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Why don't any guilds try unblockable boon corruption to counter the opposing blob's sustains?

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I wonder, why don't guilds run with like 6-7 necros spiking https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Well_of_Corruption and follow it up with a https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Reaper%27s_Mark buffed with https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fear_of_Death ? The stab removal, general boon corruption and un-stacking effect of the fear spike should be enough for a DPS spike to take out at least a handful of guys and then disengage.


I haven't gotten anyone to try out this kind of move but considering how many scourges are usually in a guild blob it really wouldn't hurt to at least fucking try. Is there something I'm missing or are people just so blinded by the meta that they can't see beyond it?

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There is such a thing as to much corrupt in organized groups or damage spikes. At that point you need damage instead of more corrupt, because if a target has no boons, there is nothing to strip/corrupt.


Corrupt on it's own, while nice, is pretty much useless without the damage to follow it up. Boons will simply get reapplied in-between spike cooldowns.


Most guild group sizes are between 15-20, unless you start over-blobbing your enemy, at which point strips/corrupts are no issue. Coordinated spike is. Suffice to say, if you run 6-7 necros in a sub 20 player squad, you are sacrificing in other areas greatly.

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To boot all the AoE corrupts you list are static with a small radius easily avoidable, and at best only available once every 30 seconds.


When a commander baits a "bomb", that is literally ~80% of an enemy groups boonrip gone - it's too easy to counter with a single dodge. This is why good necros save their wells for a secondary bomb after the enemy spends their dodges and are forced through a chokepoint.

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> @"SevlisBavles.3059" said:

> I wonder, why don't guilds run with like 6-7 necros spiking https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Well_of_Corruption and follow it up with a https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Reaper%27s_Mark buffed with https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fear_of_Death ? The stab removal, general boon corruption and un-stacking effect of the fear spike should be enough for a DPS spike to take out at least a handful of guys and then disengage.


> I haven't gotten anyone to try out this kind of move but considering how many scourges are usually in a guild blob it really wouldn't hurt to at least kitten try. Is there something I'm missing or are people just so blinded by the meta that they can't see beyond it?


:3 the guilds running boons running this bro. If you know one thing, you know the counter. It's been around since necromancers killed the hammer warrior train :3


A simple comp is


Fb herald scourge scourge scrap

Fb spell scourge tempest scrap


It may seem small but that group is a beast.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> :3 the guilds running boons running this bro. If you know one thing, you know the counter. It's been around since necromancers killed the hammer warrior train :3


It was there even before that. This is litteraly the necro WvW niche since release. What killed the hammer train is ANet changing stability from stacking in duration to preventing a set amount of hard CC, the necromancer and it's ability to corrupt boons have nothing to do in that.


I remember using WoC on blob buffing themself in as far as early 2013.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > :3 the guilds running boons running this bro. If you know one thing, you know the counter. It's been around since necromancers killed the hammer warrior train :3

> >

> It was there even before that. This is litteraly the necro WvW niche since release. What killed the hammer train is ANet changing stability from stacking in duration to preventing a set amount of hard CC, the necromancer and it's ability to corrupt boons have nothing to do in that.


> I remember using WoC on blob buffing themself in as far as early 2013.


Thanks for highlighting my point. Necro wells did kill the melee group if they push and eat the bombs. Changing stab didn't kill the hammer war train, it killed the melee train as a whole. Because a well dropped high damaged range as a spike can kill a lot. This was also solidified by 111s no longer hit 5 ppl but was slowly reduced to 3.


Back then staff guard was the way

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > :3 the guilds running boons running this bro. If you know one thing, you know the counter. It's been around since necromancers killed the hammer warrior train :3

> > >

> > It was there even before that. This is litteraly the necro WvW niche since release. What killed the hammer train is ANet changing stability from stacking in duration to preventing a set amount of hard CC, the necromancer and it's ability to corrupt boons have nothing to do in that.

> >

> > I remember using WoC on blob buffing themself in as far as early 2013.


