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[Feedback Thread] Halloween Mount Skins and future development


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I haven't really seen a general thread regarding feedback on the first mount skins Anet has released.


So I'd like to start a discussion in this thread.


* How do you like the mount skins?

* Do you think the pricing is right? (1600 gems for basically 5 skins, 2000 gems with no discount)

* Should Anet allow people to buy specific mount skins instead of just in a bundle?

* What should change in the future regarding mount skins in general?

* Anything else you would like to add?

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I freaking love the skins, while I hope we also get some more "natural" looking - ex armored raptor, more dye channels for the basic mounts, ect - later on, I also love these kind of thematic skins.

I think the price is fine considering it's 5 skins, but also agree you should be able to buy them separately at the same time.

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The problem is not everyone has griffon unlocked so it feels like we need to buy it to get the others. Yes, that is how packages work, but it is no less annoying that I had to buy griffon to get the others. I probably will have some more feedback later, I just logged it quickly to buy them now so I could do a more in-depth look over the weekend when I have time to do so.

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Adding my voice to a-la-carte options as well. Not just for the mounts, but for *all* bundles. (Looking at you, Bandit Sniper...)

The theme pack was pretty cute, though I'm not buying it because it's not my thing. Glad to see a few who did, though.

I'm also encouraged to see skins follow quickly after release and with a full complement of dye channels.


So, Mistfire sand-doggo now? :)

And obligatory plug for flying broom skimmer or griffon. :grin:

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They seem okay, though a bit simple. Reminds me of children's halloween costumes. I'm glad that anet is showing that they can do skins, but it also seems like the skins can't really be anything too exotic, as these skins did not change the shape of the mounts at all; it's more like a thin coating of paint and patterns was pulled over them. So my wish for a cat-skinned jackal mount probably isn't going to happen >_>...

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> @Anela.3867 said:

> I didn't like them until someone pointed out to me that you could dye them so they don't look like skeletons and now I love them! All hot pink with pink glow! They are amazing!!


Yes, as a Halloween thing they are a bit lame. However with the right dye job to hide the skeleton ....

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I think the pricing is fine for the set of 5 - my biggest issue is that they combined cheap looking halloween skins with additional customization features, so it feels more like you're buying more dye channels for the basic mounts than it feels like your'e buying cool halloween skins. Those things should have been separate; I'd like to see "enhanced" versions of the basic mounts without the weird spectral/skeleton stuff AND much cooler looking halloween skins sold separately.


Also, I'm concerned about their ability to alter the look of the mounts totally with skins. If they didn't do it in a way that allows for that, that was seriously shortsighted. We should, for example, have a horse skin for the raptor at some point. They did this for gliders eventually, so hopefully we'll see the same thing here.

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I like mount skins but these are kind of lackluster. A good novelty for my necromancer, so I went ahead and threw gems at them, but I'd kind of prefer more skin changes than just a coat of paint. Dunno how many I could be sold on before I got tired of them, the reskinning reminds me a lot of the various bird wing gliders.

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My inner emo loves these Halloween skins.


I think a mount theme pack should be 1600 gems, not 2000. I also think they should be purchasable separately as well as in a bundle.


In future theme packs, I think the only addition I’d like to see would be an aura effect slider, with what appears on the spooky ones right now being at the middle of the bar. So we can make it bigger, or not there.

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The customer should have the option to buy the mount skins in a bundle or separately if someone wants just 1 or 2 skins he likes from the pack without having to spend unnecessary money for stuff he don't like and will not be using. Many people are not happy about the decision to sell the first mount skins in a bundle only like you can see in this highly upvoted reddit posts, not only coz this is a huge limitation to the customer decisional power but also coz this could be a really bad trend for the mount skin.




Dear Aner you should really reconsider your decision about the purchase options of the mount skins and give us the ability to buy them separately as well. Since the bundle is 2000 gems without discount make a price tag of 600 gems for single mount so who wants all of them save 1000 gems and those who want just 1 or 2 skins can buy them separately.


Concerning the skin itself I would like to see more elaborate model variations rather than just another dye scheme skin like a mistfire wolf skin for jackal or a branded griffon or just an armored raptor within a limit ofc without super silly and ridiculous skins that would break the mood of the game.

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People.. what are you freaking expecting?? We have HALLOWEEN? So its absolutely normal, that if ANet would come up with mount skins, that they'd start with a halloween themed Set naturally for this festival.....


And ANet naturally is testing out the waters now, starting first now the test with a bundle, just to see, how well this is received by the community..

If sales of the skin bundle will suck, its definetly sure that they'd split up that bundle and allow also to buy them eventually later as single skins...

However, its also a martketing decision in the end, if they simply let it be at "bundles", because bundles are simpler to design and to sell in the gemstore, than to make a gazillion single skins like they did that with gliders.

Thids doesn't mean that Anet can't do that, sure they could also add tons of single skins for each mount type, but thats I guess more work, than designing skin sets that share a common theme to begin with, especially when theres just a fitting festival in front of all of us, where it just makes sense to start first with a themed skin set, to make sure, that the content is ready for when Halloween started yesterday.


But it is in the end much more likely that we will see Anet adding more mount skins for specific mounts on the long run over time.


Example Mistfire Wolf..


If ANet starts this skin project, this will bring up automaticalyl the question to the designers - Do we stop with it at the Mistfire Wolf Skin for the Jackal, or do we make out of it a Mistfire Theme Set, what would be in this case much more work load to do, that to make just some kind of copy paste skin of larger size for the mistfire wolf, cause then would have to make Naet also mistfire skin models for the Raptor, Bunnyroo, Gryphon and the Manta as well practically, if they would decide to go for the Set Option, instead of just doing the Mistfire Wolf Skin alone for the Jackal

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I see an raptor with a red christmas hat and a flying reindeer as griffon incoming :lol:

Well I hope they bring beside a pack for all 5 for 1600 gems, also single ones for 400.

I wouldnt spent 1600 gems for a single skin i want, but i could imagine to buy something like a Firery Balthazar Hound Skin as Jackal or so.

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> @Sodeni.6041 said:

> * How do you like the mount skins?


Hate them.


> * Do you think the pricing is right? (1600 gems for basically 5 skins, 2000 gems with no discount)


No, totally overpriced.


> * Should Anet allow people to buy specific mount skins instead of just in a bundle?




> * What should change in the future regarding mount skins in general?


I'd prefer a horse over any skin for the existing mounts.


> * Anything else you would like to add?


Yes: the rest of this year's Halloween rocks. <3

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