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Final Jump in Mad King's Clocktower is Bugged

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I've spent the past 2 hours trying to make the final jump and it is literally bugged. I hit the open window and just slide down like there's an invisible wall. I've gotten to the very top at least 50 times already and the final jump is still harder than all those attempts COMBINED. anet please fix it.

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The only suggestion I can make it to stand at the top right of the stairs and jump as soon as the face appears/breaks. If you are already facing the flat front of the clock face when you jump you will be too late. Lag can also make it really difficult to get in.

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I've made the jump on 2/2 attempts, but I've also seen a lot of people say they know what to do/have done it before this year and then hit what appears to be this bug. Which means if it is a bug it's not universal - it only affects certain maps, or certain characters, or maybe it only occurs randomly.


I think it might be helpful to use the in-game bug reporting tool to notify Anet. If I remember correctly that gives them a bunch of extra info - such as which copy of the map you were in and makes it easier for them to look at records of exactly what happened, so they have an easier time identifying bugs than going by reports on the forum.

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This post brings back memories to the first year. I was one of the people who kept getting to the top and having that issue.


The only solution back then was to jump early, and even that was spotty, but eventually worked.


The following year I had zero problems getting in. Haven't tried it yet this year.

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> @Danikat.8537 said:

> I've made the jump on 2/2 attempts, but I've also seen a lot of people say they know what to do/have done it before this year and then hit what appears to be this bug. Which means if it is a bug it's not universal - it only affects certain maps, or certain characters, or maybe it only occurs randomly.


It's an old bug that was present since the first time we've seen that JP. Basically, the window's "hitbox" and visuals can sometimes desync - the window is in a different place than you see it at.



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experienced this just now. The lightning strikes, the glass shatters, jumped FIVE TIMES perfectly, and bounced off ... I had "150" FPS whatever the hell that means (since my monitor is 60hz) but even after frame limiting to 60 , same problem with final jump. wtf, client side lightning strike or something?!


Edit: finally did it when *another person* was there with me. I jumped just as she did, which on my screen is about 2 sec after shattered glass animation. plz anet. This didnt happen at all last year ... same comp.

Edit2: video proof of jumping 2 panels later -- the only thing that seemed to work:

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> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> Just to reinforce what everyone else seems to be saying about their instance being bugged, I made that last jump 7 out of 7 times last night. I didn't experience any lag, or other failure to make it through the broken glass.


I left and came back on separate instances, even separate days. If it's bugged for you, it seems perma-bugged. Not sure if related to graphics cards, etc., but the animation totally gets out of sync

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Saw several spirits fail the jump because they were too far back and fell short, hitting the vortex instead of the clock. Be sure to stand near the edge. ...my Asura for instance can stand on air on that platform. It extends a bit further than it seems.


And jump straight ahead, not at an angle. Since the latter means that you need to cover more distance with the jump.

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It's absolutely a desync problem. Today I got up around 10 times and missed all of the jumps. As someone pointed out earlier the guys next to me didn't jump when I did. They jumped around 1-2 sec later on the next panel.

I also noticed that parts of the puzzle on the way up behaved strangely. For example on the first platform where you wait for some new ones they seemed to freeze or lag in place. Sort of a glitchy behaviour. This also happened with the platforms after the face plant.

I got out and into a new one. No glitches and made the jump on the first take. The jump itself isn't hard and I've made it every time I'm up there except for today.

So desync it is. At least now we may know when it's about to happen due to the glitchy behaviour of the platforms. I never tried jumping into the wall after the clock so wouldn't know if that works. But probably will.

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To this morning have no issue, are you 100% sure you're not jumping too early/late? If you jump too early, it could be that you've lost your forward moment by hitting the wall, after which it breaks.


Apart from that, I have a bigger issue with the big cog about 1/3rd in, its a vertical cog, with a clear surface, but half that surface is slippery, so you have to make an illogical jump to land on it

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same problem for me today. failed 3 times (in maybe two instances?)

Never had this issue during the past years + yesterday.

And animation also lags when platforms appeared - it might be an indication of a bugged map/instance.

(check the video posted by icy.9250 above)



just tried another instance,

the animation had no lag when the first platform appeared; so I assumed it was a working map,

and I was right; jumping when the window shattered and finished the jp.

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As someone who has done this puzzle literally hundreds if not thousands of times over the years... yes. Its definitely bugged. Sometimes. Prior to this year I'd never run into a supposed "bugged instance" but this year I definitely did. I know exactly when to make the jump, its not a "learn when to jump" issue. As a few people in the thread have said, I would make the jump as I always had hundreds of times before, and fail every time. Then, I managed to make it up there with one of the people that was doing it successfully and watched them. They jumped a full "wall section" after the clock face had passed, I followed, and made it.


The next day I tried it again and was able to clear it multiple times with the normal timing. I don't know if the whole "bugged instance" thing is true or not, but it definitely seems like sometimes, something gets bugged and the animation gets off.


Also, during the same bugged runs I noticed that the broken pieces of the tower directly after the long jump down to the platform were also bugged. If I tried jumping as soon as they spawned (visually) I'd just fall through and die. I had to wait a good second or two after they visually spawned before I could actually jump on them. And the movement was sort of janky as well, they'd move a certain distance at first, freeze, then a second later (probably the same time they became physical) they'd move a second time and lock into the proper spots.


I don't know if its a new issue or not. All I know is that in the 6 years since the game came out and I've been running this puzzle I've never seen the issues I had until this year. And even this year, out of 4 separate runs I've only seen it once.

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> @icy.9250 said:

> experienced this just now. The lightning strikes, the glass shatters, jumped FIVE TIMES perfectly, and bounced off ... I had "150" FPS whatever the hell that means (since my monitor is 60hz) but even after frame limiting to 60 , same problem with final jump. kitten, client side lightning strike or something?!


> Edit: finally did it when *another person* was there with me. I jumped just as she did, which on my screen is about 2 sec after shattered glass animation. plz anet. This didnt happen at all last year ... same comp.

> Edit2: video proof of jumping 2 panels later -- the only thing that seemed to work:


Did you notice how the piece that comes out at the actual beginning had a massive pause? That's a pretty sure sign that your instance is desynced. I've seen videos of people falling through other objects well before making it to the top. If you notice that piece glitching at all, you should bail immediately and try to get into another instance.

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I need to appologize. [While I consider myself an expert of this JP by now](https://i.imgur.com/nC9k35c.jpg "While I consider myself an expert of this JP by now"), I encountered the bug myself last night (before, I insisted there was no such bug).


It is definitely not an issue with the instance, as the person standing up there with me jumped the same second and got in as intended, while I bounced off an invisible wall. Therefore, there must indeed be an issue with the synchronization between server and client that randomly occurs.


Please fix, thank you.

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