> Thanks for highlighting my point. Necro wells did kill the melee group if they push and eat the bombs. Changing stab didn't kill the hammer war train, it killed the melee train as a whole. Because a well dropped high damaged range as a spike can kill a lot. This was also solidified by 111s no longer hit 5 ppl but was slowly reduced to 3.


> Back then staff guard was the way


Every AoE worked just as fine at this time. Well I'd even say that the elementalist's one hurted a lot more than any well the necromancer could lay. The necromancer was just ripping boon nothing more, the killing part was done by other.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > > :3 the guilds running boons running this bro. If you know one thing, you know the counter. It's been around since necromancers killed the hammer warrior train :3

> > > >

> > > It was there even before that. This is litteraly the necro WvW niche since release. What killed the hammer train is ANet changing stability from stacking in duration to preventing a set amount of hard CC, the necromancer and it's ability to corrupt boons have nothing to do in that.

> > >

> > > I remember using WoC on blob buffing themself in as far as early 2013.

> >

> > Thanks for highlighting my point. Necro wells did kill the melee group if they push and eat the bombs. Changing stab didn't kill the hammer war train, it killed the melee train as a whole. Because a well dropped high damaged range as a spike can kill a lot. This was also solidified by 111s no longer hit 5 ppl but was slowly reduced to 3.

> >

> > Back then staff guard was the way


> Every AoE worked just as fine at this time. Well I'd even say that the elementalist's one hurted a lot more than any well the necromancer could lay. The necromancer was just ripping boon nothing more, the killing part was done by other.


Actually well of suffering does a lot of damage. You didn't just drop well of corruptions :). Of course it's a lot of different bombs from Pvt zero hammer guard 2 to circle to wells to meteors. But the point was dropping the spike in a wide area directly in front of the commander.


A simple tactic back then was simpling staff 111 guard ppl until hp was low enought to push.

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> @"SevlisBavles.3059" said:

> I wonder, why don't guilds run with like 6-7 necros spiking https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Well_of_Corruption and follow it up with a https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Reaper%27s_Mark buffed with https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fear_of_Death ? The stab removal, general boon corruption and un-stacking effect of the fear spike should be enough for a DPS spike to take out at least a handful of guys and then disengage.


> I haven't gotten anyone to try out this kind of move but considering how many scourges are usually in a guild blob it really wouldn't hurt to at least kitten try. Is there something I'm missing or are people just so blinded by the meta that they can't see beyond it?

The current meta of Condi Cleanse via Tempest, Spellbreaker and Scrapper makes this counterplay largely irrelevant.

The zerg meta currently involves cleansing as much condi as possible. After the February Balance Update that reduced the power coefficients on most damage, many guilds did indeed try running Boon Corrupt power Scourges.

It simply was not as effective as just stacking enough Condi Cleanse. In the current meta Well of Power is a much more valuable skill.

Couple this with the fact that the only class with a lower average player skill level than Necro in WvW is Ranger.

Two Cleangineer Scrappers running Purity of purpose are far more valuable than stacking Boon Corrupt.


TLDR: Cleanse is king in zetgs, Most Necros in WvW are just awful.

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> After the February Balance Update that reduced the power coefficients on most damage, many guilds did indeed try running Boon Corrupt power Scourges.

> It simply was not as effective as just stacking enough Condi Cleanse. In the current meta Well of Power is a much more valuable skill.


Ah I missed that, I started playing again after a hiatus in March, guess I DID miss something after all :)



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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > Every AoE worked just as fine at this time. Well I'd even say that the elementalist's one hurted a lot more than any well the necromancer could lay. The necromancer was just ripping boon nothing more, the killing part was done by other.


> Actually well of suffering does a lot of damage. You didn't just drop well of corruptions :)


It dealt less damage at that time and had a CD twice as long as elementalist's meteor shower... You could maintain permanently _lava font_ dealing more damage than _well of suffering_ per tic (not even uptime), it was also a lot more useful since it was basically always up to use. Don't blame the necromancer for something that he didn't do, there is no point in spreading hate about this profession.


