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Mount bug, camera stays on activation point

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Since the last halloween patch, very often when I call a mount, it won't really show up, my char stays on the ground and when i run with the mount, I see my char running away while the camera stays on this position. When I dismount, the camera makes a huge jump to the real position of my char.

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Did some testing, and this only seems to be happening to me with the new Mount Skins.


If I don't use them, mounts load up instantly and I have no issues, however when trying with the Spooky Mounts, it took about 5-10s to load the actual mount and reset my camera. There's even been a case that it took so long, when the camera reset it forced another loading screen...

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It happens to me with both sets of skins, but only for a period of time after waypointing unmounted, or waypointing across maps (so am unmounted in the process). If I am already mounted when I waypoint within the map (and so remain mounted), it doesn't happen, but there is occasional camera wonkiness otherwise. The length of time is variable, but seems to track with how long my loading screens are taking. It does not happen for me at all if I am unmounted, waypoint, and remain unmounted.


Last night was the worst, though, when my toon blinked out during the end of the octovine event in Auric Basin, where I had been using my mount on occasion, and also switching to tiny!mushroom (was on the West gate). Tiny!mushroom has always given me invisible toon issues, but they usually resolve within a few seconds. Last night, though, after I turned invisible right around the octovine's regen, I stayed that way. I was still able to interact with everything, but I finally stopped a few rooms into the chest run and sent a /bug report, since I could mount up and see my mount, but still not my character. Waypointing out after made me visible again, but I continued to have weird sync issues resulting in temporary invisibility until I accepted the invitation to switch to a more populated map. I didn't record the IP, but I'm sure that's part of what's automatically collected on a /bug report.


I agree that while it happened occasionally before the Halloween patch, it has been more frequent since then, and it seems to take longer to recover, or a longer wait to avoid it.

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  • 8 months later...

I bought the expansion and received the key today, 07/11/2018 and soon upon entering Crystal Desert, my mount did not appear when I click on the X. Therefore, I do not have any skin, just the original Raptor. I see comments since the launch of the expansion, which has been almost a year and no action has been taken by Arena to solve the bug and I regret having bought it.

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> @"Dixie.9521" said:

> I bought the expansion and received the key today, 07/11/2018 and soon upon entering Crystal Desert, my mount did not appear when I click on the X. Therefore, I do not have any skin, just the original Raptor. I see comments since the launch of the expansion, which has been almost a year and no action has been taken by Arena to solve the bug and I regret having bought it.


If you've not purchased any additional Mount skins, you will only have the original Mount skin(s).

The 'bug' talked about in this thread was fixed with a subsequent patch.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Dixie.9521" said:

> > I bought the expansion and received the key today, 07/11/2018 and soon upon entering Crystal Desert, my mount did not appear when I click on the X. Therefore, I do not have any skin, just the original Raptor. I see comments since the launch of the expansion, which has been almost a year and no action has been taken by Arena to solve the bug and I regret having bought it.


> If you've not purchased any additional Mount skins, you will only have the original Mount skin(s).

> The 'bug' talked about in this thread was fixed with a subsequent patch.


It really hasn't been fixed at all, i get it all the time, ive just learned to live with it, despite how frustrating it is, endless research has resulted in no real possible resolutions that i could find. Great game otherwise, really enjoying it.

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  • 1 year later...

Three years later, remains a constant thorn in my side.


No mount skins. I can have summoned the mount thirty times in the same zone previously. Even dismounting and immediately remounting still gotta wait while I sit underground. I've glitched under maps and had to waypoint because of it. Turns out there's water under those hills and I can swim around underneath the maps all I want.


Making a ticket with this labeled an exploitable issue. Which it is. I could skip tons of stuff with it, walk through walls, even bypass jumping puzzle blocks regardless on if it blocks mounts or not (just mount up before the block kicks in and then ride through the terrain to the finish line).


My 1000 MB/S internet says it's not a bandwith issue. Ya, that's megabytes with the big B.

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  • 2 months later...

> @"Vain.3805" said:

> Three years later, remains a constant thorn in my side.

> My 1000 MB/S internet says it's not a bandwith issue. Ya, that's megabytes with the big B.


It's a local issue, an assset-loading issue. I have since long ago heard that using one of the Gem-store mount skins would fix this, but it wasn't until the recent rollback reward that I actually acquired one and could experience this first hand.


The problem: when mounting, the actual mount model isn't loaded until after everything else waiting in the queue. If the player just arrived to the scene and there are tons of assets left to load, then the mount takes a considerable amount of time to show up, and until then the player is shown stuck on the floor in mounted position (despite movement applying on the mini-map).


The solution: I've often suggested that there should be a "priority queue" for loading and displaying the mount assets before the rest of the map ones. I used to think this couldn't be done which is why ANet has taken so long in fixing it. However, today I' ve learned it isn't so. When using a gem-store skin, upon mounting the DEFAULT skin is first loaded and displayed, until the Gem-store one is ready for displaying (at which point the mount looks becomes updated). The fascinating thing is that the default skin is shown INMEDIATELY, skipping the rest of the asset queue.



So, **the solution has already been there this whole time**. All ANet needs to do is to invoke this "force loading" of the default mount skin regardless of whether the player is using it, or another Gem-store skin. :/



The fix seems to be so easy to apply, yet it's been years and it hasn't been fixed yet T_T


PS: Tested this with the sleek dunerunner jackal skin.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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