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Living Story Season 2 "Uprooting Iron Marches" poor game design

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Hello all,


So this is pretty old, but I just started doing the Living Stories now, just finished an Event I had to do for "Uprooting The Iron Marches", which was to save 10 workers from vines, and I have to say, this is the most poorly designed quest I've ever run into, in this entire game so far.


So, on my Necro/Reaper, I'm having no real issues with the story so far mechanically speaking, until it came to this.


At first, I thought oh, there's quite a few vines, my minions are probably just dying, then I started to notice, every time I was actually rooted, or captured in vines, ALL my minions, would just go away, and die, which hey, that's fine, started to continue on with the quest, and everytime I was getting vined, found it quite frustrating after a while my minions would just disappear, every ten seconds. Then I noticed, not only did they disappear, the cooldowns actually RESET, forcing me to wait 10-30 seconds to summon my minions again.


This is incredibly frustrating, because the build I have my minions are my damage, and when I'm vined, I can't do nothing but spam 1, and pray to god, that the bleed damage, the wolves, or the insane amount of damage the bigger vines do chunking my HP everytime one of their poison shots hits me, nearly killing me instantly while I'm left to do absolutely nothing but wait and die.


I'm sorry, but it really doesn't seem like anyone actually tested this quest out, and Anet was kind of under the impression, "Well, people are always going to be doing this, or around, so... what the heck, let's just leave it as is, there's NO WAY, someone would ever be forced to SOLO this....". That's exactly what I'm thinking the thought process is on this quest.


I did manage to beat it, but the mechanics of this, especially when it comes to a Necromancer's minions is terribly thought out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just hit this same quest, on my engineer. I did it way, way back on my necro - and had no issues because a hundred other people were doing it at the same time. Now, unless the dragon event is up, NO ONE is on this map - not really. Tough to solo.


Now, I'm sure there are going to be dozens of posts telling us to LTP and some such.


Update: plus, while soloing it, YOU are the only target for all the vines. Very bad design.

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It can be annoying for sure.


Even more fun is when you're on uneven ground and you get vined and you literally cannot hit the vines with the break free skill and need someone else to do it or you're permenantly trapped.


On the other hand... You can jump when the vined debuff is wearing off (I.e. When you're about to be trapped) and you don't get vined. Which can be tricky but at least for me, when I last did this particular quest, it was after doing a LW3 quest achievement that revolves around that exact mechanic so I'd already got some practice with it.

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When you get the marker over your head, dodge. Then you won't be trapped in vines, your minions won't die, your skills won't reset. Even says to dodge to avoid being trapped in the little popup effect you get.


Typically, when you don't pay attention, notice, etc. the mechanics, things get tough. If something's tough, then there's usually something about the fight you're missing.

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