The hammer train made short work of the necromancers (who always sucked at dealing with hard CC, while the hammer train excelled at it). When ANet changed stability, it was coinciding with players coming back from Archage and it's naval fights. It's the perma stun of the hammer train, no longer mitigated as efficiently by stability that pushed players to play the "pirateship" instead of the melee train.


Now, yes, such a playstyle allowed the necromancer to breath and show the strength of it's wells, but in no way it is responsible for the shift in playstyle. I mean, Wells pulse were blockable, were dealing 10%-20% less damage then now and they had a 45s CD. If you think that this much "power" could get rid of the furious hammer train, you're misleading yourself. You even had to trait for wells in order to have them ranged.


NB.: with the introduction of revenant shortly after that, you can say that the "pirateship" playstyle have been hammered into the WvW community.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > Every AoE worked just as fine at this time. Well I'd even say that the elementalist's one hurted a lot more than any well the necromancer could lay. The necromancer was just ripping boon nothing more, the killing part was done by other.

> >

> > Actually well of suffering does a lot of damage. You didn't just drop well of corruptions :)


> It dealt less damage at that time and had a CD twice as long as elementalist's meteor shower... You could maintain permanently _lava font_ dealing more damage than _well of suffering_ per tic (not even uptime), it was also a lot more useful since it was basically always up to use. Don't blame the necromancer for something that he didn't do, there is no point in spreading hate about this profession.


> The hammer train made short work of the necromancers (who always sucked at dealing with hard CC, while the hammer train excelled at it). When ANet changed stability, it was coinciding with players coming back from Archage and it's naval fights. It's the perma stun of the hammer train, no longer mitigated as efficiently by stability that pushed players to play the "pirateship" instead of the melee train.


> Now, yes, such a playstyle allowed the necromancer to breath and show the strength of it's wells, but in no way it is responsible for the shift in playstyle. I mean, Wells pulse were blockable, were dealing 10%-20% less damage then now and they had a 45s CD. If you think that this much "power" could get rid of the furious hammer train, you're misleading yourself. You even had to trait for wells in order to have them ranged.


> NB.: with the introduction of revenant shortly after that, you can say that the "pirateship" playstyle have been hammered into the WvW community.


Once people learned to double dodge to the back side etc, those one push hammer trains disappeared.

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> @"SevlisBavles.3059" said:

> > After the February Balance Update that reduced the power coefficients on most damage, many guilds did indeed try running Boon Corrupt power Scourges.

> > It simply was not as effective as just stacking enough Condi Cleanse. In the current meta Well of Power is a much more valuable skill.


> Ah I missed that, I started playing again after a hiatus in March, guess I DID miss something after all :)

Yeah there was a brief period after the Feb balance patch where zerg commanders were throwing things against the wall the see what stuck. Power Scourge was an idea that was floated.

That said my comments are mainly about large zerg play. In the roaming/havoc game, boon corrupt can be (is) relevant. When there aren't large numbers of support toons spamming cleanses by way of Tempest Shouts and Scrapper boon converts, Necro boon corrupts can be a much more impactful thing.

Against a Glint Herald or Boonbeast it can be devastating, but these builds are falling out of favor. The current popularity of Mallyx Rev with it's high Resistance uptime limits it's effectiveness.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"SevlisBavles.3059" said:

> > > After the February Balance Update that reduced the power coefficients on most damage, many guilds did indeed try running Boon Corrupt power Scourges.

> > > It simply was not as effective as just stacking enough Condi Cleanse. In the current meta Well of Power is a much more valuable skill.

> >

> > Ah I missed that, I started playing again after a hiatus in March, guess I DID miss something after all :)

> Yeah there was a brief period after the Feb balance patch where zerg commanders were throwing things against the wall the see what stuck. Power Scourge was an idea that was floated.

> That said my comments are mainly about large zerg play. In the roaming/havoc game, boon corrupt can be (is) relevant. When there aren't large numbers of support toons spamming cleanses by way of Tempest Shouts and Scrapper boon converts, Necro boon corrupts can be a much more impactful thing.

> Against a Glint Herald or Boonbeast it can be devastating, but these builds are falling out of favor. The current popularity of Mallyx Rev with it's high Resistance uptime limits it's effectiveness.


