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Is there a way to move back forward?

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There is nothing you can do to fix it, but Anet probably will be able to fix it. This has only just happened so it's going to take some time for them to sort it out. IMO the best thing to do is wait for that. I'm not going to log into the game until they tell us it's fixed, just in case I manage to mess it up more (or in case any progress we make from now on is wiped by the fix).

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It depends on how the database got rolled back. They may have a 'later' restore point which they can 'roll forward' to; of course if they do that anything you do right now will also be lost. It will probably take them a while to figure out what happened, to ensure the integrity of their database (to make sure it just doesn't happen again) and decide if they can restore the cleanly. Either way it's going to take some time for them to square it all.

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