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matching sytem very bad!!!!!


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is it always adding me to the defeated team?balance is really bad!!!!!How can I add a picture here? 1 step to drop silver from gold 3 now!!!PLS fix this matching sytem !!!!I want to play with my own build but it throws me into the defeated team!!!you have to play with meta build this is an unfair system!!!!

according to builds, please do not throw into teams!!!!am i only seeing this nonsense!!!!support team please this is my second warning but you do nothing!!!!!i send ticket so many time but you are do nothing!!!PLS PLS FİX THİS!!!!!

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LOL....my placement s3 and I rose to gold 3!!!! you didn't understand what i wanted to say and you are trying to answer nonsense.You can be a gw2 fan

but i am realistic this matching program to teams according to the builds you have made.adds to the defeated team if you have made a build that doesn't suit you.i mean

meta builds!!!

when I want to play with my own build, it always throws to the side of the ea.balance system is very bad.I get the archer, at least 4 archers in one match.or there are at least 2 health workers in the team constantly and constantly disconnect player on my team.this is not luck the program wants my account to be defeated.

By the way, I got the screenshot after the match.I don't know how to add these screens.

I renew it by getting stats..it would be better if a game maker saw this message.I hope gm see this message and reply.


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If he starts in S3 and can go up to G3 ... it clearly is a bit troublesome that the win/loss streaks can create such big changes. Maybe his real rating is somewhere in between ... G1-G2. Yeah would make sense that it can vary a bit from S3 to G3 then. (Sometimes a bit too low sometimes a bit too high.)


The thing where it gets bad is when it gives you big streaks all the way from S3 to G3. Then from G3 to S3 again. (First wins. Then losses.) Feels discouraging to get lots of losses in a row.


2 wins 1 loss, 2 wins 1 loss, etc. while being too low.

And 2 losses 1 win, 2 losses 1win, etc. would feel better.


Problem is that the system can't do that. (It's just random. People might perform worse than usual. Bad luck with team composition. Matchmaker can only see the rating not how people actualyl are going to play. Rating is only a "guess" for that.) I too get big loss streaks sometimes. But I noticed when stopping playing after the first loss ... and playing the next day again ... it still gives me loss streaks but I also get more in balanced streaks of 2 loss 1 win or so like explained above.


Still getting huge loss and win streaks. But it isn't only like that. When I kept playing lots of matches a day I seemed to only have like 20 wins 20 losses 20 wins 20 losses (with 1-2 win/loss mixed in between in the huge win/loss streaks.)


Best solution is to only play until the first loss each day - in ranked.

Play unranked then for fun if you want to do more PvP. (Unranked even seems to work for "ranked win" in the dailies. Didn't notice that before. So the only think were ranked wins are needed is the "Ascension" meta achivement I think? Unless there also unranked counts. I have not tested that yet.)

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he's claiming that based in his build he get team'd with bad ppl


it's more the low pop doing it's magic, and you get placed with same ppl over and over


plus he seems to be running an off meta build that underperform compared to the meta ones, like trying to push core ele to higher ranks, in this case he's also limited by his skill level.


I played a 100 games as core FA and I could push from s3 to g3, when I was about 1420 ppl were much better at killing me and survive to my burst with was 60% of FA weaver burst (in the best case) that would have lead me to kill ppl and prolly go higher in ranks

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