Tbh in the current meta I've had a lot of success with a pure zerk necro build for roaming, literally everything zerk, eagle runes, damage output traits. Axe, shroud and Lich outdamage absolutely everything and against thieves I drop Well of Suffering and Well of Corruption on myself. Either they walk into it and die, or it buys me time to Chillblains, Dark Path, Dark Pursuit and then either straight lich or Wail of Doom and lich. Boon-based classes don't seem to help whatsoever against the pure damage. Pure zerk necro wins close to 95% of fights, the only big problem I've encountered with the build is immob rangers.

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> @"SevlisBavles.3059" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > @"SevlisBavles.3059" said:

> > > > After the February Balance Update that reduced the power coefficients on most damage, many guilds did indeed try running Boon Corrupt power Scourges.

> > > > It simply was not as effective as just stacking enough Condi Cleanse. In the current meta Well of Power is a much more valuable skill.

> > >

> > > Ah I missed that, I started playing again after a hiatus in March, guess I DID miss something after all :)

> > Yeah there was a brief period after the Feb balance patch where zerg commanders were throwing things against the wall the see what stuck. Power Scourge was an idea that was floated.

> > That said my comments are mainly about large zerg play. In the roaming/havoc game, boon corrupt can be (is) relevant. When there aren't large numbers of support toons spamming cleanses by way of Tempest Shouts and Scrapper boon converts, Necro boon corrupts can be a much more impactful thing.

> > Against a Glint Herald or Boonbeast it can be devastating, but these builds are falling out of favor. The current popularity of Mallyx Rev with it's high Resistance uptime limits it's effectiveness.


> Tbh in the current meta I've had a lot of success with a pure zerk necro build for roaming, literally everything zerk, eagle runes, damage output traits. Axe, shroud and Lich outdamage absolutely everything and against thieves I drop Well of Suffering and Well of Corruption on myself. Either they walk into it and die, or it buys me time to Chillblains, Dark Path, Dark Pursuit and then either straight lich or Wail of Doom and lich. Boon-based classes don't seem to help whatsoever against the pure damage. Pure zerk necro wins close to 95% of fights, the only big problem I've encountered with the build is immob rangers.

I'm not surprised at your success with it, power necro is pretty strong stuff.

But if I would a betting man I would wager this one's pretty high on the "to nerf" list right now.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"SevlisBavles.3059" said:

> > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > > @"SevlisBavles.3059" said:

> > > > > After the February Balance Update that reduced the power coefficients on most damage, many guilds did indeed try running Boon Corrupt power Scourges.

> > > > > It simply was not as effective as just stacking enough Condi Cleanse. In the current meta Well of Power is a much more valuable skill.

> > > >

> > > > Ah I missed that, I started playing again after a hiatus in March, guess I DID miss something after all :)

> > > Yeah there was a brief period after the Feb balance patch where zerg commanders were throwing things against the wall the see what stuck. Power Scourge was an idea that was floated.

> > > That said my comments are mainly about large zerg play. In the roaming/havoc game, boon corrupt can be (is) relevant. When there aren't large numbers of support toons spamming cleanses by way of Tempest Shouts and Scrapper boon converts, Necro boon corrupts can be a much more impactful thing.

> > > Against a Glint Herald or Boonbeast it can be devastating, but these builds are falling out of favor. The current popularity of Mallyx Rev with it's high Resistance uptime limits it's effectiveness.

> >

> > Tbh in the current meta I've had a lot of success with a pure zerk necro build for roaming, literally everything zerk, eagle runes, damage output traits. Axe, shroud and Lich outdamage absolutely everything and against thieves I drop Well of Suffering and Well of Corruption on myself. Either they walk into it and die, or it buys me time to Chillblains, Dark Path, Dark Pursuit and then either straight lich or Wail of Doom and lich. Boon-based classes don't seem to help whatsoever against the pure damage. Pure zerk necro wins close to 95% of fights, the only big problem I've encountered with the build is immob rangers.

> I'm not surprised at your success with it, power necro is pretty strong stuff.

