that do.


> Then, I was on a bounty hunt in the highlands and there was a bounty that did NOTHING but constantly flash lights. It was so bad, I had to not look at the screen and randomly press buttons hoping I was hitting it. Again, why? Another effect that could have easily been done without blinding, flashing lights. Others who are not disabled even complained, the flashing was slowing down their game and hurting their eyes.


> Since Hearts and Minds, this seems to be a big thing with Anet - strobing lights, blinding lights, moving filters you can't see around, etc. with no option to disable or minimize. Please, stop. There are better ways to do these effects and artificial difficulty without constantly painful flashing or nausea inflicting filters. It's not fun. It's not revolutionary.


> If there's no plans to stop, can we at least get an option to disable? No amount of Git Gud is going to fix a neurological issue.


There are only 5 true Gods you heretic.


I bet you also support peace with the Charr.

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> @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

> > @Feanor.2358 said:

> > > @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

> > > There are still bosses in the game which I have fought many times, and cannot tell you what they look like. I have to laugh whenever an ANet rep responds to a question about better UI with something like, "One of the design goals for GW2 was to have the players watch what's going on on the screen, not watch the UI." If you want us to watch what's going on, how about letting us see it when there's more than 2 players attacking something.

> >

> > Please... The effects in this game are quite mild. Have you tried D3?


> If that's Diablo 3, no I have not. Other than GW2 I've only tried Guild Wars, Tabula Rasa, Last Chaos, WoW, Diablo 2, Torchlight, Rappelz, ToR, AoC, TSW, ESO, RoM, Tera, Rift, NWO, LotRO, Skyforge. Aion, CoX and Wildstar. While GW2 is superior to a lot of those games in one way or another, I never had trouble seeing a boss in any of them.


> The effects in GW2 may seem mild to you. That may be due to your being exposed to games where they are more intense. Maybe the difference in perspective is due to differences in visual acuity and light-change tolerance among people. I've seen pieces of a lot of GW2 bosses. I've seen an arm here, a leg there. The bigger the model, the more of it I may have seen.


Actually the differences come from the possibility to have a lot larger number of players using skills and contributing to the visual clutter on a single scene. In D3 (yes, it's Diablo) and many of the games you quoted they are limited to a much smaller number. Hence they generally have much more visually impressive skills. Just compare Meteor Shower in [GW2 ](

"GW2 ") and in [D3](


I get what's your point, but there are limits to which you can tone down the visual effects of the skills without making them seem... lame. You have to take into account the experience of a lone player playing solo as well as the full zerg blasting world bosses.

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