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The Dragons, the Gods and the Eternal Alchemy


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I'm thinking about what connects the Gods and the Dragons as they share the same magic domains (Melandru = Mordremoth, etc.) and what does the Eternal Alchemy know about this? Where do the Gods and the Dragons got their magic from? And is the magic the Gods gave the Humans and later sealed in the Bloodstone the same kind of magic? I understand the Gods as a certain type of being (like the Forgotten, the Mursaat, ...) and not like Gods in the way that they created Tyria. So why do they share the exact same magic domains as the Dragons, who are a part of the natural flow of the universe.

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> @"Lurana.7506" said:

> I'm thinking about what connects the Gods and the Dragons as they share the same magic domains


TL;DR: They don't. You're not the first to think it. ANet already [debunked](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragons_and_Gods) such theories. [Twice](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/494601#Comment_494601).


Long version:


Only a couple ever line up. And tentatively at best. You quote Melandru and Mordremoth - but Melandru is _nature_, account for both plants and animals, while Mordremoth is _Plant_. Furthermore, Melandru's second domain is Earth, while Mordremoth's is Mind.


After the Melandru/Mordremoth, Balthazar/Primordus connection, things get finnicky as all heck. Grenth and Zhaitan are both death? Okay. But Jormag is ice and so is Grenth, but Dhuum is not. Dwayna is air and life but there is no air or life dragon; Lyssa is beauty and illusion but there are no such for dragons. There is no God of Crystals, and no Elder Knowledge Dragon.


And if you ignore the secondary domains of the gods which shift around, you get War, Life, Death, Nature, Beauty, and Knowledge. But only two of those - Death and Nature - can be associated with the Elder Dragons.


The association falls short once you get halfway, no matter how you argue it.


On top of this, it's been confirmed that the Six Gods' magic and domains come from beyond Tyria - [they arrived on the world as gods](wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Orrian_History_Scrolls). Meanwhile, the Elder Dragons are purely native to Tyria.


To answer your individual questions:


> what does the Eternal Alchemy know about this?


The Eternal Alchemy isn't a person, so it can't "know" anything. The Eternal Alchemy is the interworkings of all things in the multiverse, so it literally includes everything.


> Where do the Gods and the Dragons got their magic from?


Still unknown, beyond the fact that Elder Dragons are from Tyria (world) and Six Gods are not.


> And is the magic the Gods gave the Humans and later sealed in the Bloodstone the same kind of magic?


Technically. The Bloodstone was originally created by the Seers to house magic in the world and keep it from the Elder Dragons. The Six Gods found the Bloodstone and released some of the magic within, thus "gifting magic" to the world; they then resealed it, siphoning some power from Zhaitan and from the world, before splitting it into five pieces.


The magic in the Bloodstone is Tyria's natural magic, the same magic the Elder Dragons consume while awake and release while asleep.


> I understand the Gods as a certain type of being (like the Forgotten, the Mursaat, ...) and not like Gods in the way that they created Tyria.


False. While they didn't create the world, they are still gods in the scope of the lore and are not a species. The Six Gods are defined by the divine magic they house, losing that magic means losing godhood - but this isn't to say they're just "very powerful beings" because this divine magic is _unique_ (and former gods like Balthazar and Dhuum have never reach the same levels as a full fledged god), volatile without a host, and fundamentally changes the biology of the host. Humans - and perhaps other species - can elevate to become gods under certain conditions, but once they become gods they are no longer human. See Kormir for example.


Counter to Elder Dragons, who can only be replaced by certain kinds of dragons (so far), do not release volatile magic; similarly, the amount of magic the gods have is static, while the Elder Dragons are more variable.


> So why do they share the exact same magic domains as the Dragons, who are a part of the natural flow of the universe.


They don't, and the Elder Dragons are not a "natural flow of the universe" but part of "the natural flow of the world". What the Six Gods' placement in all this is still unanswered. Some theories say they fulfilled similar roles as the Elder Dragons for the human home world that the Six likely come from too, but the Six also have influence over the Rift - the center of the multiverse - which is very questionable for a figure akin to Elder Dragons that are stuck to their home world.

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