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Li / Killproof for Strikes are a Problem

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"Deeyra.1476" said:

> > If i make a group for 2000LI I want a smooth run. Why would you like to weasel your way in and get carried? People that have the KP know how to kill the boss (50% of the time) which is still better than wiping with an unexperienced group for hours. We all started at 0. If you want no requirement group, make your own party but i wanna know how long, before you add KP in your LFG


> Indeed, at 2 000 LI you can have a smooth run. But you will not have another players joining the raid/strike community. And taking into account the raiders also want new raids I can conclude that not ANet, but the raider community is responsible for the rate of adding new raids. Not ANet but the raider community is keeping the new comers away. Why? Because they want a smooth run. And loot as fast as possible. And - not least - because they want to show to the common players who are the elite =)


You do realize the raidcommunity has been quite active in organizing training raids etc. You also realise that without being able to place these reqs the gamemode would be less funn for some people as you would lose a lot of control what you can do. On top of that you're atributing a personality to people you obviously haven't met.


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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > In both modes (and in WVW as well) being un-killable isn't fun for anyone else around, in PVP/WVW because it's not fun to fight such a player, in PVE because it's selfish and doesn't offer anything to the rest of the team.

> > Being OP to the point of absurdity, and being useless are two _very_ different things.

> >


> It is but in both cases they are not fun to play with (PVE) or against (PVP).

Remember, that fun is highly subjective. Effectiveness differences are far less so.


> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> The problem comes when nerfs to "fix" an imbalance in one mode, affect the other mode where the ability wasn't overpowered to begin with. If I recall the developers mentioned numerous times that they do not want to have completely different skills/traits based on modes because they want a player with experience in one mode, to jump to another mode without having to relearn everything, if skills had different effects based on mode, then this "goal" wouldn't be achieved. The question is, if it's worth it to make it easy to jump from one mode to another, while having that much more difficulty in balancing the different modes. To be honest don't have an answer to that question.

I'd say that the game modes are already so different due to the way they are played, that trying to keep skills consistent between them doesn't really mean much. A SPvP player is going to look at skills and traits in a very different way than someone from PvE. In a way, even if that skill does exactly the same thing in SPvP and PvE, in many cases for players from both modes that exact same thing it can mean something very different. Experience in skills from one mode already can't really be used in another.


I'd say that the best illustration for it would be the whole history of balancing Confusion for PvE and PvP, where practically every single time Anet did a change to the mechanic with PvP in mind, it then required months (and in at least one case much much longer than that) of fixing it back into usefulness for PvE. Just because Anet wasn't willing to make bigger splits than just making separate coefficients.


So, while it's theoretically the very same mechanic, due to differences in environment, in each mode it always ends up working very differently.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"Deeyra.1476" said:

> > If i make a group for 2000LI I want a smooth run. Why would you like to weasel your way in and get carried? People that have the KP know how to kill the boss (50% of the time) which is still better than wiping with an unexperienced group for hours. We all started at 0. If you want no requirement group, make your own party but i wanna know how long, before you add KP in your LFG


> Indeed, at 2 000 LI you can have a smooth run. But you will not have another players joining the raid/strike community. And taking into account the raiders also want new raids I can conclude that not ANet, but the raider community is responsible for the rate of adding new raids. Not ANet but the raider community is keeping the new comers away. Why? Because they want a smooth run. And loot as fast as possible. And - not least - because they want to show to the common players who are the elite =)


Having 1 new guy in a 2000LI group is leeching not learning. he would get the kill because players 9 man the boss and the new player would be confused and get nothing out of it. but no worries this does exist its the selling system if you want to learn that way you can for couple of mystic coins.

Now if you really want to learn raid I'd advise you to either find a guild that train their members or to join a raid training community discord.

Or you can just keep cry that people people are evil and toxic because you don't want to learn and they refuse to carry you.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"Deeyra.1476" said:

> > If i make a group for 2000LI I want a smooth run. Why would you like to weasel your way in and get carried? People that have the KP know how to kill the boss (50% of the time) which is still better than wiping with an unexperienced group for hours. We all started at 0. If you want no requirement group, make your own party but i wanna know how long, before you add KP in your LFG


> Indeed, at 2 000 LI you can have a smooth run. But you will not have another players joining the raid/strike community. And taking into account the raiders also want new raids I can conclude that not ANet, but the raider community is responsible for the rate of adding new raids. Not ANet but the raider community is keeping the new comers away. Why? Because they want a smooth run. And loot as fast as possible. And - not least - because they want to show to the common players who are the elite =)


What you are asking for is already in game: It's called raid selling. The 1 new guy gets carried, learns nearly nothing and pays the others to for the kills because he certainly will not have been of ANY value encounter wise.


What you do not account for is the massive efforts by veteran raiders in helping, training and getting new players ready via many different means. I don't have to take a new player along in my 2k-3k LI static. It would be counter productive both for him as well as every one in the static (except if the only desire is loot for the inexperienced raiders, which as mentioned is available as raid sell). What I can do is take the new player along in a for him designated and proper training. For that though, I need that new player to realize what he has to do, and where his limits are.

