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The RNG on the Mystic Clovers needs to GO AWAY

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> @"WolfOwl.3968" said:

> I don't get all these comments like "just play fractals," or "just do WvW dailies for the reward track." Why should it be harder for a casual player who doesn't enjoy content like that to get such an item? I do WvW dailies often just to get dailies done, and sometime just FINDING that blasted veteran creature to kill can be a CHORE. Seems that people forget that what is easy for them may not be so easy for another player, and suggesting that someone just "do what I do" is disrespectful of their playtime if they aren't interested in that content.


They're not supposed to be easy. Legendaries by design are made that you have to play most of the aspects of the game. They're also a gold and time sink. If you have to worry about the cost of one, then you're not ready for one anyways. If you think it's a waste of time, it really is.


> But that also begs the question about casual open world content and items like the Mystic Clover. Why is Open World the only content that has it gated behind RNG?


Because Open World is the easiest content in the game. And there is a way to get legendaries from Open World without RNG-- all gen 1s can be bought from the TP.


Also why would you need a legendary beyond the fact that you want one? It's not like it's any better than ascended. Stat swapping is meaningful in raids, wvw, and sometimes fractals. Any stat works in Open World; it's not like you need the stat swap and even if you did it'd be much more cost efficient to use ascended. So are we just looking at an overpriced skin? There's plenty on the gem store anyways. It is simply not rational to covet a legendary unless you actually enjoy the process.


Oh and btw, I have not touched any gen 2 legendaries because it just seems like a waste of my time. Just have to accept that some things are not meant to cater to you.


Btw, this too: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chest_of_Legendary_Crafting_Materials (could use a buff)

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