> But if I would a betting man I would wager this one's pretty high on the "to nerf" list right now.


Oh I hope not. I mean necros generally are thing to run away from. They can't really chase you and it's easy to dodge and run away from them unless you don't have speed skills


There are duel rules where a person shouldn't escape from the small box where they ought to fight and fight outside that box, means lose. I miss this sort of rules

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > @"SevlisBavles.3059" said:

> > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > > > @"SevlisBavles.3059" said:

> > > > > > After the February Balance Update that reduced the power coefficients on most damage, many guilds did indeed try running Boon Corrupt power Scourges.

> > > > > > It simply was not as effective as just stacking enough Condi Cleanse. In the current meta Well of Power is a much more valuable skill.

> > > > >

> > > > > Ah I missed that, I started playing again after a hiatus in March, guess I DID miss something after all :)

> > > > Yeah there was a brief period after the Feb balance patch where zerg commanders were throwing things against the wall the see what stuck. Power Scourge was an idea that was floated.

> > > > That said my comments are mainly about large zerg play. In the roaming/havoc game, boon corrupt can be (is) relevant. When there aren't large numbers of support toons spamming cleanses by way of Tempest Shouts and Scrapper boon converts, Necro boon corrupts can be a much more impactful thing.

> > > > Against a Glint Herald or Boonbeast it can be devastating, but these builds are falling out of favor. The current popularity of Mallyx Rev with it's high Resistance uptime limits it's effectiveness.

> > >

> > > Tbh in the current meta I've had a lot of success with a pure zerk necro build for roaming, literally everything zerk, eagle runes, damage output traits. Axe, shroud and Lich outdamage absolutely everything and against thieves I drop Well of Suffering and Well of Corruption on myself. Either they walk into it and die, or it buys me time to Chillblains, Dark Path, Dark Pursuit and then either straight lich or Wail of Doom and lich. Boon-based classes don't seem to help whatsoever against the pure damage. Pure zerk necro wins close to 95% of fights, the only big problem I've encountered with the build is immob rangers.

> > I'm not surprised at your success with it, power necro is pretty strong stuff.

> > But if I would a betting man I would wager this one's pretty high on the "to nerf" list right now.


> Oh I hope not. I mean necros generally are thing to run away from. They can't really chase you and it's easy to dodge and run away from them unless you don't have speed skills


> There are duel rules where a person shouldn't escape from the small box where they ought to fight and fight outside that box, means lose. I miss this sort of rules

Balancing around this playstyle would negate the inherent benefits of several entire classes such as Thief, Ranger and Mesmer.

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Consider this popular setup on https://metabattle.com/wiki/WvW


Minstrel Firebrand

Minstrel Scrapper

Cleric Spellbreaker

(Maybe?) Minstrel Aurashare Tempest


Notice: Where's the damage?


You don't need yet another support especially when spellbreaker strips boons so easily. Necros have great aoe damage, and should be the damage focus here. And as with all scenarios of WvW, you need damage, because the longer the fight takes, the more reinforcements will arrive to ruin your fight. You absolutely need the burst/spike to generate downs and secure them. If the other group is not afraid of your bomb and can just sustain it with just passive healing/cleanse, then they will just W key into you and that will just cause chaos.


So realize that as a scourge, you have anywhere between 1-3 people in your subgroup dedicated solely to taking care of your survival and boons so your job is to kill. If you're not doing that, then might as well replace you with a weaver or a burn guard. Or even a Reaper.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > > @"SevlisBavles.3059" said:

> > > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > > > > @"SevlisBavles.3059" said:

> > > > > > > After the February Balance Update that reduced the power coefficients on most damage, many guilds did indeed try running Boon Corrupt power Scourges.

> > > > > > > It simply was not as effective as just stacking enough Condi Cleanse. In the current meta Well of Power is a much more valuable skill.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Ah I missed that, I started playing again after a hiatus in March, guess I DID miss something after all :)

> > > > > Yeah there was a brief period after the Feb balance patch where zerg commanders were throwing things against the wall the see what stuck. Power Scourge was an idea that was floated.