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Li/Killproof aint a problem, is just the community, or people had forgotten that for stuff like AC path 1 you used to have people asking for "10K AP zerker War or Ele only ping ascended gear or kick" kind of deal? Strikes are not hard, the first time I did Boneskiner I took less then 30min with a full squad were nobody knew the encounter, my LFG was "First time doing, all welcome" took +5 min to fill up...some people arent just willing to explain the fight and the mechanics and dont want to deal with less skilled players that will fail 100% of the time and need to be carried...during my run and after watching a video and explaining what we should be doing it, didnt took less then 2min to figure out who was the dead weights that were draggin the team down...so while some were legit good others were...something else, and some players just dont want to deal with it...so yeah, as usual, the community have a special talent for ruining the game(not just pve, but sPvP and WvW too), the worst that gonna happen is that the supposed game mode that was meant to be a bridge for Raids and attract new players into it, is gonna be blown up by the same players responsible for turning Raids into the most unpopular game mode in the game, and as result Anet will stop putting resources on it and we allready saw this story before.

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> @"yann.1946" said:

> > @"TwinFrozr.6214" said:

> No i agree, but i think thats where the problem also lies.

> You claimed somewhere earlier in this tread that that misinformation is beter then no information. But this is most of the time false. This only works in my opninion if the misinformation actually benefits the person (saying a white lie to save someones feelings for example.) This is not the case in this discussion.

> (if this is not what you meant then i would love to have an explanation what you meant so i can get an acurate response. :) )

Of course misinformation is better than no information. If you think 20 legendary insights are many, when de-facto standard is 200, at least you have a clue what legendary insights are, and what they're good for. If you have no information, you either don't even know what a legendary insight is, or spend half your life collecting 2,000, because you never cared to ask anyone. In both cases, knowledge has to be polished, but a hostile view of open-mindedness is really nothing to endeavour.


> Lets assume in this case that 1 out of a 1000 people in training runs is toxic. Then 1 every 100 runs would be experienced as toxic. And the people in those runs opinion of raids would probably be that raiders are toxic and they wouldnt run these anymore because they didn't enjoy themselves (which is a very reasonable thing to do.


> In contrast imaging that 1 in 100 open world meta event player is toxic (placing things on chests for example) You probably won't really care that much.


> Here the experiences give such a different view then whats actually going on that relaying on this experience may give you false information.

Yes, I agree wholeheartedly. However, some in this thread are completely blinkered by their opinion, that everything is either 100% black or 100% white. There are either only perfect players or only useless players, nothing in between. As they think my few runs aren't enough for me to even have an opinion, like they're only bugbears, what says _they_ have done the exact right amount of runs to claim that?


> > In this case, pseudo-elitists:

> > - look for the most challenging content possible, and want everybody to know about it - totally check

> > - complain about others, instead of giving constructive criticism - check

> > - troll and can't stay civilised in map chat - check

> > - kick whenever they get the opportunity - check

> >


> So raids will attract toxic people, i agree. But the question isn't how lickely is a toxic person to be a raider. The question is how lickely is a raider to be toxic. :)



> > It's pretty obvious what type of players raids are gathering (except it's PvE, which they normally "hate"). This especially if it filters out "bad" players by pure DPS. As an active WvW player for 7 years, it's more or less impossible not to predict the mentality of the average raid player. I mean, if you've been hospitalized fighting Hells Angels one day, you won't kick in the door to Bandidos the next by curiosity. At least not if you aren't dumber than nature itself (which I'm getting the impression that some actually are).

> >

> > Anyhow, I hope and think it was the "worst case scenario", although it wasn't that bad really. Just a waste of time and some maintenance in the blocklist. I've since met some raiders who have been helpful with builds and nice in general, and also applied to a raid guild. If true that raids actually require this and that much dps, I have no problem with that, as long as people aren't kittening about it. Which definitely isn't the thing with hotjoinable strikes, which is why I felt the need to reply to the thread. What's next, li and kp in costume brawl? :lol: (nah, should not give em ideas)

> >


> I understand how you feel here, but isn't it better in this case that their are squads with reqs. If someone asked li for costume brawl, would you want to be in a group with that person?

> :p

Well, as long as people don't feel unwelcome, I don't see a problem. Now, I had misunderstood the point of raid requirements that was discussed earlier, where you actually have to do specific damage to complete the bosses. In strikes though, I don't see the point of that, at least not if the bosses are massively harder than its hotjoin counterpart.


Costume brawl was a little of a exaggerated joke, heh ;) Luckily costume brawl is multiboxable. But if it wouldn't be, and every party would ask for kp and li requirements, what would be the option?


> > > But to me the problem wasn't that you think the raidcommunity is toxic. it was about HOW you and you're friends got that information/idea.

> > My first raid experiences were the problem, current raid mentality is the problem. Or for now, was, as I now understand it's to some extent required for boss completions.


> To get a little more serious, because this is actually the point that matters to me. My mother once told me "can you blame people for being racist if they where robbed for example?" my response is yes you can, i might understand where they came from but theire reasoning is probably flawed as they're making a wild generalization and then let comfirmation bias /selection bias take it from their.


> Now i'm not saying you're racist or anything, please don't take it that way. :)


A criminal inspector could definitely use racism as an _potential_ incentive, like the laser Swede who shot half a dozen immigrants in the early '90s. What most peeps here don't understand is, that the inspector would never say it *is* racism before gathering proof of the matter. Which is why other posters' desperate attempts to put words in my mouth doesn't really get to me.


I obviously see what's posted in LFG, and can relate with 8,200 hours of gameplay experience. If requirements aren't absolutely necessary, they shouldn't be there. I don't know how to picture it easier than relating strike requirements to raid requirements, fractal requirements, WvW requirements, and PvP whiners. No matter the game mode, they always require, always flame and always whine about nothing. Again, the worst part of the community in their nutshell.


