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About the people who won't get free Curious Creatures Mount Select License after the rollback

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Community communication made a huge leap forward since the layoffs in 2019. We are still far away from being good, but there is visible progress. The compensation of the loss due to the shutdown/rollback could have been dealt better. Mistakes were made - not gonna argue about that. I understand many of you are angry and you should get a proper compensation for the loss you had with this incident. Splitting the community in a group that loged and a group that stayed offline was a bad decision.This merged thread is already 14 pages long of discussions mostly related to how unfair the treatment was. Maybe it might be not a bad idea to take a look at the circumstances that lead to this mess and look for a way to prevent this in the future.


The servers run 365 days a year, mostly non-stop. They only go down when something crashes. Most other MMORPGs have something called scheduled maintenance. They shut down the game server for a few hours, in some cases an entire day, on a regular schedule to provide stability. We have our Tuesday evening patches, but the servers do not shut down for that.


Those games do not offer compensation for the time the servers do not run, although some of them are subscription-based. They are scheduled, so people know about the downtimes in advance.


Looking on the current instabilities regarding server-lagg, loading times, that unexpected rollback and its aftermath. Not to forget the weird situation with TP and salvaging. It could be an option to show the servers a little more attention in the future. Maybe they can even patch more stuff if the servers are not online and need less additional fixes.

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> @"Hyrai.8720" said:

> > @"yoni.7015" said:

> > This is getting more and more ridiculous. You really get that mad because of a skin in a video game? oh boy ...


> 14 pages in this thread and you still didnt understand that its not about the skin. oh boy...


Sure, it is about the greatest injustice happening in the world right now.



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> @"coso.9173" said:

> i wonder if removing the item from everyone would be better by now...


Yeah, I'm thinking instead of make everyone happy, makes everyone unhappy is better. For sure. /sarcasm

Stop giving them ideas btw.

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Maybe he intented this as a direct response to ArenaNet while the other threads are more feeling like "players fighting each other". I guess that's why he quoted the staff member from the other announcment thread directly. (I guess they don't accept forum PMs but might still get a notification in this way if getting quoted.)


Problem is that the latest announcement did not take into account any of the other points that came up in the other discussion thread. While I also think that ArenaNet isn't going to change anything anymore it would have been nice if they had said "yeah we are aware of the other points and of what people did not like - we apologize but this is the final statement and we won't change how the situation got handled".


Quoted statement makes it seem like ArenaNet thinks that people did not understand that the license was for lost progress - and that this needed another post for clarification. (To me it really felt a bit as if they were thinking I was too stupid to understand the earlier post.) Makes it seem like they ignoring the point that some people that logged in might not have lost progress. Which we talked about in the other thread. If they said "yeah we are aware of that but that's how it it we won't change anything" it would feel much better I guess. (At least people would know they did not ignore this.)

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> i wonder if removing the item from everyone would be better by now...

I wonder if I should write a ticket about this. I mean I'm one of the people that got the skin. I did only login to see the rollback. Then logged out. (So I didn't make any progress but I qualified fo rthe skin.) Personally I don't care about the skin. I would not have bought it for gems.


I still am using it since I think "why not if it was for free" but it is not that I need it or care about it much. (More about "hey completion and I have one of those x skins where I might never buy any of the other ones. 1 step closer to getting all which I never get lol.)


Writing a ticket might have an interesting effect. I guess it would be unusual for someone to have something wanted removed.

But it really makes me sad if people want to leave the game (like one person announced above) here.

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> @"Pomdepin.7068" said:

> Also, why is the bonfire given to all who logged in in the past 30 days? Those who didn't login this Friday and after, have not been affected at all, so why would they be given this exceptional bonfire?


> They've made no difference here, while they clearly made a big one for those who logged on dead servers.


> I mean, they send a joke item to one part, almost to make them more angry (for real Anet, no one want this bonfire), and one of the most sought after items to the other part of the players.


> On top of that, players who played during the rollback have been compensated by recovering the items they lost anyway!


> Cherry on the cake is those receiving double mails, compensation while in NA, or rewards despite not being logged in during said period. Even more reasons for people to feel left out.


exactly this why this whole situation is pssn me off so much


> You may as well give up, right or wrong they will not change it, they will not even address it (the duplicate compensation, the f2p having to buy PoF to get compensated, the mistake they made in the first place, the reasons for the rollback, etc).


and this just shows how much anet actually cares for their players, not at all, so why bother and giving them money anymore? I honestly hope they just shot their second leg and won't get up of it again


BTW: GTA V Online has server issues, try to log in to get your extra free stuff, instead of stop annoying the server traffic.

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> @"reddie.5861" said:

> tbh, i didnt get anything i logged in everyday, except that monday cus it was up the sunday and down when i get back from work.


> i dont understand when i was suppose to login to recieve this thing?



The servers were up for a time on Monday. When Anet tried to correct all the data loss from the weekend, they couldn't restore all the way up to when the servers went down later in the afternoon, so there was a window on Monday (about 7 hours I think) where anyone who logged in, lost everything they did in that time - essentially they got a partial account wipe which is never what Anet wants to achieve. Those who played during that window are the recipients of the extra compensation.

Everyone else will - or has already - receive a communal bonfire for the inconvenience

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Can someone help me understand why some people deserve a different, far better compensation than the rest of the affected players?


This is my understanding of the situation:


Everyone that logged in during the time that was rolled back received the superior compensation, regardless of what was lost.


Everyone that received a valuable drop during that time can contact support and the drop will be restored.


Things like login rewards, dailies, including festival dailies, levels and achievement points are lost.