> > > > > That said my comments are mainly about large zerg play. In the roaming/havoc game, boon corrupt can be (is) relevant. When there aren't large numbers of support toons spamming cleanses by way of Tempest Shouts and Scrapper boon converts, Necro boon corrupts can be a much more impactful thing.

> > > > > Against a Glint Herald or Boonbeast it can be devastating, but these builds are falling out of favor. The current popularity of Mallyx Rev with it's high Resistance uptime limits it's effectiveness.

> > > >

> > > > Tbh in the current meta I've had a lot of success with a pure zerk necro build for roaming, literally everything zerk, eagle runes, damage output traits. Axe, shroud and Lich outdamage absolutely everything and against thieves I drop Well of Suffering and Well of Corruption on myself. Either they walk into it and die, or it buys me time to Chillblains, Dark Path, Dark Pursuit and then either straight lich or Wail of Doom and lich. Boon-based classes don't seem to help whatsoever against the pure damage. Pure zerk necro wins close to 95% of fights, the only big problem I've encountered with the build is immob rangers.

> > > I'm not surprised at your success with it, power necro is pretty strong stuff.

> > > But if I would a betting man I would wager this one's pretty high on the "to nerf" list right now.

> >

> > Oh I hope not. I mean necros generally are thing to run away from. They can't really chase you and it's easy to dodge and run away from them unless you don't have speed skills

> >

> > There are duel rules where a person shouldn't escape from the small box where they ought to fight and fight outside that box, means lose. I miss this sort of rules

> Balancing around this playstyle would negate the inherent benefits of several entire classes such as Thief, Ranger and Mesmer.


It's a duel thing not a roaming thing or ganking thing Even in skrims we used to set like no leaving the square. :3



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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > > > @"SevlisBavles.3059" said:

> > > > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > > > > > @"SevlisBavles.3059" said:

> > > > > > > > After the February Balance Update that reduced the power coefficients on most damage, many guilds did indeed try running Boon Corrupt power Scourges.

> > > > > > > > It simply was not as effective as just stacking enough Condi Cleanse. In the current meta Well of Power is a much more valuable skill.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Ah I missed that, I started playing again after a hiatus in March, guess I DID miss something after all :)

> > > > > > Yeah there was a brief period after the Feb balance patch where zerg commanders were throwing things against the wall the see what stuck. Power Scourge was an idea that was floated.

> > > > > > That said my comments are mainly about large zerg play. In the roaming/havoc game, boon corrupt can be (is) relevant. When there aren't large numbers of support toons spamming cleanses by way of Tempest Shouts and Scrapper boon converts, Necro boon corrupts can be a much more impactful thing.

> > > > > > Against a Glint Herald or Boonbeast it can be devastating, but these builds are falling out of favor. The current popularity of Mallyx Rev with it's high Resistance uptime limits it's effectiveness.

> > > > >

> > > > > Tbh in the current meta I've had a lot of success with a pure zerk necro build for roaming, literally everything zerk, eagle runes, damage output traits. Axe, shroud and Lich outdamage absolutely everything and against thieves I drop Well of Suffering and Well of Corruption on myself. Either they walk into it and die, or it buys me time to Chillblains, Dark Path, Dark Pursuit and then either straight lich or Wail of Doom and lich. Boon-based classes don't seem to help whatsoever against the pure damage. Pure zerk necro wins close to 95% of fights, the only big problem I've encountered with the build is immob rangers.

> > > > I'm not surprised at your success with it, power necro is pretty strong stuff.

> > > > But if I would a betting man I would wager this one's pretty high on the "to nerf" list right now.

> > >

> > > Oh I hope not. I mean necros generally are thing to run away from. They can't really chase you and it's easy to dodge and run away from them unless you don't have speed skills

> > >

> > > There are duel rules where a person shouldn't escape from the small box where they ought to fight and fight outside that box, means lose. I miss this sort of rules

> > Balancing around this playstyle would negate the inherent benefits of several entire classes such as Thief, Ranger and Mesmer.