> But this story was more to highlight that people can have personal opinions, with a good reason to have this opinion. And this opinion still being very wrong/dangerous/illogical. And as Cyn said earlier, their is a difference between a personal opinion, and a educated opinion.

> I do hope that you either find a group which works for you or find you don't like the content raids offer.

Yes, absolutely, that's a fair point. Forgot to reply to that in between.


I have experience enough to understand why I don't want pseudo-elitistic mentality in strike runs. I don't need to play strikes with them to understand why I don't want to play strikes with them. I neither need thousands of raid runs to realize that. It's just obvious that if you give them enough room, they will try to take over the game mode and make everyone play by their book. An idiot realizes that kittenheads in raids are no different from kittenheads in WvW, PvP or fractals, especially not after proving it so well.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"TwinFrozr.6214" said:

> > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > > @"TwinFrozr.6214" said:

> > > >I've said it before, I'll say it again: Post-HoT, fractals, raids and WvW have simply become gathering points for the very worst parts of the community.

> > > The worst parts of this community name-call, hyperbolize, tell others the aren't playing the game right, and make up fake numbers to support arguments without logic or basis in reality.

> > > The worst parts of this community make blanket statements about content they have never/barely accessed, and use sock-puppet arguments about their "friends" rather than speaking for themselves.

> > > The worst parts of this community talk about what's "good for the game" while having zero data to back up their claims and invoke the word "community" as if others who don't align with them do not belong.

> > >

> > > The worst parts of this community are gathered in this very thread.

> > I notice that my previous comment took its toll on you quite badly. Apologies, it was really nothing personal.

> >

> > I don't get what you're trying to say with your gibberish about "logic". Do you understand what logic is? Then answer the following:

> > - What logically says a player absolutely can't do 8,000 dps, especially if it's a low number?


> Experience. I can tell you right now, if 99% of players took their personal build, ran their person rotation (non existent most of the time) combined with incorrect itemization, most do not break 3-4k dps at best. That comes from years of experience in raid training

Apologies for not replying earlier.


Indeed, I totally agree, and fit rather well into that category. At least from a laidback PvE perspective (ranger with golemancer runes and mistfire wolf, just <3 ^_^)


Nevertheless, Mindclown talked about "fake numbers to support arguments without logic or basis in reality". This while having absolutely no clue about neither which type of player I am, nor how much damage I do. Zip, zero, zilch, nothing, nada. This, plus that 8,000 isn't much at all from what people tell us here, makes my statement a quadrizillion times more solid than a simple "no" from a random guy who doesn't even belive my existence.


> Now, some who do prepare before they go for challenging group content, aka read up, train at the golem, try to understand their class, might ONLY lack the experience of the boss mechanics. I have yet to see ANY new player be this prepared in years of training players. The best I have seen is people prepare for the next raid AFTER an introductory training run with a guild. These are the players who reach around 8k dps most often on a boss where good players do double that damage or more.


> Might there be an exception, absolutely. Let's not treat this 1 in a million exception as the norm though, and since most often the norm is what shapes and forms behavior... you get where I am going with this right?

Yes, that's fully understandable. Many players play for fun, and have more important stuff in their lives than studying a game inside out for some pathetic skill flashing. This naturally brings trial and error across the way.


> > @"TwinFrozr.6214" said:

> > - What logically says one person's experience is worth more than the same person plus his/her friends (or, as for not offending you, a random number of randomized known people) together?


> Depends entirely on the goal post and the issue at hand. If you have thousands of hours experience driving a car, that does not in any way make you qualified to fly a plane. You might have gained some basic understanding of how to approach to learn to fly a plane, but your strict experience of learning and driving a car does not apply.


> Fun fact: this is mirrored in fractals and raids in this game.

> Having run hundreds of fractals does not make you in any way experienced with raids. It might have taught you about group synergy, class builds, game mechanics, etc. to some extent preparing you for how to approach raids. This is then very visible then taking new players for raids. If they have had experience in WvW, Spvp or fractal content, often many of the lessons can be applied to raid content.

Of course not. But if you have hundreds of hours studying peoples' mentality, come to a conclusion, and have reliable people agreeing with it; what says there wouldn't be an even more intense version if the same people gets an opportunity to gather at an even better point? That's the thing. It's not about fractals vs. raids, meta build vs. non-meta build, apples vs. pears. It's mentality vs extreme mentality here.


> > @"TwinFrozr.6214" said:

> > - What logically says one must have a specific amount of experience of one specific subject, before forming a personal opinion; and that every subject similar or equal is irrelevant?

> > - How high is that experience level, and what logically says it makes you experienced enough for your own personal opinion?


> You are mixing up having an opinion, and having a qualified opinion. The later is literally based on how much experience and knowledge one has on the subject matter. The former is what most people have out the bat, and ever one has a right to.


> The problem here arises when players with opinions try to pass those off as qualified opinions.

I'm not mixing up, I'm asking.


If my opinion isn't qualified, what makes his opinion qualified (not _more_ qualified, but qualified)?

What is the exact threshold for when that opinion gets qualified?

Is it 100% sure to say the person who reach that threshold, takes every bit into perspective, and that it can't be biased because of peer pressure?

Where is the "data" to back that up?


> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"TwinFrozr.6214" said:

> > > @"TwinFrozr.6214" said:

> > > you're extremely biased towards your personal preconception (which is fully understandable; as we human beings have a natural tendency/bias to agree with everything that's in our own favor). Alternatively, which is actually pretty obvious, you're trolling.

