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I coyote'd into a brick wall playing PoF Personal Story...

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This is the build from my Renegade who was failing in the personal story chapter:




Main gear is orange (exotic?) self-crafted as are main and o/h and secondary weapons. Jewelry is a little weak (accessories) with only one ascended piece.



I am hoping that this game isn't like the old raiding days of WoW -- where you lived on Elitist Jerks trying to eek out +1 or +2 dps in order for the group to survive. I've moved past all that and prefer a play style that's more enjoyable to me. For example, in ESO, my mage toon is a lightening rod. I could mix/match abilities, but I like sparking things up. My engineer in GW2 uses dual wield pistols because Yippe-kai-yay, m--f---... a build you won't find as recommended on metabattle.


Point is: I'd expect, if I was doing w/e the raid-equivalent was in GW2 to support one of the maxed-out builds. For general open world play, I'd expect to play w/e build makes me smile. That being said, my expectations may be off b/c I consider Personal Story to be "open world" and not something requiring an optimized build.

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I think there is mostly 1 thing in PoF:

Range is much easier than melee as many mobs are Range such that you cannot AoE them all and the mobs move a lot following them as melee char attracts more attacker you can stand.


You just need to think a bit tactical to avoid to many mobs on Aggro.

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At Lvl 80 you should have full Exotic gear if not a few Ascended pieces.


TL;DR Just a couple questions I didn't get in the first couple posts:

* Is this your first time playing through?

* First time with that specific profession?


I found I couldn't do parts of the story with certain professions. Either it was my lack of skill, the build was poor, or something else altogether.


Don't get discouraged that you can't do what most people call a "simple" part of the game; everyone has different learning curves. I've been playing since GW1 2006 and I'm still learning.

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> @"emopausal.5362" said:

> This is the build from my Renegade who was failing in the personal story chapter:




> Main gear is orange (exotic?) self-crafted as are main and o/h and secondary weapons. Jewelry is a little weak (accessories) with only one ascended piece.



> I am hoping that this game isn't like the old raiding days of WoW -- where you lived on Elitist Jerks trying to eek out +1 or +2 dps in order for the group to survive. I've moved past all that and prefer a play style that's more enjoyable to me. For example, in ESO, my mage toon is a lightening rod. I could mix/match abilities, but I like sparking things up. My engineer in GW2 uses dual wield pistols because Yippe-kai-yay, m--f---... a build you won't find as recommended on metabattle.


> Point is: I'd expect, if I was doing w/e the raid-equivalent was in GW2 to support one of the maxed-out builds. For general open world play, I'd expect to play w/e build makes me smile. That being said, my expectations may be off b/c I consider Personal Story to be "open world" and not something requiring an optimized build.




So what you expect isn't the thing in many games. Games that have challenge aren't "I'd expect to play w/e build makes me smile."


You are playing expansion content that is designed for level 80's in exotic gear. Your Regengade tree isn't finished yet so your essentially playing 2/3 a build. I don't know what stat gear your using, but I would say this comes down to gear/build/play ability. The mission your "brick walling" on is actually one of the easier ones.


This game has mechanics, like dark souls, but not always to that extreme.

If you stand in telegraphed swings, prepare to get 1 shot or near death.

If you stand in the orange circle, prepare to die.


Honestly it sounds like you need to step back from the content and learn to play your class better and get better gear. If thats not an option for you this may honestly be the wrong game for you as this game doesn't hand everything to you like some easier MMOs.

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> @"emopausal.5362" said:

> This is the build from my Renegade who was failing in the personal story chapter:




> Main gear is orange (exotic?) self-crafted as are main and o/h and secondary weapons. Jewelry is a little weak (accessories) with only one ascended piece.



> I am hoping that this game isn't like the old raiding days of WoW -- where you lived on Elitist Jerks trying to eek out +1 or +2 dps in order for the group to survive. I've moved past all that and prefer a play style that's more enjoyable to me. For example, in ESO, my mage toon is a lightening rod. I could mix/match abilities, but I like sparking things up. My engineer in GW2 uses dual wield pistols because Yippe-kai-yay, m--f---... a build you won't find as recommended on metabattle.