> It's a duel thing not a roaming thing or ganking thing Even in skrims we used to set like no leaving the square. :3


Fair enough.... whatever you enjoy and helps you improve your play is awesome.

But I would think in any kind of "forced engagement" scenario playing a thief would become a pretty massive liability as so much of the class' basic viability comes from being in and out of melee range. Most really good thieves I have watched or have fought (I am a terrible one myself) depend on precise use of shortbow, or sword2 or d/p3 to kite in and out from pretty serious distance. I am talking about the duelists not the gimmick riders or gankers.

I suppose it would also depend on the size of the box.

Anywho, good on ya. Whatever's fun.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > > > > @"SevlisBavles.3059" said:

> > > > > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > > > > > > @"SevlisBavles.3059" said:

> > > > > > > > > After the February Balance Update that reduced the power coefficients on most damage, many guilds did indeed try running Boon Corrupt power Scourges.

> > > > > > > > > It simply was not as effective as just stacking enough Condi Cleanse. In the current meta Well of Power is a much more valuable skill.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Ah I missed that, I started playing again after a hiatus in March, guess I DID miss something after all :)

> > > > > > > Yeah there was a brief period after the Feb balance patch where zerg commanders were throwing things against the wall the see what stuck. Power Scourge was an idea that was floated.

> > > > > > > That said my comments are mainly about large zerg play. In the roaming/havoc game, boon corrupt can be (is) relevant. When there aren't large numbers of support toons spamming cleanses by way of Tempest Shouts and Scrapper boon converts, Necro boon corrupts can be a much more impactful thing.

> > > > > > > Against a Glint Herald or Boonbeast it can be devastating, but these builds are falling out of favor. The current popularity of Mallyx Rev with it's high Resistance uptime limits it's effectiveness.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Tbh in the current meta I've had a lot of success with a pure zerk necro build for roaming, literally everything zerk, eagle runes, damage output traits. Axe, shroud and Lich outdamage absolutely everything and against thieves I drop Well of Suffering and Well of Corruption on myself. Either they walk into it and die, or it buys me time to Chillblains, Dark Path, Dark Pursuit and then either straight lich or Wail of Doom and lich. Boon-based classes don't seem to help whatsoever against the pure damage. Pure zerk necro wins close to 95% of fights, the only big problem I've encountered with the build is immob rangers.

> > > > > I'm not surprised at your success with it, power necro is pretty strong stuff.

> > > > > But if I would a betting man I would wager this one's pretty high on the "to nerf" list right now.

> > > >

> > > > Oh I hope not. I mean necros generally are thing to run away from. They can't really chase you and it's easy to dodge and run away from them unless you don't have speed skills

> > > >

> > > > There are duel rules where a person shouldn't escape from the small box where they ought to fight and fight outside that box, means lose. I miss this sort of rules

> > > Balancing around this playstyle would negate the inherent benefits of several entire classes such as Thief, Ranger and Mesmer.

> >

> > It's a duel thing not a roaming thing or ganking thing Even in skrims we used to set like no leaving the square. :3

> >

> Fair enough.... whatever you enjoy and helps you improve your play is awesome.

> But I would think in any kind of "forced engagement" scenario playing a thief would become a pretty massive liability as so much of the class' basic viability comes from being in and out of melee range. Most really good thieves I have watched or have fought (I am a terrible one myself) depend on precise use of shortbow, or sword2 or d/p3 to kite in and out from pretty serious distance. I am talking about the duelists not the gimmick riders or gankers.

> I suppose it would also depend on the size of the box.

> Anywho, good on ya. Whatever's fun.


Thats the thing. I remember in the old games I used to play we didn't press heal. It's just something ppl agree with. Else, no one is really forced to participate in the rules :)

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> Consider this popular setup on https://metabattle.com/wiki/WvW


> Minstrel Firebrand

> Minstrel Scrapper

> Cleric Spellbreaker

> (Maybe?) Minstrel Aurashare Tempest


> Notice: Where's the damage?


easy. you dont have a spellbreaker in every party. You only have a tempest for ten. You don't have a scrapper in every party. The empty spots are filled with necros and revs.


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