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Disconnects on map switching and constant crash reports

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Hi, I'm getting booted from the server when I switch map and have to relog with the 2 factor every time this happens, which is frequent enough. Besides this, on any map, I will get random crash reports saying something about connection failure, but nothing happens and I can play as usual.


On second thought, the first problem might be related to the Thunderhead Peaks map, as it has been very laggy/unstable, asking on map chat confirms everyone seems affected by it.

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Yeah not a fan of using twitter as the first means of communication since I don't have an account there. But since I know, I check there whenever there's something up. I hope it will help with some of the issues. Been having them since I got back to the game 2 weeks ago so I doubt its to do with the maintenance. But I can hope that the maintenance does fix/alleviate the worst of it like frequent disconnects, end of story instance disconnects (dont hold out hope for this one, issue is 2+years old), false disconnect messages, keybind crashes and lags.

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![](https://i.imgur.com/lwAkMyw.jpg "")



> @"Athalauz.7104" said:

> Confirm, i have the same issue, but i get dc doing everything, it happends every 10 mins or ever y 5 mins, some times secs after logging in. if someone knows something please post.

> IMG :anguished:

> [https://fotos.subefotos.com/e0cc4c0fec87f569d3fb0738d94cefa9o.jpg](https://fotos.subefotos.com/e0cc4c0fec87f569d3fb0738d94cefa9o.jpg)


I see you have a different error code, this is the one I get, in this case from a ''false'' disconnect'', where the message popped up but i did not get kicked and am able to continue playing.

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