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ATTN: Lab commanders

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I fully intended to leave LFG but I seemed to only attract five players to my squad today and my map never filled even when I advertised it as an empty map in need of filling. /shrug


I only tagged because all the squads I joined were in full maps :) I wasn't planning to be in long enough to get the ball really rolling and was rusty on my chronomancer to boot. I think perhaps those who joined me were unimpressed, though last year I commanded many a lab run quite well, lol.

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When looking in LFG yesterday for a Mad King's Lab group, I swear I saw 1 listing in LFG that said something like "Lab full don't bother". Seriously? Why bother posting in LFG if you know your instance is full?


I wish they could find a way where it would auto-remove a squad/group from LFG if their instance becomes full, with the person who listed their group receiving a message they were removed due to the map becoming full. And if they try to list their group in LFG while the instance is still full it would prevent them from listing and giving a message to the player that the instance still has no room for more players.

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> @Theocraft.6053 said:

> LFG should be upgraded so that it shows whether the map housing the squad is full or not


This is what's needed. Even just an icon or colour indicator that turns red on the LFG when the map is full or near to full, just so it's easy to see at a glance if you're likely to be able to get in.


Also some update to the squad menu to show which player is the comm is so we know who's map to join. I've seen so many lab groups where the comm hasn't bothered to put themselves in a separate group which makes joining pot luck as to if you get the right map.

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> @Firebaall.5127 said:

> > @Theocraft.6053 said:

> > LFG should be upgraded so that it shows whether the map housing the squad is full or not


> You there! Stop making sense.


Agreed, logic gets you no where, try crying/whining/calling for nerfs, about how op LFG is and kills everything.


edit: then make many many MANY threads in different subs and don't you dare forget reddit and twitter.

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Comms leave their squads up in LFG because the maps are extremely fluid. People come and go constantly. It never takes me more than five minutes to get into a "full" map because someone who was there before me got tired and left.


I've seen it happen where someone yelled at the com that the map was full, so they took it off LFG. Not even 15 minutes later the squad was barely half the size it used to be and we were struggling to kill things and get loot. (i.e They just had to put the squad right back into LFG again after taking it down.)

Alternatively, I joined a commander that kept their group up in LFG despite getting "Full!" messages. The squad stayed a good size and we never struggled with anything. Even when Steve decided to show up to the Viscount fight.


I agree that there needs to be a system where LFG shows if a map/squad is full or not, but it shouldn't immediately remove them. Especially not for fluid maps like the Labyrinth.

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> @Spurnshadow.3678 said:

> When your group gets full, please remove yourself from LFG.


I can see how it would be a pain to manage, zones fill and open constantly. In the case of something like Teq or AB, I like seeing the full groups where you can join and keep trying to get in. More often than not, I get in after repeatedly trying.


A nice option, which would require some effort on their part, would be a check box to keep your raid advertised, but show/hide based on the status of the instance you are in. Then you can just forget about it. Would be useful for Lab, but then raids like Teq or AB could 'not' check that feature, as they see fit, to let people try to get in.

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