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Cele Amulet and Ele


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> @Aomine.5012 said:

> I'm more interest in how celestial Firebrand will break the game.

> Good condi burst, good heal, good tankiness all in one build


But there is higher chance nerfing firebrand than tempest, tem is old content and devs dont care about old content :D i belive they care If Power reaper finally comes meta :D

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Weaver's sword will be buffed soon, so we will have to wait and see whether it will become A/B tier. As of now, it does not seem to be. Tempest should also be better at spreading boons than weaver. Concerning the new version of the celestial amulet, I am just going to quote myself:


> The main reason why people were (rightfully) upset about celestial back in the days was that while some stats were irrelevant, the sum total value was extremely high.

> Old cele amulet: 560 x 7 = 3920

> New cele amulet: 460 x 7 = 3220

> So how does it measure up against the value of other amulets?

> Marauder/Mender/Sage/Viper/... amulet: 1050+1050+560+560 = 3220

> Rabid/Rampager/Berserker/... amulet: 1200+900+900 = 3000

> The total sum of stats gained from cele is now equal to most viable amulets. One could argue that a distribution over 7 stats is stronger than distributions over 3/4 > stats. However, the numerical value was the main concern in the old days and does no longer apply.

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The real problem is that if a class can achieve a good power and condition dps through celestial, then celestial is not the problem.

It's the base damage.


They should work on skill damage instead, allowing all classes to do "low dps" with a celestial neck ( then with some might stacks they could achieve a medium dps ).

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> The real problem is that if a class can achieve a good power and condition dps through celestial, then celestial is not the problem.

> It's the base damage.


> They should work on skill damage instead, allowing all classes to do "low dps" with a celestial neck ( then with some might stacks they could achieve a medium dps ).


But Weaver actually has below average power and condi dps even with a 4 stat hybrid amulet like sages which is why it would be buffed in the first place.


Honestly, I don't see it working that well on Weaver since you'll need to go through a lot of rotations to get a decent amount of might stacks which would be gone with 1 click of a button from a scourge or SB.


It might be ok with Tempest but I don't see them contesting a firebrand's slot.

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Are you just parroting what you heard? Did you even play the game during that time? The only class that could reliably remove boons was necro, and even then it wasn't even half as good as it is now. Thief steal never prioritized Might, the main culprit in ele's huge damage capabilities.



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Scourge, spellbreaker, thief and mesmer can contests against new cele eles easily.


Df are you talking about?


Are people still tramautized or something? This is why ele only has one damn build because PTSD folk cried about its supposed dps and put any damage build capable in the trash bucket. And then they whined for its only support build to be nerfed and that removed them from meta for a bit before they came back with a bit of adjustment and buffs.


Can you let the damn class breathe? We have WAY more tools than cele ele meta and thieves still eat them, so what's the problem?

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> @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> Scourge, spellbreaker, thief and mesmer can contests against new cele eles easily.


> Df are you talking about?


> Are people still tramautized or something? This is why ele only has one kitten build because PTSD folk cried about its supposed dps and put any damage build capable in the trash bucket. And then they whined for its only support build to be nerfed and that removed them from meta for a bit before they came back with a bit of adjustment and buffs.


> Can you let the kitten class breathe? We have WAY more tools than cele ele meta and thieves still eat them, so what's the problem?


Fresh air is in a good spot atm now that condi thief has been nerfed and scourge toned down a tad , there still will be a much bigger balance patch though so we'll have to see what everyone will be getting in terms of adjustments.

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Fresh Air is decent, but it's not enough. I hardly ever saw fresh air ele in plat or gold. Barely anyone plays the build. So yeah, it is in a good spot, doesn't mean it is making a difference.


Doesn't make Weaver any better

And it certaintly doesn't remove Tempest out of its #TeamGirlfriend mode.


And power DD still checks it hard. All they have to do is pistol 4 you two or three times, stealth, and backstab. Or if you know your rotations well you can keep the fight going for about a minute before all of your cooldowns are up and the thief can just prowl around and pounce for the kill. Condi DD was laughable, that wasn't even a check for auramancer, it's literally their more superior bretheren that outmatches the auramancer most of the time.

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People act like I said celestial weaver is broken right now, I didn't. All I said was depending on how big the sword buffs are and how hard scourge/spellbraker boon removal gets nerfed, then it could be very op. Esp due to sword already having healing, condi, and power type of skills. And last I checked you could still play weaver without sword for everyone that keep defending it because of sword low dps

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> @Coolguy.8702 said:

> And last I checked you could still play weaver without sword for everyone that keep defending it because of sword low dps


Last I checked...

1. Scepter is for a gimmicky burst build and doesn't offer anything better than a thief or mesmer can in a +1 role. Also, burst + Cele doesn't fit at all.

2. Staff was never really viable in higher tier PvP.

3. Main hand dagger has awful auto attacks which doesn't really fit with a Weaver's playstyle.


To simply put it, people are talking about sword because it's the best weapon out there and is the only weapon confirmed to get buffs.


Also, I doubt Anet would nerf Scourge and SB to the point they're irrelevant. They're not stupid enough (hopefully) to nerf boon rip/strip hard now that Celestial Amulet is back.

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