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Change Fiery Dragon Sword Model to Sohothin

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I'd like to see Sohothin become a SEMI-Legendary weapon. The way I see it, the total cost (in both generic materials and specific effort) should not be as high as a true Legendary, but it should be something similar to the Griffon, with a nominal build cost and quest line. I don't have the Dragon Sword myself, but I wouldn't mind if they made it so that you could use it as an ingredient to speed up the process (although I imagine some people "burned" theirs already?), so long as there is an alternate method for current gen players to earn it, or a suitable recipe replacement (like an "Extinguished Sohothin).

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it'll probably become the same as caladbolg, where you have a "current events" story to obtain either the skin or a different version of it with the achievement unlocking the original skin. I thought it was a wonderfullway of giving caladbolg to the player.


Rytlock would have to die though, not that I care about that a lot though, not really interested in the story anymore, to many clichés

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> @CharterforGw.3149 said:

> it'll probably become the same as caladbolg, where you have a "current events" story to obtain either the skin or a different version of it with the achievement unlocking the original skin. I thought it was a wonderfullway of giving caladbolg to the player.


> Rytlock would have to die though, not that I care about that a lot though, not really interested in the story anymore, to many clichés


What if instead of Sohothin, they just give us access to Magdere? Maybe we pick up Eirs quest in her absence.

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  • 3 months later...

> @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> What if instead of Sohothin, they just give us access to Magdere? Maybe we pick up Eirs quest in her absence.

I made a post about this in the old forums, asking about what happened to the pieces of Magder after Eir recovered it from the Catacombs. I brought up a similar question but I can't find it in the archives anywhere.


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From the archives, searching for `site:forum-en.gw2archive.eu Sohothin`

* [so.. about that sword?](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/lore/So-about-that-sword) "Rytlock still caries around Sohothin, but whatever happened to Magdaer?"

* [uncle Beemish's Magical Sword](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/lwd/Uncle-Beemish-s-Magical-Sword) "Any one have any speculation as to what the child is talking about? It really seems like a little foreshadowing on ANET’s part of upcoming events. My guess is [Magdaer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Magdaer)."


Same results when searching for `site:forum-en.gw2archive.eu Magdaer`



Bonus: Posts from @"Aldaryn.4376" on the old forums: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/members/Aldaryn-4376/showposts


> > [On the subject of Magdaer...](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/lore/On-the-subject-of-Magdaer)

> * Logan Thackary

> * Magdaer

> * Ruins of Rin

> * ????



> The story mission for AC left off with Eir headed for the Honor of the Waves, still in possession of Magdaer. In the wiki:


> _“It is said that if either Magdaer or Sohothin returns to Ascalon City in the hands of rightful king of Ascalon, then the Ascalonian spirits will finally be put to rest.”

> —Magdaer_


> What if Logan acquired Magdaer and traveled to Ascalon? What did Eir do with it? Maybe she hid it away somewhere to keep it safe. Or maybe she threw it away en route to HotW. There’s a vast number of things that can be done here – perhaps in the next expansion or LS – and I would be very interested to know what ANet’s developers and writers thoughts regardless if there are any current plans to expand this part of the Guild Wars 2 story.




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> @"Alehin.3746" said:

> No. Sohothin is part of the story, it's Rytlock sword. I don't see why he would just give it away to the commander or how we would craft it and i like FDS.


Belinda's GS is also part of the story and you can buy it with your credit card.


The reason why FDS should look like new Sohothin is simple. Ascalonians were crafting FDSs based on Sohothin and Magdaer. They are supposed to look the same, though obviously not sharing power of originals.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Alehin.3746" said:

> > No. Sohothin is part of the story, it's Rytlock sword. I don't see why he would just give it away to the commander or how we would craft it and i like FDS.


> Belinda's GS is also part of the story and you can buy it with your credit card.

I would make Belinda's GS unique too if i could.

> The reason why FDS should look like new Sohothin is simple. Ascalonians were crafting FDSs based on Sohothin and Magdaer. They are supposed to look the same, though obviously not sharing power of originals.

I still rather only have Rytlock using it. Also i'm pretty sure that they would prefer having copies with similar power rather than similar looks.


It's not a big deal if anet made it into an gemstore item tho, because like you said belinda's sword and others are already in the shop. It just doesn't look... "nice", you know?


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