> Point is: I'd expect, if I was doing w/e the raid-equivalent was in GW2 to support one of the maxed-out builds. For general open world play, I'd expect to play w/e build makes me smile. That being said, my expectations may be off b/c I consider Personal Story to be "open world" and not something requiring an optimized build.


You do not need to run raid build in story modes. But players are required to have some basic know-hows in the character progression and combat system. Failing the story means you simply do not have the knowledge yet, at this state you likely die just as frequent with a full acended build.


Like all expansion stories you're taking a role of a well seasoned commander who has already taken down an elder dragons or two in his/her previous adventures, so will the combat scaling.

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> @"emopausal.5362" said:

> This is the build from my Renegade who was failing in the personal story chapter:




> Main gear is orange (exotic?) self-crafted as are main and o/h and secondary weapons. Jewelry is a little weak (accessories) with only one ascended piece.



> I am hoping that this game isn't like the old raiding days of WoW -- where you lived on Elitist Jerks trying to eek out +1 or +2 dps in order for the group to survive. I've moved past all that and prefer a play style that's more enjoyable to me. For example, in ESO, my mage toon is a lightening rod. I could mix/match abilities, but I like sparking things up. My engineer in GW2 uses dual wield pistols because Yippe-kai-yay, m--f---... a build you won't find as recommended on metabattle.


> Point is: I'd expect, if I was doing w/e the raid-equivalent was in GW2 to support one of the maxed-out builds. For general open world play, I'd expect to play w/e build makes me smile. That being said, my expectations may be off b/c I consider Personal Story to be "open world" and not something requiring an optimized build.


GW2's Story and Open World absolutely is well easy enough to be able to play "whatever", but you still have to play it decently. Better Open World builds (which have very different priorities than Raid builds) just down right trivialize everything.


I do have to say that I'm surprised that you are struggling on Renegade, as that's imo by far the most powerful solo play spec in the game now, to an almost concerning degree of Over Poweredness, making even Reaper and such look pretty terrible in comparison.


If you keep struggling but enjoy that spec, I can highly recommend trying something like [This](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmwAwyVlxETLdMu4Krm5lXb9su6SLnRGZj9NiIyogJ/l+rF-zRRYDhqBHdkynRFqg0lCKeA-e).

Mind you a specialised OW/solo build like this absolutely isn't necessary, but this build is capable of even soloing endgame group content with ease by doing little more than Auto Attacking, and if played with just a bare minimum of competency is guaranteed to erase all your struggles with things like Story content or OW.


The build gets >70% Crit Chance just from Traits (as long as you don't spend endurance to dodge, which this build pretty much never needs to), so really any Power Gear will do. It also easily provides 25 Self Might, Perma Fury and 25 Vuln, and Dance of Death's Battle Scars mechanic in combination with the Sword AA as well as Icerazor's Ire Vulnerability application makes you virtually immortal, especially within insane AoE disables like Darkrazor's Daring.

Should you have some Boon duration in your Gear, be it some Diviner Pieces or just a bit from the fantastic for Open world Firework Runes, casting the Renegade spirits on you also provides you with permanent Protection (with All for One).

Should you need to dodge, the build also provides Perma Vigor to get your Crit Chance (from Brutal Momentum) back rather quickly, alternatively if you have the energy, Sword 3 provides an alternative to dodging.

Generally this builds sustains enough to just eat everything though, especially with Prot up.


All of this makes the build incredibly easy to play, pretty much just consisting of pressing Icerazor's Ire and Darkrazor's Daring, swapping to Shiro, activating Impossible Odds, and then Auto Attacking for some nice 20k DPS and 600-2000 HP self Heal per second, in addition to access to 2 Heal Skills and tons of disables.

