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Emblem of Avenger and Conqueror

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Why do these two emblems not have a vendor trash value yet 3-4 months after release...meanwhile in pve land the latest living world created garbage items with a similar issue and they were given a 5s trash value six days later. These will build to a stack in my bank wasting a slot each so I can avoid typing the name in to delete them from every character each play session.


Might be a decent spot to get wvw players a little extra coin from time spent playing the mode. But then again just asking for this to be changed in the first place is asking alot.

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> @"Lightning Xv.8705" said:


> Might be a decent spot to get wvw players a little extra coin from time spent playing the mode.


This is clearly why it hasn't happened yet. Being gold-poor seems to be an important element of the WvW players' identity, at least according to how ANet treats the game mode.

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> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> > @"Lightning Xv.8705" said:


> > Might be a decent spot to get wvw players a little extra coin from time spent playing the mode.


> This is clearly why it hasn't happened yet. Being gold-poor seems to be an important element of the WvW players' identity, at least according to how ANet treats the game mode.


If your poor playing WvW, your doing it wrong.


^ Says every SPvP and PvE main. :disappointed:

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I am still working on my 250 avenger emblem stack, but it can't take too long anymore.


I think the fact that the emblems (and the rusted keys) are not sellable was just an oversight that noboday at ANet does care anymore. The normal philosophy of that company....

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> @"Fish.2769" said:

> If your poor playing WvW, your doing it wrong.

> ^ Says every SPvP and PvE main. :disappointed:


ROFL, this made my day xD.

Seems like ppl saying this absolutely forgot the fact that actually for SEVERAL YEARS, WvW players were forced to farm gold in PvE mode to immediatelly spent these golds in WvW mode, because every single objective upgrade demanded not only supply cost, but actually also a gold cost too (and not a cheap one, thats important to say). I remember very well that on our server, we even had a specific guild for WvW volunteers, where these volunteers were able to donate some gold (or siege blueprints and other items), and that gold was then "re-distributed" to any players who clicked to that obective upgrade, so these ppl wouldnt be in actual negative profit in their game session. Yes, you read this correctly, when GW2 was launched, WvW playerbase was one indescribably awesome thightly cooperating "family" of players. Its todays toxicity is solely caused by ArenaNet own toxicity (Stonemist 3-way zergfest lags still here after 7 years of the game, non-communication, "alliances soon" etc.) directed toward that playerbase.


Speaking about that toxicity, atm, when PvE legions feel these insane game lags everywhere, even that PvE playerbase is becoming toxic too. Oh, hello, welcome PvE-ers, feel for 1 month what we were experiencing for YEARS .... Nice to see that PvE-ers are finaly start understanding what WvW-ers were crying about for years. Thats a proof that the "toxicity" issue is actually really on the ArenaNet side, not on the (WvW) playerbase side. Ok, this part of my post is ... somewhat ... offtopic, but still absolutelly needed here to explain my previous words in the on-topic section. Literally, to have a proof for my words there, so no one would be able to report this post as "lying" by some SJW knight player wishing it as "fated-to-be-deleted" because this post touched ANet in the negative way (and btw, i do not speak about Anet negatively-only, I someties said them "great kudos" too) (ofc, my post screenshoted immediatelly, for the case of its .. erhm .. "accidentally disapearing" and for any future ... "infraction" ... on any side) (Oh btw, hello .5907, howdy ya today? Here in EU 23°C, cloudy sky)


Just ROFL, clearly these players are the self-entitled "I know everything" who are commenting things they totally have no clue about. I doubt these players even visited an actual WvW map at least once at all xD .


Yeah, exactly as you said, sPvP and PvE mains ...



-- I aree with OP, give these items some gold/silver/whatever value .


//edit: sorry, I didnt meant "S J W" in the meaning for which it was probably censored as "kitten". I mean it like fanatical ANet defenders fanboys reporting everything ANet-negative, no matter if it actually breaks any Forum Code of Conduct of any other rules etc. or not. (edited version of post screenshotted too)


//edit 2: Dear Forum Moderator..5907, I feel the urgency to notice you that after I edited my post, the actuall "S J W" word, which was censored by "kitten", was actually visible as "S J W" back again, after first edting my post. So I am hereby informing you that forum censorship is atm not working correctly, and I give you the permission to copy (but not move) my post ( to improve the functionality of this forum) to appropriate section of this forum , because I am not sure where i should post a bug about censorship scrit not working correctly.

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> @"Fish.2769" said:

> > @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> > > @"Lightning Xv.8705" said:

> >

> > > Might be a decent spot to get wvw players a little extra coin from time spent playing the mode.

> >

> > This is clearly why it hasn't happened yet. Being gold-poor seems to be an important element of the WvW players' identity, at least according to how ANet treats the game mode.


> If your poor playing WvW, your doing it wrong.