> >

> > Besides, it's fairly obvious I can argue far better even as a Chinese neanderthal than you will ever manage to attempt on this forum. It's getting to us you can't even succeed as a troll.

> >


> Might want to fix that slip-up. You miss quoted yourself, which in this context is hilarious since you are essentially insulting yourself.

Might want to read again, and you'll see why I "miss quoted" myself.

(Though I changed "Chinese" to "Chinese speaking only", to clarify the subject about language barriers, rather than Chinese people. Thanks for the heads up)


> Must be nice that the report function is out of order huh? Probably a long vacation from the forums incoming once it has been fixed.

No problem matey, go ahead with your reports. Just remember that abuse of the report function, as well as complete off-topic posts, will give you quite a bunch of holidays as well. You should know that after thousands of posts, just saying ;)

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> @"TwinFrozr.6214" said:

> Of course misinformation is better than no information. If you think 20 legendary insights are many, when de-facto standard is 200, at least you have a clue what legendary insights are, and what they're good for. If you have no information, you either don't even know what a legendary insight is, or spend half your life collecting 2,000, because you never cared to ask anyone. In both cases, knowledge has to be polished, but a hostile view of open-mindedness is really nothing to endeavour.

You should separate misinformation from incomplete/partial information. Misinformation is generally about believing in something that is not true and is either not helpful, or actually hurtful. Incomplete information is knowing something that is only part of the picture, but still leads you in a good direction.


Misinformation is always worse than no information, because you think you know something, while in truth you are being led astray.


Lack of information is crossroads with no direction markers. Misinformation is a direction marker that points in the _wrong_ direction. In the first case you will either think about asking for directions, or have a chance of going wrong way (but also a chance of going in the right direction). In the second case however you will always go wrong way.

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Hm, that's a fun wall of text brimming with inaccuracies and assumptions about my nature. I definitely know it's _bait_ but I can't help seeing what happens next!


> @"TwinFrozr.6214" said:

> > Can =/= will.

> Troll posts and other off-topic, like interpreting my comments into math terms, will hereby be left unanswered.


And here I was saving generous text space using commonly known math terms as to avoid hitting the character limit. I thought at least one could understand the meaning of such common math terms into their **equal** literary counterparts. Everyone's stubborn these days.


> Can **equals** can, nothing else.


I corrected your statement to reflect the new discussion rules you have burdened us with.


> Again, you put words in another's mouth, because you're too desperate hating to make up your lack of arguments. Might also explain your pathetically embarassing hold to others' posts, as you keep falling short of making even remotely relevant posts yourself.


Wow! Golly you sure showed me by completely missing my point about how while one might have the capacity to do that threshold of damage **most players definitely won't in this game.** Your insistence on asking questions about **already commonly known player issues in this forum of all places** is approaching troll-levels. You can see this happen _literally_ any time you want, if you want to put on gear that **can** let you hit that damage number easily versus gear that **won't** let you.


> > Furthermore you seem to imply that any normal player hits that **Eight Thousand** mark pretty easily as you put it. If that were the case I'm almost certain any strike or raid would be going much smoother.

> Alright, let's try oneliners for your level of understanding:


And I'll provide you with more details since you need the extra help.


> **One**. I replied to MindClown's troll comment, _where it insisted_ **eight thousand** was "fake numbers to support arguments without logic or basis in reality".


Already starting with a **lie**. His original comment was quoting a defamatory statement by a sully member of our community a full two days prior to you even mentioning that number! Something about **"Post-HoT, fractals, raids and WvW have simply become gathering points for the very worst parts of the community."**


And for whatever reason, you presumed he was talking about you. Very interesting.


> **Two**. You went ahead to defend it with "this random number generated by you can be interpreted differently by someone playing a class known to do probably **Ten Thousand** through simple auto-attacks" dps.


I mean, that's facts, it's sort of how things work?


> **Three**. Still can't admit defeat, you now hit cringe level **One Thousand** by indirectly asking how on bloody earth it's possible for the average player to learn the rotation of an auto-attack?


Whoa whoa hold on partner, I know you are going for story-telling embellishment here but 'Still can't admit defeat' phrase only really hits the mark when you actually counter my logic before. And it seems like your illiteracy is showing again, which makes sense you mentioned it before. I said as a response: **Depends entirely on the context, but this random number generated by you can be interpreted differently by someone playing a class known to do probably Ten Thousand through simple auto-attacks. Whereas someone built to endure a lot of punishment without the right weapon will never hit this number.** This wasn't insisting an auto-attack rotation is complicated, it's saying **Toughness-main stat Hammer Warrior auto-attacking is never hitting that damage number.**


> Do you even know what you're typing?




> Blah blah blah, yet more hysterical nonsense. Again: You don't have to know your colleagues to understand the job, which you argued for.


Of which this entire conversation piece was a non sequitur due to your simple lack of trying to rephrase the still absurd question:

> **What logically says one person's experience is worth more than the same person plus his/her friends (or, as for not offending you, a random number of randomized known people) together?**


Of which going by your track-record of dismissal in this thread, I'm not going to get a clearer question.


> Sorry, time-waster, but it's not my job to guide you through deliberate misinterpretation and lack of understanding. You obviously read what you want to read, then make completely irrelevant statements about things that have already been discussed, or are **One-Hundred Percent** out of context. Mindclown cited _me_ who did _a few runs_, not **Zero** runs, not a single boss, not a single enemy and not something else of your personal opinion. Is it really that hard to understand?


Again still stuck on that whole 'him' calling you out.


