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What Types of Armor Design Do You Want to See in the Future?

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Oh yes, I remember all the nice GW1 armors, for necro, for mesmer, for elem... I would be happy to have them back. I am still playing in GW1 regularly and love to go to my Hall of Monuments to enjoy all those armors.

As for GW2 now, what I also miss would be to have a few sets a bit more "girly" for heavy and medium armors. I understand why a warrior have big boots, but I mean, we are in a game, that's not reality. I would enjoy to dress my warriors and guardians a bit more feminine. I am glad we have outfits therefore. :)

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Man, none of the above. I definitely don't want less skin and more practical, and I definitely don't want more butt capes, and cultural armor are too exclusive.


One thing I want to see is some more light armor miniskirts. The game has like one miniskirt (and it's REALLY mini), and then the rest are either full length skirts or buttcapes.


Other than that, I'd love to see more creative costumes, more that have distinctly different silhouettes than what we've already seen, more fantastic than practical.


First things first though they need to unify the armor skeletons so that pieces can be mixed and matched between weights.

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I'd like some simple T-shirt and Jeans.

How about a Tank top and leggings?!


How about Swim/beachwear?

Pants! We've asked for Pants since launch.


The return of the town clothes turned into tonics. Just make them into armor already!

Like the Ornate Ruched Shirt, Casual Hoodie, and Khaki Cargo Shorts.

They can even take the Fancy Wintersday outfit and make things like the boots into armor skins. They would be great during Wintersday to wear instead of the outfit which is "meh". Even the Sandals from the Cooks outfit were very stylish to wear around LA with other town clothes.


The one things Outfits did right was remove the horrible idea to have fashion tied to armor weights. We should be able to wear whatever fashion we choose. We also need more modern clothing made of cloth and not the kink wear of spikes, choker's, leather, flames, and whatever else. We also DO NOT need restrictions like "cultural armor". It's utterly illogical that fashion trends wouldn't be global in Tyria when there's Way Points and travel between cities. In fact in LA there would be vendors from every race selling the cultural items to everyone. Just how global markets would work.


btw... I didn't vote because you left out an option for people with points of view like mine.

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  • 1 year later...

I would like to see more armor from the fisrt GW series like the Cultural armors they made. Also armor with more practicality like if your a ranger you have armor on arm that holds the bow for example or on warrior you have shoulder guards that cover the neck. Also more Full body armor for all 3 armor classes.

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I'd love more armour choices of any sort for all races but the one thing I would love is for pauldrons that actually fit my character and allow me to enter doorways without turning sideways.


I'm sure a Sylvari is supposed to be less wide than the raptor he is sitting on.


On a related note, I'd also happily pay for armour available in the same way we have black lion weapon sets.

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I would love to see them increase armor dye slots from 4 dye to 6 or 8 slots which I think in itself would result in a lot more diversity in looks. This would be a decent solution to having to create a ton more armor choices because it opens an entire new possibility of combinations of looks.

That said as it wasn't a choice in the poll I would say more armor and more choices specific to race with far, far less absurd flashy anime style that we are slowly leaning towards.

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I selected 2/3, but overall I just would like to see more people who look like they're geared for combat and fewer that look like astronauts or drag queens. It's fine to have SOME of that, but I actually can't recall the last time I saw someone in a suit of armor that looked like it was made of metal and colored silver-ish.

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I'm looking for more formal type clothing for my elementalist.


Preferably full length gowns or 'robes' that can go over leggings.


Ethnic style stuff like Hanfu would be awesome, too!



Also, some really feminine skimpy stuff would be nice, lots of ruffles and lace <3


Look at this corset/ bust piece here!




with a skirt like this!




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I'd love to see the designers take notes from Assassin's Creed: Odyssey.


Not necessarily to design more grecian style armors, but rather how well they do unisex armor design. Kassandra and Alexios both look absolutely stunning in armor and there's practically zero difference in the way they wear them.


Otherwise in general less butt capes would be nice for the medium and light professions. I personally wouldn't mine more "sexy" or skin bearing male armor designs to balance out the sexy female armor skins. Hire some women and gay men to design a few armor sets!

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