Everyone that did not log in during that time frame but wanted to log in later that day was unable to receive their login rewards, complete their dailies, gain levels, etc. due to the fact that the servers were down and the progress was lost.


People that lost gold on the trading post while the EU servers were down did not receive the superior compensation nor their gold back.


Why is losing progress to a roll back worse than losing the same to unavailable servers?

Why is losing a valuable drop temporarily worse than losing gold apparently forever?

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> @"Selene.5318" said:

> Can someone help me understand why some people deserve a different, far better compensation than the rest of the affected players?


> This is my understanding of the situation:


> Everyone that logged in during the time that was rolled back received the superior compensation, regardless of what was lost.


> Everyone that received a valuable drop during that time can contact support and the drop will be restored.


> Things like login rewards, dailies, including festival dailies, levels and achievement points are lost.


> Everyone that did not log in during that time frame but wanted to log in later that day was unable to receive their login rewards, complete their dailies, gain levels, etc. due to the fact that the servers were down and the progress was lost.


> People that lost gold on the trading post while the EU servers were down did not receive the superior compensation nor their gold back.


> Why is losing progress to a roll back worse than losing the same to unavailable servers?

> Why is losing a valuable drop temporarily worse than losing gold apparently forever?


Because Anet values the progress players made within that time that could not be restored. People lost the ability to login yes and they compensated everyone because of that a communal bonfire. But those logged in, risked or did have, actual progress wiped from their account. So they ended up playing, losing everything that they played and then ended up in the same boat as everyone else. Because of that actual gameplay loss within that time window where no progress could be restored, Anet gave an extra apologetic gift.


Everyone lost to unavailable servers, but not everyone played and had a partial account wipe as well. Hence the two packages.


The only really valid counter argument is whether the perceived value of the two compensation packages is balanced. If the gift was for example 1 bonfire for all or 2 for those in that window, the response would be almost certainly be muted because it was never realistically about any moral outrage. It was about the mount skin being offered up and the value of that skin vs the bonfire. Anet obviously valued actual progression loss quite high and hence went straight to a decent compensation item.


I can understand that counter argument even if I don't agree with it and am happy enough with what Anet wanted to do (for context, I did not get a mount skin, nor do I believe I deserve one since I lost nothing. I used the time I would have played to do something else)


The real issue will be if this anecdotal info about duplicated or incorrectly rewarded mount skins is correct. Most forum ancedotes related to support incidents have almost always been proven false, however if there is truth to them on this occasion, then Anet will need to address that.

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This is exactly what I don’t understand.


Person A logged in, received their login reward, logged out. They lost their progress to the rollback.


Person B wanted to log in, like they do every day, to receive their login reward. They were unable to do this and lost their progress because the servers were down.


Why is it relevant if the action actually happened, when the outcome is the same?


What about people that lost gold during that time that was not restored? Why did they not receive the same compensation?

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> @"Selene.5318" said:

> This is exactly what I don’t understand.


> Person A logged in, received their login reward, logged out. They lost their progress to the rollback.


> Person B wanted to log in, like they do every day, to receive their login reward. They were unable to do this and lost their progress because the servers were down.


> Why is it relevant if the action actually happened, when the outcome is the same?


> What about people that lost gold during that time that was not restored? Why did they not receive the same compensation?


it is different, I mean not being able to log in, and losing that day is not the same, as playing, getting a rare item or collection that you have been wanting for a good while, and then have it disappear. not thinking how they handled it was the best, but I think they're vastly different situations.

you have group A that played and lost progress.

you have group B that didn't play and didn't lose progress.

you have group C that did play but didn't lose progress (did n't do anything when playing for example)

so they wanted to reward group A, and not group B, but since they can't tell who's in group A or C, they felt it was better to give it to both, but not to group C that surely didn't had any progress actually lost, only the fact to not being to log in.

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> it is different, I mean not being able to log in, and losing that day is not the same, as playing, getting a rare item or collection that you have been wanting for a good while, and then have it disappear. not thinking how they handled it was the best, but I think they're vastly different situations.

> you have group A that played and lost progress.

> you have group B that didn't play and didn't lose progress.

> you have group C that did play but didn't lose progress (did n't do anything when playing for example)

> so they wanted to reward group A, and not group B, but since they can't tell who's in group A or C, they felt it was better to give it to both, but not to group C that surely didn't had any progress actually lost, only the fact to not being to log in.

What about group D? The ones that did not play during that time but still lost progress due to TP transactions that happened during that time _not_ getting rollbacked? All that reasoning above assumes that this group does not exist, but at this point we do know that it, in fact, does - and some of losses suffered by players from that group were really massive.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"coso.9173" said:

> > it is different, I mean not being able to log in, and losing that day is not the same, as playing, getting a rare item or collection that you have been wanting for a good while, and then have it disappear. not thinking how they handled it was the best, but I think they're vastly different situations.

> > you have group A that played and lost progress.

> > you have group B that didn't play and didn't lose progress.

> > you have group C that did play but didn't lose progress (did n't do anything when playing for example)

> > so they wanted to reward group A, and not group B, but since they can't tell who's in group A or C, they felt it was better to give it to both, but not to group C that surely didn't had any progress actually lost, only the fact to not being to log in.

> What about group D? The ones that did not play during that time but still lost progress due to TP transactions that happened during that time _not_ getting rollbacked? Because we do know it was a thing that actually happened, and some of those losses were really massive.


that's one of the problems with the approach they took for compensation indeed.

I don't think that they thought much how to do it, but I can understand their logic for choosing who to give it to.

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