> Ever heard of trial and error? It's perfectly fine to learn from others' mistakes. As well as your own. People will be wrong throughout your entire life, believe it or not, and it's better to be wrong than never getting any knowledge about anything at all.


Trial and error doesn't quite work when you aren't allowed to make an error in some extreme deadly cases. Thankfully we are in a video game and the only misinformation we get going on is when people are told completely wrong builds or traits and find an opposing party telling them they are wrong. Except, people are also very stubborn, and prone to latching onto misinformation out of sheer belief. Thus we see IRL examples of Anti-Vax, **Five**-G causes COVID, etc still going DESPITE being told otherwise.


It is exceedingly difficult to get rid of misinformation, I would rather NO information first and people getting the RIGHT information from the RIGHT people.


> Is the alternative any better? Being short-sighted to the brim, use others' arguments like their own, and at "best", ultimately managing to succeed as a troll?


Arguably better, leaves room for flexibility, less stubborn, less of an ego and capable of admitting when they don't know.


> Listen, aberrant debate noob.


You know it's a good start when 'noob' comes out.


>I'm getting immenesly tired of your evasive attempts to justify some cringy butthurtcy on others' behalves. MindClown is an _independent_ and _free_ debater here on GW**Two** forums, and your obsession of him as well as me and one specific comment is getting seriously alarming. Do you happen to suffer a mental illness or what is exactly your problem?


Problem? No that's not it, it's way more simple than that. I'll let you assume this one.


> No matter how much you're crying, whining and trolling, you won't ever manage to silence me or anybody else on this forum. As we're arguing freely, on equal terms, then there is a part of us who manage to argue well, and people then start to listen.


I'm thinking this is probably the most agreed upon statement across all forums hopefully.


> “Freedom of speech doesn't protect speech that you like, freedom of speech protects speech that you hate.” — Ron Jeremy


Very wholesome man.


> ^^ That's exactly how freedom of speech works. If it doesn't suit you, Psycho Per, just kitten off. Freedom of speech are for grown ups, not naive, feeble-minded children or whatever you now strive to be.


**Busts out the American Flag, fireworks go off, cheers from the crowd roar as the national anthem plays.**


> > I'm going to be harsh regardless. *Especially* now that you've mentioned you aren't a native English speaker and you might get stuff wrong. That furthers my point before about some of these responses are nonsense or deflections.

> See? You totally believe I'm not a native English speaker, yet there is no data to back this up. But when we speak dps, friends, or even being a real player, then suddenly, you need an entire datacentre plus the Hell frozen to ice before even cogitating about it. Your ignorance is mindblowing.


Given the entire conversation we've had, I'm **more** convinced that you don't just have issues with the English language in that manner, you also have issues reading. It's ok though, I'm willing to slog through this discussion with you to the very end!

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> @"TwinFrozr.6214" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > Must be nice that the report function is out of order huh? Probably a long vacation from the forums incoming once it has been fixed.

> No problem matey, go ahead with your reports. Just remember that abuse of the report function, as well as complete off-topic posts, will give you quite a bunch of holidays as well. You should know that after thousands of posts, just saying ;)


Oh, I do know. Also please don't mix up cause and effect on this. I didn't say that I was, or rather would be reporting (since again, the report function is broken which leads to let's say more "heated" debates as of late). I actually rarely use the report function unless someone gets very personal with the attacks, and certainly almost never on diverging opinions.


I was trying to elude to the fact that your continued posts have become more hostile, aggressive, personal, insulting and over the top in this thread. I get you are in a very important discourse with other posters in this thread, but they all seem to manage to convey their points without resorting to such phrasing.

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> @"TwinFrozr.6214" said:

> > @"yann.1946" said:

> > > @"TwinFrozr.6214" said:

> > No i agree, but i think thats where the problem also lies.

> > You claimed somewhere earlier in this tread that that misinformation is beter then no information. But this is most of the time false. This only works in my opninion if the misinformation actually benefits the person (saying a white lie to save someones feelings for example.) This is not the case in this discussion.

> > (if this is not what you meant then i would love to have an explanation what you meant so i can get an acurate response. :) )

> Of course misinformation is better than no information. If you think 20 legendary insights are many, when de-facto standard is 200, at least you have a clue what legendary insights are, and what they're good for. If you have no information, you either don't even know what a legendary insight is, or spend half your life collecting 2,000, because you never cared to ask anyone. In both cases, knowledge has to be polished, but a hostile view of open-mindedness is really nothing to endeavour.



What you're saying is not misinformation, its partial information. That's a big distinction though. misinformation are about things which point in the wrong direction, like

believingdrinking bleach will cure covid for example. Thats misinformation, and quite dangerous.


> > Lets assume in this case that 1 out of a 1000 people in training runs is toxic. Then 1 every 100 runs would be experienced as toxic. And the people in those runs opinion of raids would probably be that raiders are toxic and they wouldnt run these anymore because they didn't enjoy themselves (which is a very reasonable thing to do.

> >

> > In contrast imaging that 1 in 100 open world meta event player is toxic (placing things on chests for example) You probably won't really care that much.

> >

> > Here the experiences give such a different view then whats actually going on that relaying on this experience may give you false information.

> Yes, I agree wholeheartedly. However, some in this thread are completely blinkered by their opinion, that everything is either 100% black or 100% white. There are either only perfect players or only useless players, nothing in between. As they think my few runs aren't enough for me to even have an opinion, like they're only bugbears, what says _they_ have done the exact right amount of runs to claim that?



