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Player Tips for "No Quarter"


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Based on my experience with the "No Quarter" story and the Drizzlewood map thus far...


1. Most of the story achieves in this episode are easy and you can get them all in one run of the story. So check the achievement panel and google a guide first to save yourself the time of repeat runs.


2. Before you start grinding through the achieves on the Drizzlewood battlefield, do the Special Forces achieve by buying Special Mission Documents from the TP, or get them from a guildie who has extras. This will immediately give you a mastery point, and the special missions will give a big boost to rewards for the legion reward tracks.


3. The Charr mobs in Drizzlewood are not individually tough compared to Mordrem or LS3 White Mantle. But they are numerous, they have lots of condi and CC, and they love to gang up on you, so keep your head on a swivel.


4. The most annoying mobs are Charr snipers, which are perched all over the map. They are not as one shotting powerful as Mordrem Snipers and are total glass to kill, but they have super long range. They love to dismount you, gang up while you're fighting other mobs, and catch you in crossfires (I've had up to three aiming at me at once). You can see their laser sights as they aim at you; dodging breaks their aim, as does taking cover to break line of sight. This also goes for fighting Vishen Steelshot in the boss fights.


5. Use the parachute waypoints and your glider or flying mounts to get around the map quickly. This is especially important during the end event of the meta, when you're racing against the reset timer to kill as many champions as possible.

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You might want to add that the Mastery for United Legions Waystation Synchronization is the one you want to train first as the EMP gives you a pretty powerful weapon right off and is better for getting through the Pillage missions since you can destroy multiple barricades and tents with the pulse.

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6. If you are doing the end-meta cache run and are not familiar with PoF bounties, take a moment to mouse over the two blue icons under the champ's health bar. This will tell you about their special attacks and what to watch out for. For these champs you can ignore the healing tendrils or walking huge sparks -- those matter much more in PoF maps.


I've seen a ton of people standing in poison and fire fields, or not realizing they need to go stand in the white circle with the disco orb. (This latter combined with spinning lasers on a narrow ledge is extra suck! But I digress).


Aerinndis, thank you for that EMP hint. I'll have to try it. Catapults have been too slow and other players keep nabbing the ones I bought and placed.

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> @"Aerinndis.2730" said:

> You might want to add that the Mastery for United Legions Waystation Synchronization is the one you want to train first as the EMP gives you a pretty powerful weapon right off and is better for getting through the Pillage missions since you can destroy multiple barricades and tents with the pulse.


If you dont get that essence replacing the EMP during fights. That is so annoying, and no enemy to shoot at because all are invalid targets. :D

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