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Retail availability of Gem cards


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Are retail availability of gem cards limited to whatever store willing to carry them? I already know Best Buy carries them. And Target is YMMV and spotty. GameStop, for some reason, doesn't even carry them (both physically and digitally) despite offering digital download purchases of both HoT and PoF. It's discomforting that Best Buy would be the only choice in my area and I refuse to walk into a Walmart to check. Is it possible to persuade certain stores to carry the gem cards? Or are these cards going to be phased out due to limited availability?

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Are you asking if ArenaNet can force retailers to carry their merchandise? If so, I don't think they can; thus, Gem Cards are carried only by retailers that wish to carry them. I don't think they are discounted much (maybe 10%, sometimes), so it doesn't matter much where you obtain them. I use Best Buy because not only do I get a discount (in the form of points) whenever I buy merchandise there, but they ship the Gem Cards Next Day at no charge.

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I can't remember the last time I saw gem cards on sale in the UK.


But then it's getting hard to find a shop that carries PC games at all, even GAME have gone over to mostly just selling cards to buy games from Steam, so accessories for PC games are few and far between. (Although oddly enough gaming keyboards and mice are more widely available than they used to be.)

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Only ever found one shop that had them, EB games... every time other EB games outlets or Gametraders etc responses were generally along the consensus that the game was not popular enough; low sales regarding cards therefore not bothering to stock the cards. That or they somehow "couldn't get them in".

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> @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> That because GW2 isn't as popular as we hope it is so stores won't waste shelf space on something that won't make them any money.


This has always been true: stores have never devoted that much shelf space to GW2. You have to find the right clerk at the store who is familiar with the ins/outs of ordering low-volume items. I've seen some local Target stores carry a few and then once they sell out, they don't restock. Then a few months later, I'll see a few again.


So best bet is buying online from a retail partner and second best is convincing a local clerk to find a way to get them in stock near you.

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> @sixshot.5798 said:

> Are retail availability of gem cards limited to whatever store willing to carry them? I already know Best Buy carries them. And Target is YMMV and spotty. GameStop, for some reason, doesn't even carry them (both physically and digitally) despite offering digital download purchases of both HoT and PoF. It's discomforting that Best Buy would be the only choice in my area and I refuse to walk into a Walmart to check. Is it possible to persuade certain stores to carry the gem cards? Or are these cards going to be phased out due to limited availability?


you refuse to walk into a walmart? that's your own fault... walmart carry everything.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> They are easy enough to get in SoCal by purchasing them from Best Buy online. No tax and no shipping charges and they arrive Next Day (except Sunday).


Normally I would agree with you, but I'm one of those really weird people that likes to pay for things with cash, unless I had no other choice. That's why I prefer store bought gem cards.


I'll try again at a couple more locations tomorrow, and see how my luck goes.

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  • 1 year later...

If game cards are handled the same way as other third-party gift cards, Anet may have little or no say in it at all. Retail cards are not individually negotiated between the store and the eventual service provider. The cards are manufactured and managed by a middleman, a distributor who is licensed by the service providers, and they handle all the exchange with retailers and provide an arranged selection of cards that they think is a good match for the store (past a trial phase, much of that is based on actual returns, even on a per-location basis). If a card underperforms, well, there's not much that can be said about that, the middleman will eventually replace it with something that generates more revenue for them.

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