TBH thats not what i have experienced in this thread though. For most people putting up reqs is a chance thing. The higher li someone askes the higher the change he knows what to do.

(It might also be because you're not a native speaker, but in the beginning you seemed to believe all raiders where toxic.)


> > > In this case, pseudo-elitists:

> > > - look for the most challenging content possible, and want everybody to know about it - totally check

> > > - complain about others, instead of giving constructive criticism - check

> > > - troll and can't stay civilised in map chat - check

> > > - kick whenever they get the opportunity - check

> > >

> >

> > So raids will attract toxic people, i agree. But the question isn't how lickely is a toxic person to be a raider. The question is how lickely is a raider to be toxic. :)

> Yes.


> > > It's pretty obvious what type of players raids are gathering (except it's PvE, which they normally "hate"). This especially if it filters out "bad" players by pure DPS. As an active WvW player for 7 years, it's more or less impossible not to predict the mentality of the average raid player. I mean, if you've been hospitalized fighting Hells Angels one day, you won't kick in the door to Bandidos the next by curiosity. At least not if you aren't dumber than nature itself (which I'm getting the impression that some actually are).

> > >

> > > Anyhow, I hope and think it was the "worst case scenario", although it wasn't that bad really. Just a waste of time and some maintenance in the blocklist. I've since met some raiders who have been helpful with builds and nice in general, and also applied to a raid guild. If true that raids actually require this and that much dps, I have no problem with that, as long as people aren't kittening about it. Which definitely isn't the thing with hotjoinable strikes, which is why I felt the need to reply to the thread. What's next, li and kp in costume brawl? :lol: (nah, should not give em ideas)

> > >

> >

> > I understand how you feel here, but isn't it better in this case that their are squads with reqs. If someone asked li for costume brawl, would you want to be in a group with that person?

> > :p

> Well, as long as people don't feel unwelcome, I don't see a problem. Now, I had misunderstood the point of raid requirements that was discussed earlier, where you actually have to do specific damage to complete the bosses. In strikes though, I don't see the point of that, at least not if the bosses are massively harder than its hotjoin counterpart.



We'll their doesn't really need to be a point to them (like asking a full asura squad :p) but instrikes the reasons to ask reqs is to increase the change to get gold/3chests.


> Costume brawl was a little of a exaggerated joke, heh ;) Luckily costume brawl is multiboxable. But if it wouldn't be, and every party would ask for kp and li requirements, what would be the option?



Making you're own squad for example. :) I think the joke example actually gave the best reasons why these reqs are not inherently a problem. If people ask these reqs then you know which groups to avoid.


> > > > But to me the problem wasn't that you think the raidcommunity is toxic. it was about HOW you and you're friends got that information/idea.

> > > My first raid experiences were the problem, current raid mentality is the problem. Or for now, was, as I now understand it's to some extent required for boss completions.

> >

> > To get a little more serious, because this is actually the point that matters to me. My mother once told me "can you blame people for being racist if they where robbed for example?" my response is yes you can, i might understand where they came from but theire reasoning is probably flawed as they're making a wild generalization and then let comfirmation bias /selection bias take it from their.

> >

> > Now i'm not saying you're racist or anything, please don't take it that way. :)

> >

> A criminal inspector could definitely use racism as an _potential_ incentive, like the laser Swede who shot half a dozen immigrants in the early '90s. What most peeps here don't understand is, that the inspector would never say it *is* racism before gathering proof of the matter. Which is why other posters' desperate attempts to put words in my mouth doesn't really get to me.


> I obviously see what's posted in LFG, and can relate with 8,200 hours of gameplay experience. If requirements aren't absolutely necessary, they shouldn't be there. I don't know how to picture it easier than relating strike requirements to raid requirements, fractal requirements, WvW requirements, and PvP whiners. No matter the game mode, they always require, always flame and always whine about nothing. Again, the worst part of the community in their nutshell.



But no requirements are absolutely nessecary, in theory you can bang you're head against a wall for 24 hours and you prob will get the kill. THe question then becomes what is a reasonable amount of time to spent on some content and what do you want to get out of that content.


I think its also important to note that different people want different things out of content. What if they want more then the kill?


> > But this story was more to highlight that people can have personal opinions, with a good reason to have this opinion. And this opinion still being very wrong/dangerous/illogical. And as Cyn said earlier, their is a difference between a personal opinion, and a educated opinion.

> > I do hope that you either find a group which works for you or find you don't like the content raids offer.

> Yes, absolutely, that's a fair point. Forgot to reply to that in between.


> I have experience enough to understand why I don't want pseudo-elitistic mentality in strike runs. I don't need to play strikes with them to understand why I don't want to play strikes with them. I neither need thousands of raid runs to realize that. It's just obvious that if you give them enough room, they will try to take over the game mode and make everyone play by their book. An idiot realizes that kittenheads in raids are no different from kittenheads in WvW, PvP or fractals, especially not after proving it so well.


I've actually never seem the "elitist" try to take over. Giving info is not the same as wanting everyone to play by their standards. (Most elitists i met have actually encouraged experimentation). My experience is only raid related though.


As a closer to my response here because it didn't really fit any specific part:


-The reqs in strikes are also advantages to you as they allow you to not play with the people who put them on. And as you said they aren't nessecary to complete strikes so putting up you're own squad would be perfectly viable. :)


-You seem to have a bad relationship with the other posters on this thread. i do hope you will have fruitfull conversations with them because even if you disagree with what they say, trying to grasp why they say these things will help you further.


