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What Types of Armor Design Do You Want to See in the Future?

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> @Zaltys.7649 said:

> Any armor for females that isn't skirts or bikinis. It's especially hard to find anything to wear as a norn. Shouldn't be running around wearing a skirt in snowstorm, yet there's not much else to choose from. :/


> And sure, more skimpy armors for _males_ would be a good addition.


I think in lore norns don't feel cold so they're too warm in too many clothes, this is why their cultural armor show a lot of skin.


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The biggest complaint I have: There is not a single light armor skin for females that is just a pair of pants. Everything is robes or buttcapes or skirts or something that covers the legs, at least when viewed from the back (which is what I see of my character most of the time) there are nice chestpieces like Warbeast or Seers armor that I really like but just none of the leg pieces fit for my desired style. It's ok for Medium tier, where because of trenchcoats pants have no buttcape, and there are enough chestpieces that are a nice short jacket or suit (like Stridors or Triumphant)

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I voted 2 and 3 not because I want realistic armor but because I would like cultural and profession choices, dare I pipe dream about this but what if instead of armor sets we get a new cultural and class outfits every expansion that we work for in collection quests like the Griffon one. I say Outfits because it makes it more likely that A Net could pull it off.

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> @Haishao.6851 said:

> I think in lore norns don't feel cold so they're too warm in too many clothes, this is why their cultural armor show a lot of skin.

I was talking more about the functionality. There's a reason why Nordic people don't wear skirts during winter, it's almost as bad as wearing one during a rainstorm. Pants or loincloth, sure. Skirts, no.


I could see Norns wearing [Red Sonja](https://pre00.deviantart.net/740d/th/pre/i/2010/357/b/9/red_sonja_by_inhuman00-d35ixsv.jpg "Red Sonja") type of outfits since they're immune to cold and like to show off the markings, but just about all of existing light and medium armors are poor fit for snow.

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I would like to think ANet listens when it comes to design, but they really don't. They took a shortcut with outfits and said designing armor is to time consuming with the races and genders except we pay them and voice to do these kinds of things. The only time now we will see new designs is from expansion. I only use 2 designs of PoF light armor because they fit the look I was going for on my mesmer.


I think it's a missed opportunity for them to do throwback armors from GW1, still think vabbian heavy is best looking design for a warrior they came up with. But I would enjoy seeing my charr warrior in the ancient armor set from Nightfall even if it was an outfit. Can only hope.

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> @Dashiva.6149 said:

> I certainly wouldn't mind more cultural armor or simple cultural outfits available for non-human races. I also would really like Class-only armorsets similar to the skins you get in character creation. For instance, a set of medium skins only useable by Thiefs.


> Also bringing sets back from GW1 is always cool.


GW 1 really did a great job with class specific armor sets. I remember being a little disappointed during GW 2 beta once I realized that they grouped them by armor type. I understand why they did it, I'm sure it made things simpler. But I loved that in GW 1 I could glance at an assassin and know that they were no ranger without even clicking on them. Perhaps the Devs could release Elite Prestige armor like the first game, and give them ascended stats. Use the original designs. I don't care if it's collection based or something you can purchase like Cultural armor. But just make class specific sets that are a redesign of the original sets.


![](https://i.imgur.com/M6K7Sjh.jpg "")





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> @Issildia.1289 said:

> Please feel free to share other suggestions. I have to hope that Anet reads these threads occasionally.


I have 0 desire for realistic armor because realism is boring. My main since GW1 is a mesmer, which is still the case, so showing skin is sort of the traditional thing for my chosen class. There's no real option in this poll that represents me, so I'm choosing the cultural option because that could be nice. I also don't really like particle effects on my armor, and I have no problem with butt capes but they do it way too much so I don't wanna choose the last option lol.

