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How many GW2 Accounts can you merge?

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Anybody know how many GW2 Accounts you can merge?

I have my original account that's in dispute (since someone hacked the hell out of that account)

I have my new account that I can't access 'cause I lost access to the 2-step authentication,

and now I have a F2P account that I've been playing until GW2 Support fixes my problems, which I hear might take weeks.

So, is it possible to merge all 3 accounts?

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> One to one. You can link one Guild Wars 2 account to one Guild Wars account.


But be cautious! There are problems with the Display name that have yet to be resolved. So unless they add a way to create a display name during the purchase of upgrading your display name will look like mine! And it's an even loooooooooooooooooooooooooooonger wait, apparently require multiple tickets since they are starting to close out the tickets originally opened almost a month ago! :(

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