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Just Played Stealth Wars With Myself

K THEN.5162

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So I'm sure some of you have been experiencing odd phenomenons of necro, ele, mesmer, and sometimes thief animations popping up randomly throughout the WvW map. Today, I was under high alert and I saw the scepter animation for necro appear. Panicking, I immediately began stacking my mesmer stealth over and over in fear of getting ganked. Eventually my stealth ran out and determined to not let the enemy win, I ported. Only when I ported, I noticed the scepter animation skill for necro was popping up even in my base...and then I uninstalled this game

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> @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

> > @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> > I get crashes when I walk to specific ares in WvW.

> >

> > I just wanted to do some dailys, cause currently i'm not interested in playing the game for real.

> > Can't even do this.


> Which areas, and did you file a bug report?


As a Mirage Player , Bug reports seem useless to me.

Whenever i walk ~10.000 units away from spawn.


same when i try to enter a pvp match ; a criticle mistake appeared, stopping GW2 from further working.

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Ok, this thread made more sense after seeing the graphics issue. Don't know the pattern yet and I want to say I saw this on a number of professions so that ruled out things like legendary effects. Also saw it trigger in both WvW and PvE. Have seen it while on Ranger, Thief. Can't recall if it also appeared on Mez and Revie.


For those that have not seen it, it will sound and appear as if various abilities are triggering and landing against the terrain some distance from you and typically will follow your character as they move. This is most visible when running along things like walls or in caves and the stream of impacts will race down the wall with you. had another guild mate see it occur as well but not certain if they were seeing their own or mine. Very odd this and not certain what all it might be impacted resource wise or whether its client or server side. But did want to add a +1 to this since this thread made no sense last week but after a weekend of WvW now I see what they meant.


Good hallucinations to you!

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> @Ubi.4136 said:

> For me it is the little explosions. They appear on the walls, cliffs, under stairs in towers but visible. No idea what they are yet.


I was being bombed by this last night to a point i simply had to log out in order to save myself from blindness. Think it also happend outside of wvw though.

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