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What Types of Armor Design Do You Want to See in the Future?

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I do partake in the game of Fashion Wars and I have been hoping for a big release of new armor over the years. We need some more variety and more options to choose from. I know that the devs can give us better armor designs because there are good examples of great armor already in the game. Let me know what you guys would like to see.

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Heavy Armour: I want more helmets that completely cover/protects the head. I don't want to see my neck/chin exposed. There's very few that does this. I think like 3.


Medium Armour: I want more "not trenchcoats". I think that's about it. Everything else is perfectly fine.


Light Armour: Please for the glory of Grenth give me pants. I just want pants. I don't care what it is. I just want pants. I've seen plenty npcs with light-pants on that don't have holes on the side like the embroided (or however it's spelt). I just want some pants. Please give me pants. I don't exposed panties and or skirts to have a panty shot in my face any time I glide. Just give me pants.

Oh and more tops that's like the Koda's dungeon's top. Those are the best.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Heavy Armour: I want more helmets that completely cover/protects the head. I don't want to see my neck/chin exposed. There's very few that does this. I think like 3.


> Medium Armour: I want more "not trenchcoats". I think that's about it. Everything else is perfectly fine.


> Light Armour: Please for the glory of Grenth give me pants. I just want pants. I don't care what it is. I just want pants. I've seen plenty npcs with light-pants on that don't have holes on the side like the embroided (or however it's spelt). I just want some pants. Please give me pants. I don't exposed panties and or skirts to have a panty shot in my face any time I glide. Just give me pants.

> Oh and more tops that's like the Koda's dungeon's top. Those are the best.


My boyfriend tends to play only heavy classes and he would love access to more realistic plate and chain mail armor. It makes no sense not to at least cover the neck with a bit of mail.

I will defiantly weigh in on medium and light armor. I play a Ranger and Ele as my mains and I have spent many many hours of my life trying to find non trench coat looks for my ranger. It took ages to finally settle on something, but it shouldn't be this hard. I wish we had more sets like the duelist set, just a simple shirt with a leather vest and trousers looks amazing on a ranger. You could easily make a couple more outfits that fit that theme.

As for light armor, there is one set that I can think of that has pants, and we freaking need more. The amount of good looking armor that isn't leg or chest baring is so dismal. This is why I have stuck with My T 3 Sylvari cultural set for years. It's classic, and nobody wants a salad showing off her lady bits.


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Something like this mage set from DragonAge might be a step in the right direction. Keeping it simple, and elegant. https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonage/images/c/ce/InquisitionBattlemageArmorInquisitor.png/revision/latest?cb=20150115012744


Or if we dared to give light armor some long style coats, something like this might be nice.



Just some thoughts.

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More sparkles but fewer butt capes.

More shoes and fewer over sized boots

More short skirts like Cabalist and Magician armor

Fewer jacket and coat and over dressed armor. It is not winter in 80% of the world map but 80% of armors are fit for winter.

fewer helmets that remove hairs

Armor style similar to GW1. Not half-assed port from GW1, but actual armor of similar style.

Tattoo and scar sets

Town clothes as armor skin when?


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I cannot understand why Anet cannot allow light armor wearers to actually have the same styles heavy & med armor enjoy. I am so tired of skin-revealing, half-skirts with thigh hose, ridiculously sexist styles that are currently the light armor staple in the game.


I want plain pants and shirts or simple tunics without frills available for my light armor characters. Get rid of the cut outs and breast bearing stuff...that is so misogynist its unbelievable.

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> @lynspottery.6529 said:

> I cannot understand why Anet cannot allow light armor wearers to actually have the same styles heavy & med armor enjoy. I am so tired of skin-revealing, half-skirts with thigh hose, ridiculously sexist styles that are currently the light armor staple in the game.


> I want plain pants and shirts or simple tunics without frills available for my light armor characters. Get rid of the cut outs and breast bearing stuff...that is so misogynist its unbelievable.


And on the flip side, as a heavy wearer, I want more skin-revealing, scantily clad armor because there is like 4 sets that fit that for heavy, and one of them is impossible to mix and match with (Arah armor, which got censored and I'm still salty about it).


Though I'd honestly prefer being able to set up armor "outfits" that can be swapped between so that I have the choice to "wear" light on heavy and mediums and vice versa.

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Chiming it to say if all they needed to do to get holiday themed armor into the game is reskin a few, then I say go for it. I don't need completely new armors, I'd be happy with some of them being tweaked. There are so many that are aaaalllllllmost right, and then they explode some bad design choice all over it (I'm looking at you, Bladed Armor)

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- Realistic armor that better reflects one's chosen profession. " (Less skin and more practical design choices.)


- MOAR SPARKLES AND BUTTCAPES!" (Hey someone must love it



Conflicting choices, whether you want sparkles or realistic, both of them lead to buttcapes, so I can't choose.

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Key word for armor/outfits: SIMPLE


It seems everything that comes out is so complicated. Giant shoulders, spikes, bones, skulls, whirlies, all manner of doo-dads, all so contrary to functioning, effective armor. I would like to see simple armor, flattering to the body. So much current stuff makes my guys look like they have spare tires, my average build males and Norn females in heavy look like they have noodle arms, and my anorexic Norn females look like cows. So little seems to fit right, to look right, except maybe on Human females, of which I have none except for a mule character (can't find a Human female face that I can live with).


TLDR: simpler, better fitting armor

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I'd really like some actually practical and civil looking armors with cultural influences for all the races. I do also like glow effects, so there's really nothing I have against those either.

I kinda hate most of the male light armor sets though. Most of them tend to look as if the guy would wear a dress inspired by the 16th century fashion trends. (Not that there's anything wrong with that though. It's only a problem 'cause it's the same with most sets, and it really doesn't appeal for everyone.)

And when the set doesn't resemble a 16th century dress, it looks like a skin tight overall. Take for example the light Carapace armor or the Ice Encasement Outfit (Even though that's just that - an outfit).

And then there's this ridiculous things called the Feathered armor set... and the Elonian light armor set, both of which could've looked semi ok, if they hadn't been ruined with the awful chest pieces.


All in all, less pin-ups, less dresses for male characters and less skin tight overalls. How about some nice looking coats, tunics or jackets for a change? Or vests? How about something inspired by battlemages? Robes with metal armor pieces? Leather armor details? Something like [this](http://s017.radikal.ru/i429/1411/1d/8f543e9fedc1.jpg "this") or [this](https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonage/images/5/58/Reinforced-Battlemage-Armor-Dorian.png/revision/latest?cb=20150225023216 "this").

And if you really want the male characters to show more skin, take some inspiration from for example Disney's Aladdin! At least he has some sense of style.


Sorry for the rant btw. This has been frustrating me for a LONG time. :'D

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