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7 Examples ( and fixes ) showing most remaining balance issues are due to busted design/mechanics.

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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> >Damage on skill activation (Player):


> (0.0975 * Condition Damage) + (0.575 * Level) + 3.5 damage per stack.

> (0.0975 * Condition Damage) + 49.5 damage per stack.


Ah yes the biggest coefficient condition.


> You will do 3x more damage with a 1200 condi amulet. Unless you have a very weird concept of what "bad scaling" is, as you didn't objectively define what you meant by that, 300% is not "bad scaling".


Why are you even looking at percentages? Is your health a percentage? Base damages of most conditions are very low. At the end of the day, 1 confusion will do a grand total of 166damage (1200*0.0975 + 49) on skill use. Normally it will do 49 damage. 1200 condition damage increased it by 117 damage. My main problem with conditions is, they are too easily stackable and condi skills have way too less animation.


1000 power 0 ferocity crit maul also does 300% more damage without other modifiers but as I said, our healths aren't percentages. The meaningful part is raw damage.

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Yes yes yes!!! Excellent suggestions that would drastically improve gameplay, especially in competitive modes. Anet PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE implement some of these extremely practical suggestions. Especially regarding stealth and stunbreak stability and reduction of aoe size in competitive play.


As another suggestion, I would also suggest that evade skills should be limited somehow (duration of evades from skills or number of skills that can apply evade or cooldowns on those) per class so that the max achievable overall uptime of evades in sustained fights would be less. Evades from skills should be made to be like half as rare as invulnerability skills are. In PvP, an evade skill is often as strong and effective as an invulnerability skill (with the intended difference of condition dmg), without the built-in negative consequences like preventing point capture or having super long cooldowns. Perhaps another thing that could be done would be to prevent activation of an evade skill during immobilize (except for the few that remove immobilize) and/or from stun/daze if it is instant cast.

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the aoe one sounds good on paper, but that means every weapon with good aoe coverage will get the axe. good luck hitting an enemy with your 120 unit chaos storm or summoned legions. they could make barrage gw1 style while they are at it " Shoot arrows at target foe and up to 5 foes adjacent to your target." meteorshower would be more serious tho, because chance to stack meteors is way higher.

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GW2 is really a difficult game to get into because it's a MESS OF EVERYTHING in your screen. Every top notch skill need properly cast time and visual effect, like the ranger Bear that hits good amount of damage and is easily dodged if aware of it. Really something that the game need, reduce the visual noise and give better visuals to key skills.

Conditions is the most cancer thing in this game, and i don't even know why this even exist in this form... Every meta has some cancer condi builds, and the bunker anti-condi builds. Thing's like this since.... aways? I don't know if it can be easily implemented, but just reworking condi cleanse to "remove X stacks of condition" instead of "remove X tiles of condition" seems REALLY a good approach for me.

i.e.: The system can focus on high damage condition removal, so if you have 15 stacks of burn you can use X skill to reduce, like lets say, 10 stacks. That way, instead of using skill that cleanse only 1 tile and removing random filler condition, we can remove key damage condition. This create waaaaay more possibilities, like skills that focus o cc condis, damage, healing reduction... Going to do a big heal? Use the X skill that remove poison. Are you dying? Use the one that reduce a good amount of condition damage stacks... It's not a braindead system like using bunker builds, and will not kill condi builds...

The other concepts i don't know, stealth is cancer because they can just hide everyone and do a group gang-bang, or come with a no-counter burst. Sneaky gameplay is good and that's why every game has it, maybe transform longer duration stealth in a basic camouflage that you can "almost see", and low duration ones maintain the same but interrupting stealth AFTER cast, letting ppl use boons, heals, in a safe way.

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Well i lost my post but basically in a nutshell


**CC and Stunbreaks**

Stab on break stuns especially those stunbreaks with a cast time = yes please do it.



Quickness change is un-needed and feels mostly reaper targeted despite you not wanting to target any professions specifically. Its the main offender that most people look at when it comes down to competitive play and quickness because it depends on it so heavily.

Simply tell anet to speed up base reaper shroud skills by roughly 33% to make them feel modern and in line with everything else in the game and remove the quickness from the grand master trait which would still be an attack speed nerf but solve reapers problem of being dependent on quickness.



Condi removal is a whole different monster i dont think your ideal will make the situation fair for condi builds I personally would prefer a hard cap on how high each damaging condition can stack in competitive modes to lock them into really being damage over time that wont always easily outshine power burst.

Burning max stack count 5

Poison, Bleeding, Confusion, Torment max stack count 10

etc etc


As someone else also pointed out leaving the idea to work that way will mean that it might become harder to remove or easier to cover non damaging suppressive conditions like chill, cripple, slow, etc.



Stealth is not easily fixable and people wont agree with you and thats really the end of story on this. The reason why that is because thief mains almost never agree with stealth balance changes made by non main thief players and non thief mains never agree with suggestions from thief mains. They pretty much will not except anymore nerfs without damage return compensation being part of the suggestion. And we know how thiefs get when they get high levels of damage people then complain its obnoxious and then demand it be nerfed. While i agree anet needs to rework stealth i dont think your suggestion is particularly a good one that anyone will agree on ive made similar suggestions in the past.


The one part of stealth changes i do agree on is that any offensive action should reveal during its cast time and not on impact strike. This would probably make a bigger impact without having to do direct stealth nerfs like being able to see the stealth player within a set range.



I dont really see aoe as a massive issue except in a few spots like Renegade Rev spirits. Which anet already knows might need some mechanical changes. But most aoes are standard for zone control. What i dont want to see is this game devolve to the point where you can run through 90% of aoe's without a care in the world as if running through a field of spring flowers because they dont do anything. When zone control tools no longer work as zone control tools because people can run over them willy nilly then that is an issue imo.

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if they decreased number of stacksize of condis they would have to remove some of the current existing condi cleanses tho. condi has to last in a fight to make a difference so if max condis stacksize is fixed most players gonna switch to a hybrid build instead to max out dmg output. and with number of reduced cleanses people gonna blame condi again. the change to reaper without quickness would break it imo. They would have to reduce dmg, because reaper will get quickness as a buff on top. so it is actually a reason to leave it as is.

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Condi doesn't need to last in a fight when it can hit as hard or harder than power while easily spammed and aoe, it isn't the attrition dmg like it is in every other game..


GW1 did a set amount of health degen based on severity of the condition because the people who designed that had brains :angry:

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