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To be honest, the whole "play whatever in open world / personal story" may be true if you are (already) good enough at the game, but not or only in a limited way if you are a "bad" player (for whatever reasons). My epic wipe-fest against main-PoF Balty when the x-pack was still fresh is one example ;-). Compared to the - to me - insane solo skills videos like doing that battle naked on Ele I had seen X_X. I mean struggling players wouldn't ask for open-world help with builds otherwise. So those solo builds, be it from the forums or metabattle, are probably not too much of an overkill for such players, especially if/when you have mostly access to BLTP stat combinations for armor, not counting the more expensive sigils and runes or being an alt-o-holic :lol: .

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In general people saying that something is easy, is pointless. That's because it's easy to them, not everyone.


You can't just assume that saying or give tips to someone how to play better ways, makes them instantly better, because it takes time to learn to play this game. I mean who would just become instant better player because some sayed you should play this way. People needs time to learn, they don't learn everyting in few days. You need to learn how to build you class. You need to learn how the combat really works. You need to take time to practise combat with you character. You need time to get better gear.


It's only easy after you have learn and mastert this all. That takes a lot of time and not everyone learns it equal quicly, it can take alot more time for some to master this all. Also even when you are veteran and everyting is easy, this game doesn't forgive mistakes, they can get you kill even how good you would be.

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> @"Lumikki.1725" said:

> In general people saying that something is easy, is pointless. That's because it's easy to them, not everyone.


> You can't just assume that saying or give tips to someone how to play better ways, makes them instantly better, because it takes time to learn to play this game. I mean who would just become instant better player because some sayed you should play this way. People needs time to learn, they don't learn everyting in few days. You need to learn how to build you class. You need to learn how the combat really works. You need to take time to practise combat with you character. You need time to get better gear.


> It's only easy after you have learn and mastert this all. That takes a lot of time and not everyone learns it equal quicly, it can take alot more time for some to master this all. Also even when you are veteran and everyting is easy, this game doesn't forgive mistakes, they can get you kill even how good you would be.


For some of us it was easy the first time through, though. Depends on person. I started the game when HOT came out so immediately after personal story I jumped into LWS2 and then HOT content - I do not recall struggling much at all,simply dodging and thinking about my movement was enough to get me through most situations, despite still learning my class.

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are you struggle with an special kind of opponend? Or any fight mechanik? Maybe some class mechanik like running out of energy on your rev? Some more insight of your problems could help to give some more direct adivces.


If you are on the EU server side of your tyria adventure i can lend a hand on story parts wich seems to hard to be done alone if needed. Just send me a pn ingame at my account tag if you want some company.

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I think I should repeat here what I said on HoT difficulty as it applies here as well:


> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> I think you missed one important difference between GW2 and other MMO.

> Most MMO's your progress is limited by item and level grinding and this enforces you to spend plenty of time to train how you play your char.

> GW2 has no such obvious progress-limitation, after 2-3 weeks from start you easily have max lvl and full exo and could in principle go everywhere, but you still not have much experience in "How to play your char".


> Veteran players from day 1 had 3 years of practise before HoT appeared. Still several found it to hard.

> So practise on how to play your char. Do you know what field-finisher combos are and which you can do on your own? Do you know how you generate bufs for your char, just to name two things, there are many more to learn.



> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> It’s not only that you have to learn your class to get better. You have to learn any (dangerous) opponent. Which attacks (Animations) are dangerous which aren’t? When do I have to dodge to avoid the attack? Which range does it have? Which of my skills help to hinder attacks on which mobs or block/evade/reflect/reduce damage of which attacks.


> You also have to watch your surroundings to not lure new mobs, to not be surprised by wandering or respawning mobs. You have to watch out for signs of invisible mobs (till stealth detection (nuhoch-4) ), ...


It's natural and unavoidable that fresh starter that reach HoT/PoF after a few weeks in the game, find them much more difficult than the old veterans that trained their game skill for years before HoT and PoF came out.

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