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Imho, Rata Sum is the worst city and need to be upgraded/revamped [Acknowledgement]

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> @"Arie.8501" said:

> I was struck by this too, Asura seem to have no homes anywhere, and its just glarring seeing as the other playable races do.


> Rata Sum is convient as a game location but does not feel alive in the same way as the other cities.


Maybe their labs are their homes?

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Disagree. The Black Citadel is the worst. It appears to have been designed, built and inhabited by Skritt before the Charr moved in. And since then the Charr have done little or nothing to improve it except hire some Asurans to put in a few conveniences.


In fact it suggests to me that Charr are actually an offshoot of Skritt.

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> @"Glass Hand.7306" said:

> Disagree. The Black Citadel is the worst. It appears to have been designed, built and inhabited by Skritt before the Charr moved in. And since then the Charr have done little or nothing to improve it except hire some Asurans to put in a few conveniences.


> In fact it suggests to me that Charr are actually an offshoot of Skritt.


Agreed. I can't stand the Black Citadel. It looks like an industrial accident that someone just put metal plate to cover up.


As for Rata Sum; I love the style but the layout leaves something to be desired. I like it looked more like the Rata Sum from the early GW2 trailer. I would like to see the story move to a direction to where they discover that they need to make more use of magic to keep it from building up so the Asura build a giant flying city.

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I guess there's problems with cities rp/immersion wise.... but convenience wise Rata sum is my favorite city since the bank, ah, guild bank, crafters are all nearby on one floor.

I don't really care about areas I would only visit once for map completion, and certainly don't care to invade someones home or bedroom just for exploration, so I'm ok with these things hidden from us. :)

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Absolutely not a fan of multi leveled capitals. I play a sylvari and I never go to the grove if i can avoid it. But the home instance is good and very compact, unlike the asura one which have far too much running and unable to use mounts. A problem shared with the norn. The Eye of the north had the same issue, but anet enabled mounts there.


The human capital is fairly condensed with important area for crafting. But gods, the home instance is terrible, having to walk all over trying to find all the stuff to loot.

Charr have a similar multitiered part, however its not were the important stuff is. And their home instance is compact as well, a big win in my book.

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