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> @Shanna.4762 said:

> I have 0 desire for realistic armor because realism is boring. My main since GW1 is a mesmer, which is still the case, so showing skin is sort of the traditional thing for my chosen class. There's no real option in this poll that represents me, so I'm choosing the cultural option because that could be nice. I also don't really like particle effects on my armor, and I have no problem with butt capes but they do it way too much so I don't wanna choose the last option lol.



I would add more options to the poll if I could. People have made some good suggestions. Not sure if I can change it after posting. Those were just my personal choices.

And by realistic armor I suppose I mean more profession specific armor .


Anyway, I really enjoyed the look of mesmer armor from GW 1, it was one of my favorite classes. It was elegant and tasteful. I wish light armor in this game had more options like the original mesmer sets, with well structured coats and tunics made from rich looking fabrics.

![](https://i.imgur.com/QSsWtZ1.jpg "") ![](https://i.imgur.com/iLQtCAA.jpg "") ![](https://i.imgur.com/Dra0ve5.jpg "")




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> @Issildia.1289 said:

> > @Dashiva.6149 said:

> > I certainly wouldn't mind more cultural armor or simple cultural outfits available for non-human races. I also would really like Class-only armorsets similar to the skins you get in character creation. For instance, a set of medium skins only useable by Thiefs.

> >

> > Also bringing sets back from GW1 is always cool.


> GW 1 really did a great job with class specific armor sets.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/M6K7Sjh.jpg "")






It's also kind of sad that 2005 graphics characters look better than 2013 ones...


Too many freaking butt-flaps these days.


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> @sorudo.9054 said:

> slim/skintight armors, i am getting tired of all the fluf on armors while having barely any if at all options for just trousers and a shirt.


Yep. Go through the crowds of people and you'll notice about half of the playerbase uses the same small set of armors.


Things like vigil pants, human cultural pants, and duelist top for medium... of the starter armor for light, the level 20 crafted armor, or the one gem set "begins with a P" I think... for light...


and basically for heavy, if you were lucky enough to know it at the time, Aetherblade heavy armor is the ONLY pants in the entire heavy armor set that doesn't "double" the thickness of your character's hips/thighs, and it was a limited time gem release. It's yoga pants with side flaps... because these people are obsessed with flaps... but that's still better than a buttflap even if yoga pants is the opposite extreme...



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I voted for 2 and 3 but regarding 2, it's morning that I don't want more revealing armors, I like that just fine. Tops and bottoms and underwear would add a lot to the wardrobe at this point (and be easy to make). I want a mix of revealing and practical armors, but for all of them to be without capes of any form (I like capes ok but we have 99% capes now so I'd like a complete break from them for a good long while). I also don't care at all about at about armor weights. I'd pay any price for cool armor on my ele (and a dragon mount hint hint, and regular sized sword s with two handed animations.. sorry off topic). And more cultural stuff is great, again something I'd pay money for

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From GW:


Scar Armor

Tattoo Armor

Mesmer Elite Rogue

I'd love to see updated versions of many others.


In General:


Less (or not at all) garishly ornate and busy

no or at lest fewer spikes, blades and, "Gee Rocky, I seem to be on fire!"

Less (or no), "No one would wear that to fight in if it were real."

Several more options for light armor pants (not pants with skirts over them, not pants with butt capes, not pants with weird dangling stuff [like a skull] hanging from the belt).

A lot more medium jackets that are short (i.e, waist length or so).

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I would like to see more proper plate/chain mail, brigandine's and all that good stuff for heavy, actual proper leather armor and scale mail for medium and just in general less "buttcape" light armor.


The oxymoron of skimpy heavy armor makes my brain melt a bit, but sure.. I kind of would like to see some more helmets and chest pieces that don't leave the neck exposed, let alone vital organs, part of the arms, or give access to major arteries in the legs, but then again I'm a sucker for actual working armor.


That said, heavy armor is by far in the best place when it comes to, well, actual armor in the game. So I guess I should be glad Anet made me finally break down and quit Necro and rerolling to Guardian :D

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