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Returning after 4 years break. Need help swapping my main (mesmer, necro or ranger)

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TLDR: I'm looking for a class with mid-difficulty that have good aoe skills.


I have all 9 classes and playing them all from time to time years ago i was confident with most of them but now i have no idea what I'm doing...


The last 2 weeks i narrow it down to only 3 classes and the other 6 are situational for events maybe.


My main was mesmer but now it's really hard for me to play pvp and wvw with it because of the different builds , gear and the high skill cap makes it frustrating for me to play as a mesmer and frustrating for people in my party to have a bad mesmer..


I love Rangers but my problem with it is that it lacks AOE clears for farming events in pve or random zergs in wvw.


Necromancer in the other hand have everything, bigg AOE's, high dps, high sustain and survivability but it's very easy to play to the point you don't feel like you're doing anything or even playing the game...

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Mesmer is... sad. Anyway mesmers are typically very bad at cleaving and it is kinda high skill class so maybe mesmer is not for you if AOEs are your thing. And don't even try pvping with mesmer now, it is so out of meta now that playing mesmer in pvp/wvw is same as trolling.

Rangers and necros however are another story. Both are very good at cleaving.


Ranger doesn't lack aoe skills, it has pretty good aoe and strong burst. Very strong in pve and pvp. In WVW blob fights rangers are useless though. Maybe ok for roaming, but meh. Rager is in easy to mid-difficulty range, it is chill to play, but there is much to master too.


Necro is all about AOE. Very strong in all gamemodes. While it is typically an easy to play class there is always some room to master for any class. For example while doing fractals I always see a huge difference between main necros and casual ones: not only in damage but also on knowing the capabilities of the class. When you see that reaper that enables his 3 pets and just runs around: you know that he is just roleplaying instead of playing the actual game. Being carried with necro is easy, but carrying a team as necro can become complex. So if you wanna main a class even maining the easiest class has its benefits imo. I don't think necro is very different from ranger specs in terms of difficulty either: both are pretty straightforward classes. After all you could pick necro or ranger and go play a harder pve mode (cm fractals, raiding), open world pve is a piece of cake even for new players with the most difficult classes: everything dies to aa most of the time. And in the end even the hardest classes become easy when you master them.

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