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Characters exchanging names

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2 Characters who's names you want to swap with one another?


or 2 characters you don't care for but want the names on 2 other characters?


If the latter then yes delete the ones you don't want and use name change contracts on the ones you want the names on.


If the former then you'll need to delete one of them, rename the other with the name change contract and then remake the other character with the original name of the character you didn't delete.

I don't believe there is another way to swap names.

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Whoa ! I have to REMAKE a character ? I want 2 characters names swapped with each other. I don't understand why deleting both names wouldn't work with two Name Change Contracts to effect the change ? Thank you Teratus. Oh wait, yes I do. Yeah, you can't just delete a name. Hmmmm. It might cost me 3 actual name change contracts and that's a bit too much.

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> @"Michael Conrad.6704" said:

> Whoa ! I have to REMAKE a character ? I want 2 characters names swapped with each other. I don't understand why deleting both names wouldn't work with two Name Change Contracts to effect the change ? Thank you Teratus.


2 Name change contracts wouldn't do it no but 3 would.


With just 2 contracts you wouldn't be able to change character 1's name with character 2's name because characer 2 already has the name in use and you can't have duplicate names in Gw2.

So you would need to change character 1's name to a random place holder name.

Then change character 2's name to character 1's original name.

Then use the 3rd contract to change character 1's name to character 2's original name..


I don't however know if there are any time restrictions on changing the same characer's name more than once though..

But I do know that when you change a characters name that name does get reserved for you for 24 hours so nobody else could take it during that time.


It's really upto you if you want to get 3 contracts or go with 1 contract and restart one character.

Hope it works out for you either way ^^

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