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How to switch enemy AoE warning effect ON or OFF? Can it even be turned off?

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EDIT: It is now ON for her out of the blue; must have been a bug. It still leaves the question though "Can that feature even be switched OFF from the options (without the game bugging out on you)?". o.O


![](https://scontent-hel2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/95627690_3249960485055980_5667353520534192128_o.jpg?_nc_cat=107&_nc_sid=ca434c&_nc_ohc=0s5SUoev34IAX-TRxpB&_nc_ht=scontent-hel2-1.xx&oh=10e5a4b6dd815ef77f94f4cf4e0034c1&oe=5ED2309A "")



_How do you switch this feature/effect ON or OFF!_


More about the picture and issue if the picture does not work:

I have no I issue with the following effect (it is ON for me) I am about to describe to you fine people, ~~but my better half does (she has it OFF for some reason, not by choise).~~ During some AoE attacks (made by enemies) you get these fiery edges on your screen if you happen to stand in it; I think it is meant to work as an early warning sign. ~~She doesn't have the said feature on for some reason, but she would like it being ON.~~


We have removed the following options by cross refereshing our options to one another (so these are not the ones to fix it):

- Nothing in Graphics Options had any effect (I even went so far as to put everything to "low" or "none" to see if I could make it disappear).

- Neither of us have a checkmark on "Disable Area-of-Effect Rings"



At this point I am wondering if that feature can be turned OFF at all without the game bugging out on you (I am not the only one to wonder this).

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Huh. I've never seen that yellow effect. I get the other effects, though. Poison, blind, bleeding, etc.


You get it with very few selected AoE attacks made by enemies.

Examples I know off:

- Vale Guardian's teleport AoE attack (if you stand in it).

- The "red circle" AoE attack during Siren's Reef Fractal.

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