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The disappointing story (Spoilers)


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> @"Loesh.4697" said:

> > @"Hypnowulf.7403" said:

> > Can I just say... **Olmakhan**? Loesh and the usual suspects with perspectives like that tend to gloss over the Olmakhan because they aren't _convenient_. It's reminiscent of how bigoted people gloss over anything that might disprove any truly incorrect perspective they have that backs up their own biases. Furthermore, the charr are absolutely becoming friendly with humans and we see many, many examples of that. It's hardly just Rytlock and Logan. One of my favourite interactions in Grothmar is between an Iron Legion soldier and a human. The human was a wimpy little fellow who got beat up, the charr he complained to acted kind of like a den mother, trying to console him, outright calling the Blood Legion soldiers responsible cowards for what they did. And what about Ebonhawke et al?

> >

> > I mean, Almorra is another great example. Almorra is one of the grumpiest charr to ever grump, but she's quick to make friends with other races. That's why she **leads** the Vigil. I think that the reason Almorra isn't brought up often is because, once again, she's a topic to gloss over to support a biased perspective. Almorra stood adamantly against Bangar's hateful ethnosupremacism, and she died for her views.

> >

> > The question is: What's it going to take for the usual suspects to lose their hatred for the charr? At this point it's not... well. It certainly isn't healthy. The charr are both as good and as evil, as cruel and as kind, as pragmatic and as chaotic as any other race, because it's the person that can be these things, **not** the race. To paint an entire race with a generalised brush isn't what you'd consider a worthwhile perspective. Not in fiction or reality. It's time to be done with these silly hatreds, frankly. The question remains then, _what is it going to take_? What does ArenaNet have to do?

> >

> > How are the usual suspects going to react when Bangar does a heel-face turn and renounces racism and bigotry? I'm almost certain that they're going to do that because they want to prove the irrationality of the usual suspects to themselves. There's going to be so much ranting over how Bangar should've remained an ethnosupremacist and it's going to sound even less healthy. I mean, the usual suspects are going to be livid when Bangar leaves his old hatreds behind because they want him to hate as a cheap justification for their own hatred. If Bangar sides with the alliance, what then? If Bangar tells the Blood Legion that they're done hating humans, what then? (It was utter genius to use a charr to make this point.)

> >

> > The way I see it, ArenaNet is setting up Bangar to be an example for the usual suspects to use, only to take him away by having him renounce bigotry. Which is great.

> >

> > The thing is is that those who love the charr don't hate any of the races because that would be a bit _crazy_. In fact, I hadn't seen even one charr fan react negatively to Bangar's existence because it's understood that the **person** can be whatever the plot requires, but not the **race**. Like I said, it's insanity to try to paint an entire race to be a certain way and—as I'll keep saying—it's _not_ a healthy perspective. The belief that the usual suspects have is that the charr are arrogant and see all others as inferior and worthy of death, which may just be a projection of how they see things? What I've seen is a charr who happily deferred to a quaggan for leadership, I've seen charr who've welcomed others into their tribes and cities as equals.

> >

> > Guild Wars 1 was a _long_ time ago. 2005 to be exact, so you've had **15 years** to let some fairly self-indulgent feelings of one-sided hatred fade away. Isn't it time to move on yet?

> >

> > I'm honestly tired of kitten-footing with this. It needs to be called out.


> I like how you say I gloss over the Olmakhan when I talk about them constantly, and how they disprove YOUR notion of what the Charr Legions are like. They themselves say that Charr culture is fundamentally broken and will eventually self destruct, something you conveniently ignore about their ideology. As if reading their actual texts, and what they have to say about the Legions, might not be advantageous to your position.


> As a matter of fact, I said early on that Almorra's death would of likely been done by the Destroyers, not Ruinbringer, before Visions of the Past because if he was responsible for her death it would demolish the sympathy he had built up in the living world magazine. My gut told me I was wrong, that the claw marks were made by a Charr, should of listened to it. No, Ruinbringer has gone above and beyond unsympathetic in the last couple episodes, he may survive this Saga, but he isn't going to come away as a hero after all the people he had killed.


> No, Hypnowulf you must come to accept that as time has gone on you've been more and more wrong about the trajectory of this story. Lashing out at anyone who views the Legions differently from you.


> I let go a long time ago, plenty of Charr reformed and became better people. Most of them outside the Legions, with those who remain struggling to fix the Legions from within. You are the one who hasn't been able to let go of the story, of what history tells us about the Charr, and you need to if you're going to examine the plot critically.


![](https://i.imgur.com/uvFkpkz.gif "")


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