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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> I think some of the strikes are too hard for pugs. Like Whisper of Jormag. Its just too long a fight and easy to die on. I can perfectly see why randoms is unwanted there.



This, i don't want to do several tries at content i know experienced players can do properly on first try

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> I think some of the strikes are too hard for pugs. Like Whisper of Jormag. Its just too long a fight and easy to die on. I can perfectly see why randoms is unwanted there.


> And we already have a way to make content harder, challenge motes.

Yeah.... Whilst I don't mind to teach other people, it certainly not some random pug (it'll be either guidie or friends and their friends too): speaking from experience, if you try to teach the random something in instanced content, most of the time they just stay silent without acknowledging that they heard you, yet still making the same mistake after the exp gave suggestions multiple times, several failed pulls and they just left still without a word, or left after only 1 strike/daily even if it was advertised as a full strike, then you'll have to go back on LFG again as well as shuffling roles around & wasted more times on it. With increasingly more strikes (& longer duration too -> looking at you, cold war) to add to the "daily strike list" after each release, times are getting more valuable if you only have let's say 1 hour but you're squeezing in more runs now, therefore efficiency comes into the priority. Also you can't track their improvement, never ask question, not like guidie who you'll get a few more runs with them therefore they stick around enough to listen to your advice.


That said, which is the reason why if I do pug strikes I'd mostly do only the easy ones (Ice golem/FoJ/Bear), with the exception that joining the full strike squad when I see that there's a comm who do care to ask for specific roles. Otherwise, I usually prefer to join my friends/guild for the harder strikes. I don't have enough LI to join those cool kids, but I do understand their requirements.

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> @"Blueberry.8095" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > I think some of the strikes are too hard for pugs. Like Whisper of Jormag. Its just too long a fight and easy to die on. I can perfectly see why randoms is unwanted there.

> >

> > And we already have a way to make content harder, challenge motes.

> Yeah.... Whilst I don't mind to teach other people, it certainly not some random pug (it'll be either guidie or friends and their friends too): speaking from experience, if you try to teach the random something in instanced content, most of the time they just stay silent without acknowledging that they heard you, yet still making the same mistake after the exp gave suggestions multiple times, several failed pulls and they just left still without a word, or left after only 1 strike/daily even if it was advertised as a full strike, then you'll have to go back on LFG again as well as shuffling roles around & wasted more times on it. With increasingly more strikes (& longer duration too -> looking at you, cold war) to add to the "daily strike list" after each release, times are getting more valuable if you only have let's say 1 hour but you're squeezing in more runs now, therefore efficiency comes into the priority. Also you can't track their improvement, never ask question, not like guidie who you'll get a few more runs with them therefore they stick around enough to listen to your advice.


> That said, which is the reason why if I do pug strikes I'd mostly do only the easy ones (Ice golem/FoJ/Bear), with the exception that joining the full strike squad when I see that there's a comm who do care to ask for specific roles. Otherwise, I usually prefer to join my friends/guild for the harder strikes. I don't have enough LI to join those cool kids, but I do understand their requirements.


Unfortunately if you only go for specific strikes, its not finishing the weekly chest.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Unfortunately if you only go for specific strikes, its not finishing the weekly chest.


That's what "all strikes" squads are for & you only need to do everything once per week (I have a group of friends for that at least once per week), then need only the priority strike for the next 2 days till you have 3 free big crystals to open the weekly chest. Anything extra is for grinding gold and/or extra shards for Runic armor which is what most people are looking for when doing more than just the priority.


In other words, out of the 7 days, you only need 1 day for all strikes + pug Forging steel normal mode, the rest of the week you can pick 2 other days when easy strike is on the rotation, if the weekly chest is the ONLY thing you're after.

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> @"TwinFrozr.6214" said:

> > @"Hyrai.8720" said:

> > > @"TwinFrozr.6214" said:

> > > Misinformation is better than no information.

> > I'm not gonna get between you two, but this statement is basically trump-level, which is not healthy for a serious discussion :smiley:

> I'm not responsible for whatever you can't comprehend. It's however an outrageously narrow sight to disbelieve everything you don't understand. Some things you have to accept for what they are, and if nothing else, before you get better information. One can actually elaborate on points and use logic, rather than simply saying "no".


one can elaborate on points using logic. but if you elaborate on misinformation using logic, the only thing you will get out of it is more misinformation. otherwise youre not using logic.


edit; to give you a mathematical example, because you love those so much :smiley: :

If Person A asks _"whats the value for 'x' in '2*x=4'?"_ it's always better to say _"i dont know, ask someone who is properly informed"_ than to say _"x=1. i dont have better information yet but trust me"_

following your statement, Person A should believe 2*1=4 because it would be narrow sighted to disbelieve it. and now we have two misinformed persons and it takes an actually informed person twice the effort to correct it, congrats.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > the first time I did Boneskiner I took less then 30min with a full squad were nobody knew the encounter

> Was your first Boneskinner the incredibly easy, bugged version from its first few days?


Oh I heard about that, was it bugged or just incredebly easy? Anyway, was not, I did mine after the Steel Warband Strike got added, needed some motivation to do the old strikes that I never bothered with and the new armor set did it lol

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > the first time I did Boneskiner I took less then 30min with a full squad were nobody knew the encounter

> > Was your first Boneskinner the incredibly easy, bugged version from its first few days?


> Oh I heard about that, was it bugged or just incredebly easy? Anyway, was not, I did mine after the Steel Warband Strike got added, needed some motivation to do the old strikes that I never bothered with and the new armor set did it lol


As far as I know, it was simply bugged and couldn't use its abilities.

