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[Feedback]: DPI Scaling

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So, DPI Scaling remained unchecked for me until I needed to make a screenshot of a character. Whenever I make screenshots of my characters (usually in poses or standing positions), I change my settings to "Best Appearance." I did that today, and the DPI Scaling got checked. Then I went back to Auto-detect when I was done and unchecked the DPI Scaling. Then I logged back in...


The DPI Scaling was checked. I'm on a laptop so it doesn't matter much to me, but it seems like if you're running GW2 on high settings/highest settings, then DPI Scaling will auto check, and it will auto check when you change settings.

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What is up with the mouse cursor?? It has never been that easy to see, but since this update the cursor is a fraction of the size it used to be and is almost impossible to see. This is probably one of many unintended consequences of making such a drastic change, but now is a serious QoL loss. Please make whatever change needed to restore the cursor back to a visible size please.

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The problems I am having with DPI scaling:


Resolution: 3840 x 2160 with the UI set to Small

System: Windows 10, GTX 1080 Founders Edition, Samsung 23.6-Inch UHD-QHD Monitor

Client: 64-bit



1. Many windows (such as Friends, Guild, Inventory, Trading Post, Mail, WvW info window ) are about 15-20% larger than they "should" be.

2. The mouse cursor is about 15-20% too large as well.

3. All text is too large which makes it appear to have anti-aliasing issues. I think this is what people are describing as blurry text.


The mini map, chat window, and skill bar are a good size, so no issues there for me.


**Maybe the best way to describe my issue is that prior to DPI scaling, we needed an option to set the UI to Extra Large. Now it feels like we need an Extra Small option.**

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> @skaia.9582 said:

> Ever since the update, text on the trading post window has become blurry. It's crisp in all other parts of the UI (from what I could tell so far). It doesn't matter if I have the option checked or unchecked.


I have this issue, and also with text in merchant windows. The option toggle has no effect for me either.

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My problem is:

Without DPI: everything is so small i cant even read, even with UI scale set to max.

With DPI: everything gets extremly big like HUGE ! the UI covers 70% of my screen, and i cant make it smaller.

Thats on 4k so i gotta make the resolution lower on the game (which makes it annoying cuz when i need to alt-tab to another screen it takes a couple seconds cuz of the resize) i was really hoping the DPI scale could fix it, but having the skill bar being bigger than my own char is a no no.

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> @Sultane.9150 said:

> I agree with the post above. Very annoying atm. Currently keeps launching with the option checked and I need to uncheck it because everything just looks so bad and blurry.


Try making a change to some other graphics setting after unchecking the box, then log out and restart the game, and it should stay unchecked even after reverting whatever second setting you changed back to where you had it originally.

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Actually, in my case when we talk about blurry ui text, the dpi checkbox on or off makes no difference whatsoever. Come to think of it, nothing at all happens when i turn it on or off, so I'm not even sure what that setting is supposed to do.

All I know is that ever since this Halloween patch was introduced, me and many others suffer from blurry ui text when using an interface size other than normal.

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This option should not be on by default, it confuses a lot of people and the term dpi scaling isn't something that is "user friendly" so in a lot of cases the average player won't know what is this is or what it represents.

Personally for me I don't know why it the option doesn't save and it seems that this scaling is also applied to the splash screen?...

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The good: I have a 24" 2560x1440 monitor, and for the first time I am now able to use the native resolution, set Interface to Larger, and be able to read everything.


The bad: well, _almost_ everything. I am now doing the Personal Story, and the text in the Cinematics is extremely tiny. I don't think I've seen any other example of text unaffected by DPI scaling yet.


I am using Windows 10 and in Windows' Display settings, I have Scale and Layout set to 150%.


I do not seem to have the blurry text problem.

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Windows 7 user: 1920x1080 screen

I like that I can choose the ON or OFF position. I don't like that it does not remember my choice to be OFF .

I like that since this update, after i tick the OFF box, I can actually read the text now. For use outside of game I have large text etc. For in game everything is smaller because I want to see more of the area and therefore I wasn't able to make out most of the text: _though that red text may as well be invisible...i can't make out those letters at all, large or small scaling._

I hope this helps you all. Thanks for the game, it is a lot of fun.

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> @Goettel.4389 said:

> I'm on a 1440p display but enabling or disabling scaling doesn't seem to do anything. Am I missing something?


It's most likely that your DPI settings are set to 100% (ie. "normal") and, therefore, you would not notice a difference. If you were to set your DPI Scaling in your OS settings to 120% and then enable the DPI setting in GW2 you would likely notice a large difference.

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* Running GW2 on 64 bit Windows 7 (1920x1080 Full Screen)

* Throwing in the -32 switch so that SweetFX works.

* The DPI Scaling option is checked, **and grayed out so that I am unable to change it**.

* The UI elements are _supposedly_ set to "small", but they are far bigger than normal. My various windows completely cover the screen.


Please fix ASAP so I can get on with the business of enjoying Halloween.

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What are the chances the Windows scaling percentage is the the same people want for the game anyway. Right now players would have to change their system settings every time before launching the game or find a compromise.


Wouldn't it be better to have a slider or a field to enter a ratio for scaling in game too, to be independent of the OS value?

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