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Help Me understand why they do not fix bugs in WvW


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Putting Packed Yaks into the North East Camp will cause the yak to be stuck in the entrance of the keep FOREVER. This has been a bug since it was introduced, yet should have been a reasonable fix to do. I know it has been reported many times, but alias never fixed. It is one of a few simple fixes that would be easy to do and help gameplay. Another is that you can set up a treb on the Desert boarderland in your spawn and hit Crankshaft but the opposing teams cannot take it out. I know this has been reported too. WHY can these things not be fixed but the can fix an unbroken salvage o matic? I did not care if the salvage o matic did not grey out if I did not have that to salvage or if the Merchants 'sell junk' tab did not grey out if I did not have any junk.

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Dont try to understand it.


Your head will explode.


Anet still hasnt fixed the missing static wall corner of DBL garrison. Now you may say, "well a bug can be very complicated, it requires programming!"... No. It's just a static object. A 3D model with texture and a collision mesh. Maybe some LoD meshes. That's it. There are already thousands upon thousands in game. It's not rocket science. A 15 year old can make a decent 3D model.


It's been... 3 years? 4 years? Or is it 5 now? I cant remember anymore. It's been so long. Anet just cant fix that. They can release PvE entire expansions, living stories, mount systems coded from scratch with far, far more complicated animations than a basic object. But they just **cant fix that static object**. That **one** static object. Well actually I think it's 2 parts that are missing but it's the same object just on two different sides of garri. It wouldnt even surprise me if it is "there", but something is broken on mesh export when they made it or mesh loading so it wont get placed as the instance is loaded.


Just. Dont. Think. Too. Hard.

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Because Anet is a bunch of PVE loving soy guzzlers who cant do anything with the other competitive modes that gives the game you your value in replay-ability,,

Wvw and PvP generate income people still love there cosmetics i payed for the expansion to get new skills to play WvW and PvP!


The idea that the game modes that give the game the value of replay-ability doesn't generate income is fundamental flawed and total nonsense !

i stopped paying for cosmetics and everything else because i am bored of PVE and they never do anything with PVP and WVW !

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> @"caveman.5840" said:


> The idea that the game modes that give the game the value of replay-ability doesn't generate income is fundamental flawed and total nonsense !


I wonder how many people are in the same camp as you, i personally dont think WVW and PVP give the game that much replayability. I doubt those game modes make as much as regular PVE, but only anet knows where the majority of their money comes from, and they make decisions based off that.


to the OPS question...


In this game, there are major bugs that have existed since launch. Events not able to progress blocking progress, story missions that dont function forcing restarts, the list goes on. This games code is awful(anet has stated such) and fixing bugs often cause more things to break, does it suck? Yes. But unless they completely recode the game to something far more streamlined alot of these bugs will persist, probably because they break other things even worse.


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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> I doubt those game modes make as much as regular PVE, but only anet knows where the majority of their money comes from, and they make decisions based off that.


i wonder how many people stopped playing the game over the years because they dont do anything with WVW and PVP i wonder how many people stopped playing because of the "major bugs that have existed since launch"


lol so just keep building expansion after expansion building on a broken foundation thats the answer keep building on a broken foundation . putting out hours and hours worth of work on PVE ,, or maybe you could spend a pretty short amount of time to do something with PVP and WVW that would cost way less man hours.


also you are locking people out of WVW and PVP who dont want to pay 50$ for a (PVE exclusive expansion) that does nothing for wvw and pvp 50$ just so you can use new skills and remain competitive in these game modes but yet no improvements to the game modes ,, it is pretty obvious why there is so many PVE players because there is no incentive for WVW or PVP to stay


it is circular logic and they have been hurting them self all along the way through bad management , the second they knew they where working with bad code they should have just started making a new game instead of expansions after expansion ,,, who knows maybe they where in financial debt after making this game but there has been a lot of bad decisions along the way.

i would like to see some numbers from launch till now .

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