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> @"Ecoxiss.1079" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > @"Ecoxiss.1079" said:

> > >80% of the LFG Groups have started to do this Killproof Nonsense in Strikes too.

> > Even if your "80%" weren't a complete fabrication and hyperbole, what is preventing you from just joining the other 20% or starting your own squad?

> >

> >


> Time brother, time ^^

> I have a reallife too xD


That's exactly what the people that ask for li want to do as well. Saving time.

They don't want to take someone with them that Sits there and doesn't really contribute to the boss kill.

They want smooth and fast runs.

They want to save time by not wiping, you want to save time by faster finding a group.

Basically the exact same thing.


Don't get me wrong. I don't like that as well even though I have like 2k li? I joined groups with no li requirements and they were faster than groups with requirements.


Asking for li is most of the times just a "do you play a meta build, can u actually play it, and do you know that not doing the mechanics can wipe the group?" Question.


I know the last point is rather weak, as there's currently only one strike, where you can actively kill others, but it's still a point to keep in mind.


But most Li requirements groups will still let you join them if you say something like "don't have the li, but I know the mechanics and played the strike x-times already"

If you mess up then, don't be surprised if they put you on their blocklist.


> 80% arent complete fabrication. I saw it several days in a row and the other 20% are spread on all strikes not just the one i need/want to do in that moment. Im a good Player but im somewhat forced to get KP from other Content to do this one. That just cant be the solution. Arenanet just isnt listening or trying to fix their content. People are complaining about Raid lfg for a long time u know that yourself. They shouldnt have introduced new stuff (strikes) while the other still isnt working well. What use do 20.000 different Play Options have (Raids Fracs Strikes) if they arent working fine for the big part of the playerbase? So whats your solution for this?


What makes you think that raid content isn't working?

It's working just fine.

I Know a lot of players that raided once, but never again went in there, because it was to hard for them.

Spvp isn't working for the biggest part of the player base either.

So we should just delete it right?


Only open world content allowed.


Let me tell you this: guildwars would loose a lot More players if they did that. Removed everything but braindead open world. That you can basically "play" by being afk for the most Parts.



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I'm just going to start off by saying that asking for KP, AP, or what have you as "proof" of your skill is, for the most part, simply gate-keeping. Asking for KP from harder content like raids in "dumbed down" content like Strikes only further pushes the image of elitism. Furthermore it's not a good metric of actual skill, since as it's been noted multiple times in this thread that people can be carried and gain completion.

That being said I don't think groups requesting KP are in the wrong. There are always going to be players that simply want to complete the content without much hassle, and I get that.

The problem is one of perception. Players looking to get into Raids or other content may not be familiar with the Raid training guilds and other resources, and they'll look to the LFG for options. Where they'll be met with the seemingly impossible to pass gate-keeping. And that's where many will simply give up.

But without the new blood coming into raids or strikes the content will die off as veteran players get frustrated at the lack of new content, due to a perceived lack of interest in the content by Anet, and move on. As vet players leave new blood needs to replace them or the player-base dwindles, and the content is abandoned.

Fractals aren't going anywhere because they're so accessible, and an earnest player can learn their skills to move up into the higher difficulty tiers. But that same player who wants to improve may be turned off from even the "bridge" content of Strikes by seeing groups asking for KP from harder content. It implies a skill level of play that isn't achievable right out of the gate is required simply to enter the content.

KP/LI groups aren't in the wrong, but maybe they're shooting themselves in the foot.

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> @"WolfOwl.3968" said:

> I'm just going to start off by saying that asking for KP, AP, or what have you as "proof" of your skill is, for the most part, simply gate-keeping. Asking for KP from harder content like raids in "dumbed down" content like Strikes only further pushes the image of elitism. Furthermore it's not a good metric of actual skill, since as it's been noted multiple times in this thread that people can be carried and gain completion.

> That being said I don't think groups requesting KP are in the wrong. There are always going to be players that simply want to complete the content without much hassle, and I get that.

> The problem is one of perception. Players looking to get into Raids or other content may not be familiar with the Raid training guilds and other resources, and they'll look to the LFG for options. Where they'll be met with the seemingly impossible to pass gate-keeping. And that's where many will simply give up.

> But without the new blood coming into raids or strikes the content will die off as veteran players get frustrated at the lack of new content, due to a perceived lack of interest in the content by Anet, and move on. As vet players leave new blood needs to replace them or the player-base dwindles, and the content is abandoned.

> Fractals aren't going anywhere because they're so accessible, and an earnest player can learn their skills to move up into the higher difficulty tiers. But that same player who wants to improve may be turned off from even the "bridge" content of Strikes by seeing groups asking for KP from harder content. It implies a skill level of play that isn't achievable right out of the gate is required simply to enter the content.

> KP/LI groups aren't in the wrong, but maybe they're shooting themselves in the foot.


Fractals have had less content releases than raids.

If I was forced to play with new people every single time I wanted to play raids or strikes, I just woundnt bother doing them at all. Or would go and then call out the people who do 2k dps creating more tension.

Id rather enjoy the content now and let it die, than have it ruined for me by being forced to play with people who are totally not ready to do it in the first place.

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> @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> Id rather enjoy the content now and let it die, than have it ruined for me by being forced to play with people who are totally not ready to do it in the first place.


That's totally your choice. I'm just saying a little encouragement now could repay itself later, but maybe that's just me.

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