> ^ Says every SPvP and PvE main. :disappointed:


As a PvX player who does everything but Raid (don't really sPvP much though), I actually agree. Any time I see an "x-mode-only" player complaining about something, the answer usually ends up being "play y-mode as well". Almost as if the devs engineered GW2 by spreading rewards across multiple game modes.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:


> As a PvX player who does everything but Raid (don't really sPvP much though), I actually agree. Any time I see an "x-mode-only" player complaining about something, the answer usually ends up being "play y-mode as well". Almost as if the devs engineered GW2 by spreading rewards across multiple game modes.


I would agree with you here, but the engineering is too shoddy in this case to give ANet credit for "encouraging" cross-mode play. I, too, am a PvX player. The only thing I don't really do right now is ranked sPvP, because I found out I'm fundamentally insecure about it and let it get to me.


Doing sPvP only doesn't get you the most fabulous of rewards at the fastest of pace, but you get very nice rewards fairly quickly. PvE of course is fabulously rewarding. Players who want to be sPvP- or PvE-only can really pull it off 99% of the time, and have to set foot in WvW only occasionally for completely optional (i.e. legendary) resources.


The WvW-only player... yeah. I recently spent a goodly amount of time in WvW in (a now-aborted) attempt to get Conflux, and I made so little gold. In fact, probably could have lost gold easily had I been more engaged and less conscious of it. The reason a WvW player would need to try other modes is not for some niche-tier legendary mats, but for gold - the most fundamental resource for players in this game.


I refuse to recognize this situation as anything approaching praiseworthy "hey-try-other-game-modes" type design.



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> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:


> > As a PvX player who does everything but Raid (don't really sPvP much though), I actually agree. Any time I see an "x-mode-only" player complaining about something, the answer usually ends up being "play y-mode as well". Almost as if the devs engineered GW2 by spreading rewards across multiple game modes.


> I would agree with you here, but the engineering is too shoddy in this case to give ANet credit for "encouraging" cross-mode play. I, too, am a PvX player. The only thing I don't really do right now is ranked sPvP, because I found out I'm fundamentally insecure about it and let it get to me.


> Doing sPvP only doesn't get you the most fabulous of rewards at the fastest of pace, but you get very nice rewards fairly quickly. PvE of course is fabulously rewarding. Players who want to be sPvP- or PvE-only can really pull it off 99% of the time, and have to set foot in WvW only occasionally for completely optional (i.e. legendary) resources.


> The WvW-only player... yeah. I recently spent a goodly amount of time in WvW in (a now-aborted) attempt to get Conflux, and I made so little gold. In fact, probably could have lost gold easily had I been more engaged and less conscious of it. The reason a WvW player would need to try other modes is not for some niche-tier legendary mats, but for gold - the most fundamental resource for players in this game.


> I refuse to recognize this situation as anything approaching praiseworthy "hey-try-other-game-modes" type design.




Conflux is easy to get, just takes Skirmish track completion. Everything else you either get while maintaining the participation timer, or converting gems to gold.

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The only hangup on this idea is if someone trashes them accidentally. Vendor value is fine though, if the buyback option exists.


Would also be nice if grandmaster mark shard also were removed completely and replaced with grandmaster marks themselves, or at least made a wallet currency.

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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> The only hangup on this idea is if someone trashes them accidentally. Vendor value is fine though, if the buyback option exists.


> Would also be nice if grandmaster mark shard also were removed completely and replaced with grandmaster marks themselves, or at least made a wallet currency.


I second that. Give us a box of grandmaster marks at least once in the skirmish track rather than 3 shards, that or make shards drop more often.


> @"Deniara Devious.3948" said:

> **Give us at least possibility to store them in the material storage for free and also possibility to sell to emblems to vendors e.g. 50 silver per emblem.** That would have minimal effect on the gold income.


WvW needs more gold access, make it 1g a piece. PvE peeps won't inundate the mode for it, but it may increase the populations some more, and it would give better rewards for the people who feel the rewards aren't good enough.

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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> The only hangup on this idea is if someone trashes them accidentally.


This isn't even an issue. The achievements are infinitely repeatable and by now anyone who wanted to craft the ring would already have them. Any new player to wvw that wants to make it has a MINIMUM of 6-7 weeks of grinding for the skirm tickets assuming they can even cap out each week. In that time frame they will easily earn more of both items than they will ever require. Also seeing as they are exotic tier items to vendor them would require clicking them to sell not just pressing the sell junk option...all of which could be avoided by visiting your bank first and depositing them before vendor trashing other things.


> @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> WvW needs more gold access, make it 1g a piece. PvE peeps won't inundate the mode for it, but it may increase the populations some more, and it would give better rewards for the people who feel the rewards aren't good enough.


I don't know what people average per hour I think avenger the most I gained was 2. The Conqueror I have no idea but I doubt an hour is even enough to get 1. That value wouldn't be completely far fetched based on the time required.....I don't care if they give it 1c or 1g though I just want an easier way to rid my self of them since the acheivs are going to pile them on till the end of time.



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